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I hate that after you've told me multiple times how you didn't love me that way anymore, that you weren't attracted to me, That you found yourself staying with me out of guilt and not out of desire, that you did not see me being in the future with you, I still have a difficult time accepting that. I cannot remove you from my mind.


I know it was an unhealthy relationship and quite frankly, I don't need that in my life anymore. I don't know why i can't get you out of my mind.


I know you genuinely want to be friends, i know you want to still "hang out" and just go through life together as friends but i can't do that. I want something more from you that can evolve to something more meaningful and you do not want that from me. You told me so yourself you're over us, and i should believe you. I don't know why i can't get you out of my mind.


I know you're probably seeing someone else right now. someone you met immediately after we broke up. It can very well be a rebound, or he might even the "One". But you said so yourself, you found him attractive and in the same breath you said you didn't find me so yourself. Its a big blow to my ego and it was very disrespectful how you had him walk you home to our house, granted we were broken up already. It was still crass and i thought that was very low, even when you added him on FB for all our friends to see. I know i'm better than him, in every aspect. i probably even treated you better than he will ever treat you, but you're too consumed by your worries that you can't see that yourself. you need to commit your own mistakes and I can't do anything but watch you suffer and muck things up. I care about you so much but I can't live your life for you. I don't ever want to know what happened or is happening between you and him. But I still can't get you out of my mind.


I hate the fact i asked you so many times how to improve us. How to make us better, but you always said you didn't know. Sounds to me now that you probably actually meant "you didn't care". I tried with what i had and you didn't reach out. Now i'm left with this feeling that if we actually tried we couldve made it. But your hesitance and your doubts ultimately won and we ended up the way we are now. We are broken up. Nothing more than two people who had a chance at something but failed, simply because we didn't try. And you couldn't see that. you said you felt guilty for loving me less than I do for you. I still couldnt see that it was your way of telling me "i don't love you anymore". I was too blind, even up to now and that sad thing is, I still can't get you out of my mind.


I want to call you, text you and act like nothings changed. That we are "cool". But in reality, we're not. we're broken. We went on a bad path and didn't know how to get out of it. I wish our time apart heals me, heals us and someday soon we can start anew. But till then in my rational mind, i can't be friends with you. I can't be around you when you destroy or rebuild your life.I can't be around you when you start seeing anyone. I can't be around you wanting something completely different from what you want for yourself. you think i've moved on, but in reality, i havent. I've moved on to a better part of my life, but still have the desire to include you in it. But i know we can't. It's not good for either of us. I just wish i was a more positive influence in your life. I still love you the same way, despite all this negativity.

I still can't get you out of my mind.

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You left me. You up and left me and told me you don't love me anymore. You want to go away to grad school and want nothing to do with me.

I spent 3 years of college holding out for you when I had many, many stable interested girls I could have dated but I was loyal to you. I sacrificed so much those years because I thought we'd have a better life together now. I encouraged you to go to sweden for 3 months to take care of your mother. When I needed you, you couldn't even spend 150 dollars to come home a week early to help me move your stuff from your existing apartment, clean it, and and then move into our new apartment. I paid all the bills, I gave you my car, I bought you a computer for christmas since you needed one, and things were great, at least in my mind, until about the week leading up to our break-up. You ran away every night to be with your friends, your mom, your sister. You were extremely defensive when I confronted you about keeping the house tidy. You didn't want to spend quality time with me. You went out on a sunday night when I had work and didn't come home even when you told me you'd have just one drink with friends and be back. I stayed up until 1am worrying about you. I did the world for you, and you threw it all back in my face because you want to go away and felt trapped and tied down.

So you threw the ring at me and went and got piss ass drunk with your freaking psycho ass friend. I apologized and asked that we talk the next day and do something together and you agreed.

Then, you waltz into the apartment at 2pm, sick and hungover and white as a ghost and you broke up with me. I deserve better than that. You never drink that much, and you went ahead and did that to me. That hurt.

Its been 4 weeks now and you don't have enough respect to have all your stuff out of my apartment that I pay for. You tell me you have work, you're unpacking, you are taking care of your parents....Well, I see on facebook you are going clubbing and meeting up with your friends. You are so full of * * * * I can smell your stink from here. Get out! I defriended you because I am tired of your crap! Grow up and move on, I have!

Here's a nickel's worth of free advice, The grass isn't always greener on the other side. I was very good to you and the problems we had were normal. I was willing to talk it out and compromise and you were not. You can go ahead and live single and free, but quickly you will learn that life takes money, and it wears you down. I've been there, I've moved on from that life. You couldn't pay me rent, what makes you think you can do it on your own and have this fun-filled lifestyle? Oh wait, I know, you'll go have dinner with Daddy and he'll give you a few grand because he's got no back bone. What a great European attitude, kids spending their parent money until they are 30 and mooching off the government after that. Growing up is hard, and I laid the foundation for us to not worry about money, to take small vacations together, and to get married! I saved 20% of my paycheck every week so that we could get married in a year, and you contributed nothing! Well, now you are going to learn just how hard it is, and good luck getting student loans without any credit. I would have cosigned for you! I would have moved somewhere with you! I didn't want to, but if it was truly that important to you, then I would have done that for you because I love you! You just didn't know how to go about asking me and discussing this with me without your defenses up.

I am better off without you. You are going to end up with someone without my stable qualities one day and they are going to break your heart! You think you want a free spirited person in your life, well I'll tell you this right now, that person will freak when YOU finally want to settle down and they'll leave your ass just like you left mine.

And you gave me herpes. Thanks a lot. I sure hope you let your next boyfriend know, they may not be as understanding as I am when they hear it. Now I have a permanent reminder of you that I need to explain to every new person I meet.

Don't call me for my help. You'll be preaching to the choir. I hate to say it, but I'll be the one that says, I told you so.

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I miss you so much, I cant stand it..after 6 years you just left without notice and only a 3 line letter, I tryed 100 times contacting you today. I am nowstill at 3 am.awanted to call you. I can not believe the hurt I feel. But as of today I will be doing a no contact with you, good luck I hope you find what you were looking for..

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I haven't heard your voice in almost a month. Monday will be 4 weeks- Its crazy to me. I almost forgot what your voice sounds like. I want SO bad to hear it, to hear you say you love me. To laugh with you like we used to. I miss having you in my life so much Mikey.


I should never have answered your text last week though. It set me back. I don't know what you expected to accomplish by texting me. Did you want friendship? To easy your conciounce? Or for me to boost your ego and show I was still waiting on you like a sad pathetic little puppy? I was cold I know that- I had to be. I had to act like I was over things, like I didn't care. Truth is I care SO much. I'm so far from over things- but I wasn't about to make myself look like a fool again like I did last month when I went and saw you. I looked like a pathetic looser- I laid it ALL out for you- my feelings, how much I loved you, missed you, wanted us. And you pretty much spit in my face. