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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Also I know you talked about weight watchers, I have some books on my iPad, I can give you pdf versions if you like of some books.

I have the following weight watchers books - link removed

link removed

link removed

link removed

and link removed


I have a bunch of other books but I'd have to go through them and find the titles because there are about 1200 books on my iPad at the moment, and there are many on health, exercise, yoga, food etc. I love food related books so, if you need anything I'm your girl

PM me if you want me to e-mail these to you.

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Also I know you talked about weight watchers, I have some books on my iPad, I can give you pdf versions if you like of some books.

I have the following weight watchers books - link removed

link removed

link removed

link removed

and link removed


I have a bunch of other books but I'd have to go through them and find the titles because there are about 1200 books on my iPad at the moment, and there are many on health, exercise, yoga, food etc. I love food related books so, if you need anything I'm your girl

PM me if you want me to e-mail these to you.



Oh petite, you are just a doll. Can I view those books even if I don't have an e-reader thingy? Sorry I know next to little about how that stuff works. LOL


So i'm still dieting, still walking although I didn't get to walk the last couple of days due to the rain. Haven't lost any more weight but I figured it was going to be like that until I get back in the gym. I was a member with Bally's but I see that LA Fitness has taken over so I called them and the guy is going to get everything transferred over for me so I can start going again. I suppose the good thing about the LA Fitness membership, the guy explained that it isn't a contract just month to month so I can cancel at anytime. That could be handy in the event I find another gym that I like.


I had a great weekend with friends, family, and Jesse. A bunch of us gathered on Sunday to watch the NFL games at a local restaurant. While everyone dined on huge burgers, I behaved myself and had a salad. Jesse came over for lunch on Monday, we had some Vietnamese soup and then I made a nice dinner. It was probably one of the most enjoyable days I've had with him in some time. Usually we are rushed for time or just too tired to really enjoy each others company but Monday was great. Hopefully we can get some more quality days in like that.

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Met, I'm attaching the books as I type this and sending to your Gmail account. As I mentioned in the 1st e-mail I have converted them to PDF files for you, so you should be able to just open and read on your computer. If by some chance you don't have Adobe PDF reader it can be downloaded for free. Let me know if you don't receive anything or if you're having problems opening them. There are five Books in total.

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Met, I'm attaching the books as I type this and sending to your Gmail account. As I mentioned in the 1st e-mail I have converted them to PDF files for you, so you should be able to just open and read on your computer. If by some chance you don't have Adobe PDF reader it can be downloaded for free. Let me know if you don't receive anything or if you're having problems opening them. There are five Books in total.


I'm getting email notifications as we speak. Thank you so much for the time and effort and your generousity. You are quite the gem.

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These sleeping issues of mine really bite. Some days I do ok with sleeping, not great but do-able. Other days though are a real struggle for me because I will get up at the crack of dawn and can't go back to sleep. Today was one of those days. Didn't get to bed last night until 12:30 and woke up at 6:40am. I decided to take advantage of my early morning and hit the lake at 7:30 for my 2 mile walk. At least I didn't try and talk myself into believing that I would be too tired. LOL I'm making progress. LOL


Did my grocery shopping this morning, hit a couple of stores and found some really good deals. Hey jigsup, if you read this I thought of you today. I was in the 99 cent only store and found some amazing stuff. Oscar Mayer turkey bacon (5 packages), Healthy Ones Lean ham and turkey sandwich meat (3 packages) Oscar Mayer Carving Board Turkey slices (2 packages) Large eggs (1 dozen). Usually they only have medium eggs. I thought I had won the lottery. LOL


Also did my food shopping for Superbowl. Intially Jesse and I were gonna go to Vegas like we typically do but he wanted to stay local this time so we are going to have a bbq at my place. Can't wait to grill up some yummy stuff.

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Holy crap, as I sit here with my tummy problems I started thinking about how for the past few days I have had indigestion, hunger like pain (is hunger a pain?), and just today, watery stools.(Sorry TMI). It just dawned on me that it really feels like another H Pylori infection. I have all the usual symptoms. I think I am gonna have to call my doctor in the morning if I am not feeling better and start treatment right away. Fingers crossed I feel better tomorrow.

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I really hope it's not a H Pylori infection, and if it is I hope and pray it's not as bad as you've experienced, because mine was milder than yours and it sucked big time, I can't imagine what agony you must have gone through.


