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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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See now you have a goal... Remember what you used to tell me??? Baby steps mama, baby steps.


I know. I think I'm going to try to get a walk in before my 11 am shift tomorrow!


I wouldn't mind being slimmed down for Sherry's wedding either


I want to have a nice back LOL. Strange? Yes.




Not strange at ALL! I want a nice back too. No back fat, just a nice, slim, curvy backside.


haha, you are too cute.. Maybe one day I can say I'm slimming down for my own wedding.


That will be a wedding I'd drive cross country (again!) for! *fingers crossed*

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Ugh, I feel like crap today. I didn't sleep well last night, I was tossing and turning couldn't really get settled to sleep. I guess I did sleep a little bit but I was up at the crack of dawn again. My stomach was hurting, typical I know. I ran some errands this morning, did some grocery shopping and was still feeling bad.


Left for work and my car started acting up. It started shaking at stops and seemed like it wanted to stall out. I knew something was going on with that car, I told my son a few weeks ago that I felt like something wasn't quite right with the acceleration and I know the gas mileage was lousy at best lately. So thankfully my son is a mechanic and he will be checking her over today.


I don't feel like exercising today or anything else. I really don't even want to be here at work. I'm tempted to take a vacation day tomorrow or Saturday and just do something for me.

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I can't sleep either, and it is so awful in the mornings. I basically feel sick until lunchtime.


I hope your car holds out! Mine is acting funny too and I am praying to it to stay alive for a couple more years I'm sure your son will her it back in tip top shape in no time


You should definitely take a vacation day. You work so hard at everything you do. Take a break

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I had a nice talk with my friend Jimmy, the one that recieved the kidney transplant. I called him at the hospital and to my surprise he was just waiting for his discharge papers! He just had the transplant on Sunday and he is already going home. The kidney was a perfect match, so it's working wonderfully. He said that he hasn't gotten used to the feeling of having to urinate so much as he hasn't urinated for the longest time. His donor was a 49 year old female that passed away from head trauma. She died at the same hospital where he had the transplant so there was no wait time other than for him to get there and pre op labs etc. He made me cry when he thanked me for my continued support over the years. He said that my words of encouragement and my scolding him when he drank Pepsi's (when he knew he wasn't supposed to) meant a lot to him and his wife and he will always be thankful for our friendship. He wished me luck on my weight loss journey and told me Jesse is very lucky to have me in his life. Man Im tearing up just writing this out.


He made me forget about how just crappy I was feeling. God bless you Jimmy, you finally did it hon!

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That is so super sweet! You are def. a strong and supportive woman Mama, even to me you have given your support. I think you should take a vacation day, you need to take some time for yourself, especialy if you aren't feeling well.


I've always been curious. Is it up to the donor (donor's family) if it's an open or closed donation? Or are they all closed?

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That is so super sweet! You are def. a strong and supportive woman Mama, even to me you have given your support. I think you should take a vacation day, you need to take some time for yourself, especialy if you aren't feeling well.


I've always been curious. Is it up to the donor (donor's family) if it's an open or closed donation? Or are they all closed?


Honestly I'm not sure how it works. I do know that the organ procurement team will share info but I'm not sure they will give out total details unless both families or at least the donors family wants to have the information shared. Naturally if Jesse were to get a cadaver kidney before I could give him one, I would want to know everything about the donor and be able to thank the family properly.


My friend's son was murdered some years back, she opted to have his organs donated. She's never met or spoke to any of the families that recieved the organs. She didn't get much information other than her son's heart went to a boy the same age. I don't know if she has ever asked for any specific information or if she would even get it pending notification of the families of course.


Another lady that I met online recieved a pancreas/kidney transplant. Her donor was a young lady named Laura. She did meet Laura's family. She continues to write lovely tributes to Laura and her family online.


Then I met another lady online who's husband was also waiting for a pancreas/kidney transplant. He was only on the list for a year before the call came in that organs had been found. His transplant was a news story in the Bay area as his donor was a victim of a homicide. Poor guy was just walking home and someone shot him. His family immediately agreed to donate his organs so that is how they knew who their donor was.

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So many awesome people in this world. I think I would want anyone who gets my organs to have all the information they can get. Of course it would be up to L/the kids on whether THEY wanted contact with the family who got my organs. I remember reading a story about how the heart of a little girl who was murdered went to a little boy and the mother of hte daughter met the boy and his mother. She said she felt like her daughter was still there with her.

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Dammit.... my car is going to be out of commission for a few days. My son will have to take out part of the engine to fix the problem. (That is just the problem that he has found so far). So I'm busing it to and from work for the next two days, okay not an issue but I'm really stressed out that I won't be able to see Jesse until late in the day on Sunday. Usually on our day together, since he is still connected to the dialysis machine, I would typically just go to his house and hang out with him until it was time for him to disconnect from the machine and then we would proceed with our date. Our dates don't usually get started until 4:00pm because of the machine so the extra little time together is nice for us until we can get out and enjoy ourselves.


The stress of not knowing how much work has to been done to the car or how much all the parts are going to cost was stressful enough, already being sick with a gastritis episode and not sleeping well for 2 days and not exercising yesterday or today has really just put me in a funk. I didn't want to exercise because I didn't feel good, the stress from everything is causing so much acid production in my stomach, my stomach feels like a fire pit. Rinse and repeat.


I need a spa day......

