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Asked me to cum in her mouth :o


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If she swallows, enjoy it while you can! It's a very hot act if she wants you that much, plus it turns them on if you make out heavily with them after they gulp down their reward.


I'll still say though, if her oral sex technique is great, whether she swallows or not won't be an issue because it'll be a powerful orgasm either way.

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Being dirty in bed should not have anything to do with whether a woman is perceives as a "good girl" or not. Eh, it is more fun to be dirty and find a guy who appreciates it and doesn't judge me for it. By the way, I consider myself a good girl.

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Being dirty in bed should not have anything to do with whether a woman is perceives as a "good girl" or not. Eh, it is more fun to be dirty and find a guy who appreciates it and doesn't judge me for it. By the way, I consider myself a good girl.


I think the best step is to stop seeing these acts as "dirty" at all. They're not. They're perfectly natural and normal and shouldn't be mentally associated with any sort of negative connotation.

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teabee got it right, including the wording and (non) attitude


agent got it wrong--how ya gonna cum in someone's mouth with a rubber on?


I can see her really wanting to please you and wanting to do something she doesn't like, and think it's great that you are being sensitive to that and caring enough to ask. But she might just like it--see what she says!

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Most men I know would NOT question it when a woman says that.


I, for one, I enjoy it. It turns ME on. Got nothing to do with him. I'm aware he finds it hot and sexy but I LOVE doing it.


You can be a 'nice girl' in the real world and be comfortable enough with someone in the bedroom to bring out that naughty girl. If you REALLY feel like you should question it just tell her she doesn't HAVE to do it if she doesn't want to and see what she says. Although I will say I have yet to meet a woman who asks for that who DOESN'T want it. Women will let you know if they don't want it or not.

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I don't think this has anything to do with whether or not she has trust issues or trying to hold you down.


Even if she seems like a nice girl, we also have a freaky side to us just as well.


I look really innocent, but when it's behind closed doors, you won't imagine all the things I tell my bf. Is it to please him? Sure, but I get pleasure in doing so too.


Nothing wrong with it, IMO.

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So i've been seeing this girl for 5 weeks. Have slept together 3 times.


The last time we were going at it & she said...


"I want u to cum in my mouth"


I've never been with a girl that has asked me this & tbh I was just wondering if this is normal behaviour for someone you've only been seeing a number of weeks?


She's a nice girl. She got hurt b4 as her ex cheated on her with her best friend. I know she really likes me, but I think she has trust issues.


I suspect (however wrong I may be) that this request was because she thinks this is what a guy wants to hear & by doing so she won't lose me.


Any opinions?


She's not a little baby for you to worry about her. She's an adult and if she said that she wanted it, then she does.

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I agree with your suspicions and strongly suggest having a heart-to-heart with her asking her if this is what she really wants in the bedroom or if she has other reasons for suggesting this sort of thing. Make sure she knows you don't tie her value to what she does for you in the bedroom.


Not that it's the most horrible thing in the world she wants to do this for you, but I'd say the majority of women don't really ask for that, especially early on, except in certain cases.



Or fine you can just enjoy it and if other issues surface later then you can deal with it.



I don't think its that deep....some women just like it, like myself.

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I agree with your suspicions and strongly suggest having a heart-to-heart with her asking her if this is what she really wants in the bedroom or if she has other reasons for suggesting this sort of thing. Make sure she knows you don't tie her value to what she does for you in the bedroom.

Oh, nonsense. My ex asked for the same thing in the first few weeks we were together ... because she thought it was sexy. She was young at the time (20), but she certainly knew how to have a good time. Thereafter, we'd do that spontaneously, either when she'd asked for it or when I just did it on my own (and she'd accommodate). Never a regret.


Don't discount the possibility that women can think for themselves and actualy know what they like.

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Oh, nonsense. My ex asked for the same thing in the first few weeks we were together ... because she thought it was sexy. She was young at the time (20), but she certainly knew how to have a good time. Thereafter, we'd do that spontaneously, either when she'd asked for it or when I just did it on my own (and she'd accommodate). Never a regret.


Don't discount the possibility that women can think for themselves and actualy know what they like.


"She got hurt b4 as her ex cheated on her with her best friend. I know she really likes me, but I think she has trust issues."


This is why I thought there might be something to it. The OP suspects trust issues. If he does, I think it's worthwhile to at least have a conversation about sexual expectations, even if she does find it sexy.


I am in no way saying she doesn't know how to think for herself or isn't a sexual creature, rather no man wants to think he's only getting something from a partner out of fear or because the partner feels they "have to." Better to get the psychological doubt out of the way so you can enjoy the sex rather than wonder.

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I really like doing that. I feel that if I'm having sex with a guy, then I'm going to have *great* sex with him, nasty, romantic, tender, aggressive all shades of sex. My current guy said that not many of his partners liked giving him oral sex. I was a bit worried that he judged me because I like doing that a lot, but he said he loved it.

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I really like doing that. I feel that if I'm having sex with a guy, then I'm going to have *great* sex with him, nasty, romantic, tender, aggressive all shades of sex. My current guy said that not many of his partners liked giving him oral sex. I was a bit worried that he judged me because I like doing that a lot, but he said he loved it.


My situation exactly as the same, just as the guy in your story rather than the women

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I don't think this has anything to do with whether or not she has trust issues or trying to hold you down.


Even if she seems like a nice girl, we also have a freaky side to us just as well.


I look really innocent, but when it's behind closed doors, you won't imagine all the things I tell my bf. Is it to please him? Sure, but I get pleasure in doing so too.


Nothing wrong with it, IMO.


My point is that even in posts like yours an assumption is being made that these sex acts are nasty/freaky/unclean/not nice/etc. They aren't. Don't even buy into this assumption. The attitude shouldn't be "Nasty sex acts are okay". The attitude should be "These sex acts aren't nasty; they're pleasurable and fun".

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I never liked a guy's cum in my mouth. I love giving head and I have received compliments on my skills ('you give the best head') ('do that thing you do so well') etc etc


But I NEVER liked the taste of a guy's cum or having to swallow it...


until I met this guy I really, really liked, and there was something about him and about me that made it seem right. It's not about finding 'the one' or whatever. I've been in love before yet I never wanted to swallow my exes' cum.


But with this guy, it was different. His cum wasn't gross - it tasted kind of good, actually! It didn't have that bleachy taste/smell and didn't make me feel like I had a sore throat when I swallowed it.


We're friends now, but when we were boinking, I used to LOVE giving him head and swallowing his cum.


And the fact that he enjoyed it made me love it even more.

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There tends to be an underlying assumption that women actually don't like sex. That they only have sex with people they trust, etc, and don't so much get off on the physical side of it.


I'm gay and I can honestly say that you would never, ever see the OP's question posed by a gay man on an advice forum. It really is a thought process born from a certain perception of female sexuality.


Thank you for that!


It's also a kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. In general, men think women who enjoy sex are somehow perverted, so women who enjoy sex have to pretend that they don't in order to be considered 'girlfriend material'. Younger, insecure women might think that they can keep a man by being as freaky as possible, but actually it's the opposite.


To the OP, I recommend you to believe what she says, and to be as accommodating as you want to be. That is, if the idea disgusts you, don't do it. If you love it, do it. If you are merely ambivalent, do it for her. Be open and honest before, during, and after the act. If you see that she doesn't like it, or that she is putting on a brave face for you, don't push the matter any further.


More than likely, the idea is just exciting for her! You won't know if it's good for her until you try it and ask her.

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I agree. The way women's sexuality is percieved makes me really angry. It makes sex way more complicated and less enjoyable for women AND men sometimes. I had a guy totally get creeped out because I swallowed. My ex thought less of me for swallowing and being sexual at all.


The good girl vs bad girl dichotomy is just sickening. Why is it so hard to accept that women desire and enjoy sex? Sometimes I detect this underlying notion that women have sex FOR men. For some women maybe that's true but most times it's not. You shouldn't even have to clarify that you're not promiscuous and are in a relationship. If you weren't it would still be totally fine that you are a sexual being that greatly enjoys sex.


To the OP:

There's nothing wrong with your GF because she wants you to cum in her mouth. Relax and go have fun with her. It's time to quit thinking of women in terms of nice girl or bad girl. People are way more complex than that.

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I agree. The way women's sexuality is percieved makes me really angry. It makes sex way more complicated and less enjoyable for women AND men sometimes. I had a guy totally get creeped out because I swallowed. My ex thought less of me for swallowing and being sexual at all.


The good girl vs bad girl dichotomy is just sickening. Why is it so hard to accept that women desire and enjoy sex? Sometimes I detect this underlying notion that women have sex FOR men. For some women maybe that's true but most times it's not. You shouldn't even have to clarify that you're not promiscuous and are in a relationship. If you weren't it would still be totally fine that you are a sexual being that greatly enjoys sex.


I think women should just be more careful on who they sleep with, maybe know them a little before doing the act? I would never sleep with someone who has such conservative views about what a good girl should do or not do. I was freakier than my exes and very open about my sexuality, but it never bothered them or made them think less of me, well, as far as I know anyway!


I also think that women should have more confidence and don't care to prove to guys that they are "good girls". For example, if you like a particular sexual act, you should just just be up front about it and don't be ashamed or embarrassed. If a guy gets scared by your sexuality, then it's just better to let him go than have him judge you. But I think guys would have more respect for a woman who is not ashamed of what she wants and expresses it freely than a woman who shows doubts and is afraid to express herself.

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Women shouldn't even have to worry about their sexuality being "bad". You're right that we should be able to up front about it and dump guys who are put off by it. I think that the ones who respect a women who's in touch with and thoroughly enjoys her sexuality aren't the ones who condemn women for it anyway. The hardcore "you're either a good girl or a slvt" types will still be freaked out.


I guess since I had a BF who was so uncomfortable with my sexuality I'm sensitive to this. There was actually a red flag concerning this early on with my ex. He said that if a girl wanted to have sex with him before a certain amount of time he would lose all respect for her and never talk to her again. Our conflicting views on things didn't stop there so i broke up with him after 6 months. Now f I see a guy exhibiting those sorts of beliefs early on he's gone.

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