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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I don't hate all sports - football (er, our soccer, L's football) I can get into because I played soccer when I was a younger. But American football? Nope. I hated it even when I was in marching band. I can never find the ball, I can never keep up with the ball, and they stop every 5 seconds it seems. I don't like American football but I LOVE American football movies (go figure, ha!).

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Awww Jigsup, we definitely have to get together next football season for some football, food, and banter. LOL I was never really into sports until I started dating Jesse and then I became hooked. Football first, basketball 2nd. I'm really not a fan of baseball but will watch it with Jesse. My son is turning me onto soccer so that has been fun to watch.


Superbowl at my house went fairly well except sometime in the morning, the disc in my back went out of whack again and I found myself at the doctors office the next day. So in addition to my ongoing stomach issues, my back is jacked up and the doctor has taken me off work for one week. I saw the GI yesterday and I'm waiting for an appointment to get an endoscopy with biopsy so they can take a peek and see what is going on in this poor stomach of mine. I have never felt more sick. I have my appointment for the MRI for my back tomorrow and then I see the back specialist next week. Looking for some kind of relief, really any kind of relief because I'm really sick and tired of being sick and tired. (and sore). Needless to say everything in terms of losing weight and walking are on hold until the doctors can figure out what to do with me. Some days I want to throw in the towel because honestly, how much do I really need to deal with at one time? Other days I want to continue to fight because I am not a quitter.

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Metro, I'd love to get together over some football. I'm a big Steelers fan from way back, but the Seahawks are one of my favorites, too. What part of SoCal do you live in. I live near the San Gabriel Mountains. Right near the foothills, really. You mentioned Legg Lake. I know where that is! Do you live near there? Football rocks!!!


I hope you feel better real soon! I'm usually pretty healthy and I am soooo thankful for that! Hang in there, we are all pulling for you!

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Metro, I'd love to get together over some football. I'm a big Steelers fan from way back, but the Seahawks are one of my favorites, too. What part of SoCal do you live in. I live near the San Gabriel Mountains. Right near the foothills, really. You mentioned Legg Lake. I know where that is! Do you live near there? Football rocks!!!


I hope you feel better real soon! I'm usually pretty healthy and I am soooo thankful for that! Hang in there, we are all pulling for you!


I live in South El Monte, definitely close enough to find a sports bar and enjoy a game.


I'll tell you. for the most part I have always been really healthy. No blood pressure issues, no diabetes, nothing. The stomach thing hopefully will be addressed soon and today I am getting the MRI for my back. I will be back to normal soon, I'm not giving up. I want to be healthy and happy, I won't settle for anything less.

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Having trouble sleeping (isn't that a surprise ? ) so I thought I would just give a quick update on everything. Still haven't returned to work, I will see the back specialist today. I'm hoping he will have the results of my MRI that I had done last friday. Still dealing with the stomach issues, it's on again and off again. Some days are good, others not so good. Right now as I type this I feel this fullness in my stomach but I haven't eaten in hours.


Haven't been walking, waiting to make sure I have a few good days before I take on that task again. I can feel the weight creeping back on which means I will need to work just a little harder to get if back off again. It's like an ugly vicous cycle, I make progress and then something always happens to set me back. Oh well, just have to take everything a day at a time.


How about some exciting news?? My son proposed to his girlfriend at midnite on Valentines Day and she said yes! He called me crying and was saying how happy he was that she said yes and then she got on the phone with me and she was crying and she thanked me for raising such a good son. Awwww. That really made my day. Other than that, nothing is going on. Sigh.....

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Hi everyone...


Saw the specialist today, I got to see the MRI images of my back. So cool! I could actually see where the disc is bulging out. The report states there is a large bulge although my doctor doesn't feel it's as large as the report indicates. Right now the plan is for me to go to physical therapy twice a week for six weeks to see if that helps. He said I can always get an epidural for pain if I need it and that I should take some anti-inflammitory medication in addition to the pain killers and muscle relaxers. Surgery would be the absolute last resort. He did tell me that although I experience sudden inflammation episodes that it's important for me to continue to move around to promote healing. I've been trying to move around, I make sure to walk around, I take the dog out for mini walks. That's a funny thing to watch, I'm walking like an old lady and my dog can hardly walk due to his bad hips. We make quite the pair.


I'm going to go back to work tomorrow. I shudder at the thought of how much money I have missed out on from not working OT. My son's tuition is due next month for school and I still need to have some things repaired on the car. I have been stresssed out but today as I was driving I was really deep in thought and I remember thinking "metro, you have been through much worse in life and have always come out on top and you will come out on top again". All of this, everything that I am going through is for a purpose. There are lessons to be learned or something to be gained from all of this. I will accept whatever comes my way as a blessing because I know it's going to make me a stronger person for it.

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Well mama has taken an ambien for her insomnia, a tylenol 3 and a muscle relaxer and Im still wide awake and in pain. I actually want to eat something but it is almost 1am and Im not trying to eat this late. Not only would it sit in my body as fat, I would have the worst acid reflux. Nope, not eating. I will lay here all night and watch tv but I am not eating.