Canada Dry Ginger Ale (regular) has 80 carbs, but it depends on the brand. Here is more info on which brand has how many calories link removed it's still got a lot of calories, nearly as much as Coca Cola and Pepsi, depending on the brand and they are all empty calories.

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I really hope it's not a H Pylori infection, and if it is I hope and pray it's not as bad as you've experienced, because mine was milder than yours and it sucked big time, I can't imagine what agony you must have gone through.


Canada Dry Ginger Ale (regular) has 80 carbs, but it depends on the brand. Here is more info on which brand has how many calories link removed it's still got a lot of calories, nearly as much as Coca Cola and Pepsi, depending on the brand and they are all empty calories.


Thank you. I did get the Canada Dry 1 liter bottle but I have barely put a dent in it. I took a few sips, felt it burning on the way down and didn't want any more.


I do suffer greatly with these infections. Granted the first few were the worst, those were the ones where I had to be in the hospital. Over the years they have decreased in severity but they are still very painful for me. Hopefully if I get to see my doctor tomorrow, I am going to ask him to submit the request to my insurance company for a referral to see a GI doctor.

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I hope you feel better! What about Coca Cola syrup? I know that was used to settle stomachs. Do they even still sell it?


Never even seen the stuff. I thought that is what they used for pregnant women when they are doing their fasting sugars or whatever it's called. (It's been a while since I have been pregnant.


Well I called my doctor and he's not in today. The nurse asked me to call her back at 9:30 because she said she was the only person there and had a patient in the room. So I'm thinking either the other doctor will have to see me or perhaps someone can page my doctor and he could call the meds into the pharmacy because I am not going to spend the weekend suffering. I have to work all weekend, the last thing I want to do is sit in my office praying for a quick death because that would be better than suffering the pain of this bacterial infection.


Didn't sleep well, although I expected it. I was tossing and turning, I would doze off only to wake up again within minutes. Really uncomfortable today and No I am not walking anywhere. LOL

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Our medical system in this country sucks in these types of situations. If your regular doctor isn't in. you often have to have all of your records sent to the new guy and that can take a couple of days. We really need to do better in this area. I don't believe in socialized medicine, I have seen what people in Canada pay in taxes for this, no thanks. Still, we need to improve the system we have in place.

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Since my doctor is on vacation I was able to see the other doctor. He gave me 3 prescriptions, 2 different antibiotics and an acid reducing medicine. He put the referral in for me to see a GI doctor and I have a lab slip to do a stool antigen test and a Urea breath test. I have always done the blood and the stool but never the breath test. Can't wait to see how it goes. Hopefully the lab does walk-ins on Saturday, if not then I will have to go on Monday.


I feel like crap right now.

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I tried one of those Activia yogurt cups yesterday because I was hungry and not sure what I should eat and let me tell you, that didn't go over well. Apparently probiotic yogurt and a tummy with h pylori don't mix. LOL A few hours later, I had some soup broth with some rice noodles and that stayed put. Later in the evening I had 2 baked taquitos, no salsa and no quacamole, just the taquitos which were chicken. Those stayed put too.


This morning I grabbed some oatmeal from McDonald's, I don't seem to feel really hungry though. I'm eating because I have a bunch of pills that I need to take and don't want to take them on an empty stomach. It would end up being an angry stomach if I did that.

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Getting up at 4:30am is so not my cup of tea anymore. LOL I'm working OT today, actually worked OT yesterday as well. I'm going to have to get my OT on special projects now because they finally brought someone in to cover the other girls position. The upside to this is I will now have time to go to the gym in the morning prior to coming to work. Now I just need to get through this little setback.


I bought a cute little red MP3 player the other day. It even has a little clip so I can clip it to my clothes and not worry about it falling out of my pocket when I am walking or working out. Now if I can drag my son away from his girlfriend long enough to put my music on it, I'll be good to go.

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lol, glad to hear you'll be hitting the gym again Mamma!


Apparently the person that was supposed to be covering the other girls shift was only going to be here one week and the other person they wanted to send hasn't even been trained in this area of the job so it looks like at least for now, I will be back to working 12 hour shifts and not going to the gym.


Not feeling so hot today. Yesterday was really bad, I had a bland lunch just as the doctor ordered and not only did my stomach not tolerate it, I had horrible waves of pain last night. They were so bad I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up some Tylenol with codeine.


Breakfast this morning was tolerated but I still have bouts of pain. I'm eating some bland chicken and mash potatoes right now and have my stomach meds ready just in case I have a repeat of last night. This really hasn't been my week at all.

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