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Everything posted by veneratio

  1. Today I miss you a little extra. There's a softness in my heart where there was hate, or instead of hate. And I just miss you. You as a person surprisingly. Before all of the complicated bs.
  2. The doc in charge of my medical clearance. Annoyed is an understatement.
  3. As was I, but I wasn't surprised. Good read, though.
  4. 2 months later..lol, yes it's definitely good. Hope you picked it up.
  5. What you did..everything you said..I just wanna ask you so bad.."are you effing serious?"
  6. I hate how I feel about you even after all that has happened. I guess that's why I was so afraid to let go of the anger, I knew what would come after I let it go. It isn't as strong as it was before, the missing you, but its presence is bothersome because I know it isn't mutual. I know you don't wish that you could tell me funny things you encounter and then realize that you can't. I can't tell you how my terrible A's surprisingly beat the Yanks 4-3, I know you would've taken joy in that as well. But you have someone else for that now.
  7. You know this is exactly why I wanted you to watch Fireproof, right? Kinda funny
  8. I miss you so much, and I wish I didn't. I wish to God I didn't. I'll be so glad when this passes. I keep thinking about the good times, how much I miss holding you, looking into your eyes. It hurts like hell. Wish I could distract myself.
  9. Just started Where Men Win Glory - John Krakauer
  10. stopped reading "I hope they serve beer in hell" and started "the naked and the dead". Good stuff so far.
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