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It's my first day back at work and I see nothing has changed. Not sure why I thought someone would actually do some work while I was out considering they were getting paid 36 dollars a hour to cover my spot but whatever. There is just about two weeks worth of work sitting on two different desks so I told the manager that since no one wanted to work around here, I will come in on overtime and do it. Now he has to pay me that money. LOL


I brought my heating pad to work but it's not helping too much. I brought lunch today and boy o boy was it fantastic. The great thing about being off work for almost two weeks, I was able to do some cooking which made my son and mother incredibly happy. Today I had a breaded chicken breast, collard greens, and stroganoff noodles. I feel content at the moment.

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I’m sorry you’re not feeling well mama. You work so hard, I’d take it away if I could. I’ll gladly cover your spot and do REAL work LOL.


"metro, you have been through much worse in life and have always come out on top and you will come out on top again”.


Even though I am only 26, I feel blessed that I can recognize the value in this phrase, and I say it often!

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I’m sorry you’re not feeling well mama. You work so hard, I’d take it away if I could. I’ll gladly cover your spot and do REAL work LOL.


"metro, you have been through much worse in life and have always come out on top and you will come out on top again”.


Even though I am only 26, I feel blessed that I can recognize the value in this phrase, and I say it often!


Thanks hon. I'll just keep moving one day at a time. I won't feel like this forever, things will turn around and months from now when I go back and read the different pages in my journal I can say to myself "yep you handled it well and came out on top". These are just minor setbacks, I'll be back to my old self soon enough.

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and those moments of “I came through it, I did it,” make it all worth it because you learned, and you grew.


With this new job I am absolutely feeling all of the hard work and stress and worry of the past few years melt away and it feels SO GOOD.


Isn't that a wonderful feeling?

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Personally, I'd rather not go through the down times, no matter HOW strong it makes me. Just sayin'. Many years ago I told someone, "I'll get through this, tough times never last forever." They answered, "Neither do good times." I have been a born-again pessimist since then. Really. Of course I'll get through things, is there any other choice? But, I know there will always be more "things" in the future. Sorry, didn't mean to be a downer, it's just been one of those days.

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Personally, I'd rather not go through the down times, no matter HOW strong it makes me. Just sayin'. Many years ago I told someone, "I'll get through this, tough times never last forever." They answered, "Neither do good times." I have been a born-again pessimist since then. Really. Of course I'll get through things, is there any other choice? But, I know there will always be more "things" in the future. Sorry, didn't mean to be a downer, it's just been one of those days.


No worries dear. I have 'those kind of days' frequently so it seems, but I am just gonna keep on fighting the good fight. Hope your day gets better hon.

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I could actually see where the disc is bulging out. The report states there is a large bulge although my doctor doesn't feel it's as large as the report indicates. Right now the plan is for me to go to physical therapy twice a week for six weeks to see if that helps. He said I can always get an epidural for pain if I need it and that I should take some anti-inflammitory medication in addition to the pain killers and muscle relaxers. Surgery would be the absolute last resort


I'm sorry to hear this. I really hope you can avoid surgery. I would be bummed out about having to make time for therapy 2 times a week too. When you work and take care of a family you are always on the go, and finding the time for things like that is stressful in and of itself. But you have to put you first.


Sorry your coworkers were tools while you were away. grrr

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I'm sorry to hear this. I really hope you can avoid surgery. I would be bummed out about having to make time for therapy 2 times a week too. When you work and take care of a family you are always on the go, and finding the time for things like that is stressful in and of itself. But you have to put you first.


Sorry your coworkers were tools while you were away. grrr


Yeah I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea of physical therapy twice a week but if it will help so that I'm not suffering from these flareups then it's worth the time and effort.


My coworkers suck. All the work they left is still sitting on two desks. I'm not touching it until Sunday when it is officially OT for me. I shouldn't complain, they actually did me a favor, I'm going to make decent money from their laziness. LOL

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  • 4 months later...

I hadn't been journaling much as I really didn't have much to talk about. Well I suppose I could have written something, anything but who wants to read just anything? LOL


So what has been going on with Mama Met you wonder? Well Mama is back at it, working hard to shed the weight. I was doing fairly well earlier in the year but terrible bouts of Gastritis made it difficult for me to stick to anykind of diet or exercise regime. It's better now but I still get flareups so I just take the good with the bad and try to work through all of it.


Thus far I have lost 6lbs. I power walk on my lunch break at night anywhere from 2-4 miles depending on how I feel. Yesterday I went for a hike in Griffith Park which really gave me a workout. I didn't quite make it to the top but will try again next week. As long as I am not working any OT on Sunday's I will make it a habit to hit the hiking trail and build up my endurance. My eating has actually been really good and there isn't much that I crave except for Cheetos but I haven't caved yet. LOL


Jesse also put on a good amount of weight and didn't seem to interested in losing any himself until the renal nurse told him that he won't be able to receive a transplant if he is too heavy so I put him back on a diet and the weight is coming down. He doesn't like it, oh well too bad. I don't like it either but I'm doing him for him so he has to do it for him as well.


Missed everyone of my followers here and I promise I will frequent my journal more often.

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Glad to hear that you're back and doing well! You'll be amazed how you can motivate people around you once you start losing weight. I'm glad you're taking a firm hand with Jesse. Sometimes they need that. It took me to overhaul our diet for my husband to start dropping weight as well.

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