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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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The numbers on the scale are still dropping! Whew.... I was feeling a little down last night because I didn't walk like I had planned. I worked first shift yesterday (OT) and went directly to Jesse's house after work. I wanted to walk at 8:00pm just to keep with the schedule I had been doing but I was so exhausted from working 1st shift, I couldn't muster the energy to walk. I did weigh myself this morning though and it showed that I am still losing weight so that is great.


I will make up for it tonite when I walk on my lunch hour. My son's girlfriend bought me a pedometer yesterday, so I am really anxious to try it out tonite!


Planning another hike this Sunday. As long as I am not working any OT on Sundays, I will hike instead of just sitting at home. My dates with Jesse don't typically start until 4pm because he is hooked up to the dialysis machine until 3 so that gives me ample time to hike for a few hours. Eventually I will have to return to the gym to achieve the weight loss I really want/need but for right now as long as I stay active, I think I will be okay.

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My supervisor at work asked me if he could walk with me starting next week. Hooray, the more the merrier I say!


I thought I had my pain relieving cream in my backpack, I wanted to put some on my knee before I start walking tonite but I don't have it. My knee is a little sore (actually more behind the knee) but not so much that I can't walk. I guess I will just slow the pace down tonite so I don't injure it.

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Well last night's walk was a bust. My knee was hurting, I was limping and all I could think about was how much I hated walking at that very moment. I went home last night and put some stinky cream (tylenol precise cream) on my knee and slept with a heating pad on. I felt much better today, so I decided to kick it up a bit. Just did a 4 mile power walk and I feel fabulous!


Did really good with my eating today. Actually I have been doing really good with my eating all week. There were two separate bbq's going on at work tonite and both groups invited me to eat with them but I declined. I had my Subway today and some yogurt and I was quite content with that and not interested in cheating on my diet. I'm really proud of myself, I haven't had will power like this in a very long time. (Just don't eat Cheetos in front of me, I may cave). LOL

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I went for a walk on the beach today, and in the water on the way back after the tide came on. Definitely felt my bum getting toned!



Awww nice! I would love to walk on the beach, that is a great workout trying to keep pace in the sand. I have to drive about 30 miles to get to the nearest beach which isn't bad, traffic just sucks in that part of town.

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Good morning everyone. For not getting a lot of sleep, I actually feel really good today. I'm doing my typical OT in addition to my regular shift so it's another 12 1/2 hour day in the office but I can't complain.


Looking forward to my weekend off, hoping to spend some quality time with Jesse. I was just looking at the Groupon offers in my email. They have a whale watching cruise for two for 45dollars. I did one of these cruises years ago and I loved it. I would like to take him but don't know if he would get sick on a boat. Would you surprise your loved one with something like that or would you ask them if it is something they would be interested in?

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Unless it was something I knew 100% he loved, I'd ask if they'd be interested in. Like I know L has said before he doesn't like cruises but he likes going on boats, so I'd ask. If I was doing anything with planes I know I could never go wrong!


Well I guess I will ask him and see what he says. I suspect he won't want to go because he doesn't like trying new things.

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Now that would get on my nerves. Maybe it's the Aries in me but I love to try new things.


It does get on my nerves but I what can I do? I can't force him to want to do new things. I'll bring it up later when we chat again, I totally forgot to mention it earlier when he and I were talking because he was going on about work stuff.

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Jesse and I have a friend named Jimmy that was also in kidney failure. He has actually been on the transplant list for 6 1/2 years and this morning he got the call that a kidney had been located for him. He will go into surgery at 2:00pm today. God bless his donor family for their gift of life. May God keep them strong during this difficult time.

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Every time I see OG by you I think of original gangster.


It's something I feel strongly about, always have. I won't be buried, I fully believe in helping those left after me.


OG, original gangster...... that was a funny convo we had about that huh?


My friend is still in surgery. Nothing but positive wishes going his way. I have also prayed a lot for the donor family as well.


I guess all the emotions from everything today came flooding out and I just became even more determined to work even harder to lose this weight so I can start the testing process for Jesse. I'm so close, it's crazy. When I spoke to the person at the hospital they told me they would start the testing when I reached 185 lbs. I weighed in yesterday at 189. I'm so close I can taste it but I'm becoming impatient which is stupid because I think I am doing good. I wish I could just wake up tomorrow and be 170 lbs and ready to donate. Grrrrr

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The jacked up knee is giving me issues again. Grrrr.... I could only walk 1.5 miles today because the stupid thing started hurting again. Naturally I forgot my stinky cream at home and I'm still at work. Can't wait to get out of here, go home and medicate my knee and put the heating pad on it. I want to be okay in the morning for my hike. I have been looking forward to this hike all week.

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I'm still at it, not as hard as I would like but at least I'm staying active. I walked 2.5 miles last night at work, I would have like to have done at least another mile but I started feeling that familiar twitch in my knee so I just stopped.


For some reason I couldn't sleep last night, insomnia is a cruel thing for sure. I finally got sick of just staring at the cieling so I got dressed and worked out at 5:30 this morning at a park near my house. They have a padded walking trail and there is some exercise equipment built into the park grounds. Sure comes in handy when one hasn't reactivated their gym membership. I did another 2.5 miles this morning.


Nothing much going on with the weight loss. Still at 189 but I think it didn't change much because of those two days that I was sidelined. My supervisor at work said he was bringing his sneakers today because he wants to walk with me. Hooray, a walking partner!

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That's sweet. Thank you. I seem to remember a time when you were my inspiration. You can do it. Heck if I can do it, you can do it!


Awww! I'm going to give a good go. I want to be under 200 lbs. by the time we go back to the beach, and I wouldn't mind be slimmed down for Sherry's wedding next year!

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Awww! I'm going to give a good go. I want to be under 200 lbs. by the time we go back to the beach, and I wouldn't mind be slimmed down for Sherry's wedding next year!


See now you have a goal... Remember what you used to tell me??? Baby steps mama, baby steps.

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