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I just converted some more music for my MP3 player. YAY I was so bored with the same old music day after day. I'm going to wait until it cools down a bit and then go walking. It is is ridiculously humid outside, there is no way I would even try to walk right now.


Hoping my plateau ends soon. I have been at this same weight for 1 week. So frustrating when you want the numbers to drop and they just sit there day after day, the same. I shouldn't complain though, at least I haven't gained.

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My son is a miracle worker. He got my car running smoothly, still wants to make some more adjustments on Sunday and check everything with the fuel system. He saved me tons of money and I am so thankful he chose to be a mechanic. LOL


Excellent timing on the car repairs as I had to take my daughter to the ER tonite. She fell in her house earlier in the day and landed right on her rear end. She was finding it difficult to walk so I took her as a precautionary. The doctor said she has a bad contusion but didn't think anything was fractured or broken. They gave her a shot with pain meds and sent her home. So it's 1:30 in the morning and I'm waiting for my sleeping pill to kick in so I can get some much needed sleep. I doubt I will be up early enough to walk so I will just save that for my lunch hour at work tomorrow night.


Good night all.

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HA! I didn't quite get up early enough to walk. In fact I didn't wake up until 12:15 this afternoon! It felt so good to sleep in, I was in dire need of sleep. My son was watching my tv and I asked him, how come you didn't wake me up sooner so I could get ready for work? His response.... "because you were sleeping". LOL Showered and got dressed, picked up a yummy chicken breast salad and made it to work.


Feeling blessed today.

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Tonites walk yielded 5532 steps on the pedometer so roughly 2.5 miles I presume. I'm feeling pretty good and my knee isn't giving me any issues (knock on wood) so if all goes well, I should be on a hike at 6am tomorrow. My daughter was going to accompany me but since she injured herself yesterday she won't be going. My son asked if he could join me though because he needs to lose some weight for a wedding he is attending in September. Well he needs to lose weight period, he's packed on the lbs since he started dating his girlfriend 2 years ago so it will be him and I.


Not sure if I mentioned that I have hit a plateau.

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I was able to hike this morning and not only did I hike, but I made it up to the top of the mountain. I took my pedomoter and it was only 2 miles up but it's all incline. Then you add the 2 miles coming back down, presto a 4 mile hike. My son and I are gonna do it a few more times before I graduate to bigger trails.


It was supposed to be our date day but Jesse wasn't feeling well so he just stayed home in bed. He didn't even want to eat. So I figured I have been doing so well with working out and eating healthy I decided I wanted a small cheat day today. I brought home a pizza, it's called The Fresca. Olive oil, skim milk mozzerella cheese, spinach, tomatoe and garlic. I didnt feel too bad because I don't think it was completely loaded with calories.


It will probably be an early night for me, taking Jesse to the kidney doctor in the morning for his monthly appointment. I will be so glad when all of this stuff is over and done with. I just have to keep working hard to get him his kidney.

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That is awesome on the hike! When L is here in October I may look into if there are any hiking trails near us.


It's really nice to be outdoors, I bet you and L will love it.



So I'm still hanging in at 189 lbs. So frustrating, I have been at this weight for a little more than a week now. I hate hate HATE plateaus. Hopefully a zumba class tonite will give that weight a kick in the pants. lol

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There were only 8 of us in the Zumba class. It wasn't quite what I expected, I guess because I have seen some different youtube videos and I was certainly expecting more people and more dancing but I still enjoyed it and I broke out in a big sweat.


I definitely have to wrap my knee though, that crazy broad had us jumping around. LOL

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I need some perspective because I'm not sure if I am in the wrong if my daughter over reacted. Here is the story.......


Initially my daughter and I were going to do the Zumba class together. We had it planned since last week when we came upon the class while walking to the park. Well a couple of days later, she took a nasty fall and injured her back. Actually, she bruised her tailbone making walking and generally moving around quite painful. Today I dropped off my grandbabies and she saw that my sons gf was in the car with me. She asked me if she was going to Zumba with me and I said yes and she proceeded to make a snide comment and walked away from me. This later led to a heated argument between us. She said she was hurt, (that I hurt her feelings) because Zumba was something that she and I were going to do together. I didn't feel it was a big deal that I went with my son's gf because my daughter wouldn't have been able to participate anyway because of her back injury. I didn't feel like I needed to wait to start Zumba because honestly I don't know how long she will need to recuperate from this injury and Im really just trying to do anything and everything I can to get this weight off.


Was I wrong, was she?

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She was most def. wrong. While it sucks she hurt her tailbone, you going with your son's GF while she's out of commission is not a war crime. I would simply tell her you didn't want to go alone and didn't want to push back starting Zumba until she (your daughter) was recovered because you are adament about getting this weight off to do the tests for Jesse.

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She was most def. wrong. While it sucks she hurt her tailbone, you going with your son's GF while she's out of commission is not a war crime. I would simply tell her you didn't want to go alone and didn't want to push back starting Zumba until she (your daughter) was recovered because you are adament about getting this weight off to do the tests for Jesse.


Thanks OG. She and I are still not speaking, other than a text I got from her asking about a coupon I have for Old Navy. The whole episode has clearly affected me as people are coming into my office to ask if I am okay because I am so quiet today. I wanted to post of facebook about my zumba class but decided against it because I didn't want her to make a nasty comments and have everything turn into a war publicly.

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