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What makes a woman think they can choose an alcoholic womanizer over a man who cares genuinely, then try to cry to the man who actually cares when she gets screwed over and used, (knowing full on about the feelings the non-pos had for her).


Don't get me wrong; if she isn't attracted to him she just isn't, but it is an insult that does not need to be added to the injury.



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life is all about choices. she has the right to choose to date whomeever she wants. of course, people make bad decisions as well, but those are theirs to make.


I know this. I am referring to the fact that after she illustrated I am inferior, She played on an assumption that i would be there because of my feelings for her. That in my opinion is one of the many definitions of "using".

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That's a bit of a generalisation sweetie, some women are selfish, some men are just as bad.


Until I come accross a reason to believe otherwise, i will continue to generalize. After all, stereotyping is why humans are alive today.

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She sees you as boring.

She wants the party guy first because he is happening.


You on the other hand are not to her.....but.

You have a kind heart.

Which is what she wants when she falls so she can heal and go back to the womanizing men who she admires again for another round.


Nice guys get treated like this often because they are generally boring in the way they don't like to tell the World they are all that.

They are generally not wanted by women who rely on men for action and adventure which they can't create by their own brain.


I hope you find someone who deserves your attention and care.

Not one who uses you as the fall guy until she has healed.

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She sees you as boring.

She wants the party guy first because he is happening.


You on the other hand are not to her.....but.

You have a kind heart.

Which is what she wants when she falls so she can heal and go back to the womanizing men who she admires again for another round.


Nice guys get treated like this often because they are generally boring in the way they don't like to tell the World they are all that.

They are generally not wanted by women who rely on men for action and adventure which they can't create by their own brain.


I hope you find someone who deserves your attention and care.

Not one who uses you as the fall guy until she has healed.


Believe me, i made it known that I was not going to stand for it. Its happened too me too many times from various women.

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I don't know if it's a growing trend or not.....but there has been talk about young females 18-22 sometimes older, wanting the fun guy who gets drunk, party's up a lot, acts like he is the hottest thing, doesn't give a damn and doesn't want commitment because he has other women in his black book and she knows that there are other women who want him.


I'm sorry you are facing this time and time again.


You are 21 and the women you are around just want who is in and happening by the sounds of things.


It's the way it is over here....maybe it is where you are situated too.

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What makes a woman think they can choose an alcoholic womanizer over a man who cares genuinely, then try to cry to the man who actually cares when she gets screwed over and used, (knowing full on about the feelings the non-pos had for her).


Don't get me wrong; if she isn't attracted to him she just isn't, but it is an insult that does not need to be added to the injury.




All women have the right to choose whoever they want to be with, and a man has a right to refuse her when she comes back.

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I dont think that such actions would make a woman or women selfish. The situation can be explained quite simply. She was attracted to a guy that she wanted to be with and it didnt work out, and then went back to another guy (who cares for her) because she wants to be comforted.


I think that if the guy didnt want to get used then he was free to see the situation for what it was and realize that she doesnt want the guy that cares for her (for whatever reason) instead she wanted the other guy.

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Meh. I'll admit, I have met and even became one of the stupid young girls. I have to be honest, though... The whole nice guy mentality thing just makes me mad. I mean... A guy acts nice towards me, but is only nice to me for two things; Sex or a relationship. It's just so unnatural and it feels like somebody's pressuring me and that I "owe" them my body or whatever to him just because he happens to pick up my pencil when I accidentally drop it.


There is hope, though. Women don't like bad men... They like confident men who doesn't take crap. They like the middle guy... The guy who can be nice until someone crosses him and then he stands up for himself. The guy who can give a girl he likes advices about the guy she's crying over, but doesn't let her emotionally leech off of him.


It may seem like women like these "horrible" men, but realistically; Number one, girls 18-25 are immature and don't know what they want since they don't have much life experiences, and number two, whose to say that guys can't be as bad as they are? I have known men who will bow down at the feet of women who are utterly horrible human beings but are "forgiven" because of their beauties. Come on now.

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This is something that happens a lot. But remember that you always have choices. She has the right to date any guy that she wants. That is her choice. In the same way you have the right to not remain friends with her or at least not be willing to hear her bf problems. That is your choice.

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So if everything equals c then it doesn't pay to discriminate between a and b.


I hope you discover the unselfish women in this world. They are out there. Problem is, they're often tied up hoping their selfish men will change.


What would draw an unselfish woman to a selfish man to make them want to change?


Vertigo is right.

There are men who go will pitifully beg forgiveness if there selfish GF is attractive.


Regardless if the selfish GF was in the wrong in the first place.


The BF ends up being in a place where the GF feels they can do whatever they want no matter how hurtful it is emotionally.

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What would draw an unselfish woman to a selfish man to make them want to change?


The hope that their (the woman's) love might transform them (the man), combined with having so much invested in being told "I love you, you're my whole world" enough times. There are a lot of young women who feel the price for being loved by a man who needs them in some way is worth taking the gamble that he might actually change all his selfish ways. And many little phony promises and faux "concessions" by him along the way keep that delusion alive.


And a lot of women are also convinced they deserve nothing better, so this guy's a prize to even have to begin with.


The BF ends up being in a place where the GF feels they can do whatever they want no matter how hurtful it is emotionally.


No doubt. But this is something that happens equally frequently with genders reversed. It's just very nonspecific, is the point.


And any person who finds themself in a situation where they have become so disrespected that another person can walk all over them is one word: HAD.


When you've been had, you'd better figure out how you got there. Chances are, you walked there as a willing victim somewhere along the way.

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So if everything equals c then it doesn't pay to discriminate between a and b.


I hope you discover the unselfish women in this world. They are out there. Problem is, they're often tied up hoping their selfish men will change.


I am straight, therefore selfish men do not concern me in that manner, so i don't really care.

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All women have the right to choose whoever they want to be with, and a man has a right to refuse her when she comes back.


and i say again, im not bashing her for her choosing someone over me. im angry at how this person with there obvious faults was chosen over me, but im all of a sudden good enough to comfort her in her time of need when the person who is apparently better than me screws her over. its down right insulting.

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If you don't like it when girls come crying to you, stop being available to them.


It is really is that simple. If you're so mad about it then stop putting up with it.


They only do it because you are apparently their friend, even if they know you feel differently, and are therefore treating you like a friend and going to you for comfort. If you don't like it then stop being friends with girls you want more from.

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