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what i mean by total stranger is she stopped speaking to me on the basis in which we had been for many months, and her demeanor around me was as if i was a pest. perhaps stranger was the wrong word. she started treating me more like a neutral aquaintence.


trust me i have no desire to persue this woman after this.


You need to realize that being friends with a woman that rejected you is a bad idea. A platonic friendship is almost impossible after you have been rejected.


Walk away from this woman as soon as possible. Do not be friends with her.

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You need to realize that being friends with a woman that rejected you is a bad idea. A platonic friendship is almost impossible after you have been rejected.


Walk away from this woman as soon as possible. Do not be friends with her.


yeah, pretty much. unless you work together or have some other sort of reason why you must stay in touch with her. it's usually just not a great idea unless you are totally over them.

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It's typical human behavior. You have two people that are interested in you, but you're only attracted to one of them. You pursue the one you're attracted to and then that person burns you. You remember you had Person B as an option and think that maybe you've successfully put them on the backburner and can turn to them for comfort. To your credit, you did not let this happen. This is because you have a backbone.


This is going to happen occasionally. People are selfish and suck. Women are people. Therefore, they are selfish and suck. Unfortunately, I am attracted to them. I've tried viewing all of them as if they have leprosy and are covered in vomit, and that seems to work for me man.

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It's typical human behavior. You have two people that are interested in you, but you're only attracted to one of them. You pursue the one you're attracted to and then that person burns you. You remember you had Person B as an option and think that maybe you've successfully put them on the backburner and can turn to them for comfort. To your credit, you did not let this happen. This is because you have a backbone.


This is going to happen occasionally. People are selfish and suck. Women are people. Therefore, they are selfish and suck. Unfortunately, I am attracted to them. I've tried viewing all of them as if they have leprosy and are covered in vomit, and that seems to work for me man.


I have to say that most women would not bother with the guy they rejected let alone keep him as a friend and use him for emotional support. Most women do not do this. There are some women that do this and I have noticed that they are usually the ones that are insecure.

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I have to say that most women would not bother with the guy they rejected let alone keep him as a friend and use him for emotional support. Most women do not do this. There are some women that do this and I have noticed that they are usually the ones that are insecure.


That's interesting because I have to say that most people I've been around have done this. It's happened to me three times, and like the OP my response to it was something along the lines of "haha, are you fn kidding me?" "Oh yeah, that PTH guy was ok, maybe I can cry on his shoulder." No, you can't.


I think that's just an anecdotal thing, though. Opinions on the matter are going to vary with personal experiences, but I have witnessed many guys and many women do this.

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That's interesting because I have to say that most people I've been around have done this. It's happened to me three times, and like the OP my response to it was something along the lines of "haha, are you fn kidding me?" "Oh yeah, that PTH guy was ok, maybe I can cry on his shoulder." No, you can't.


I think that's just an anecdotal thing, though. Opinions on the matter are going to vary with personal experiences, but I have witnessed many guys and many women do this.


You are right about opinions depending on personal experiences. I spoke from my experience. To me it does make sense because I cannot see why a woman that is secure about herself would need the affections and support of a guy she rejected. IF she rejected him as a romantic partner but loved him dearly as a friend then that is ok. But that was not the case with the OP. His friend is hot and cold with him depending on whether she has a man or not.

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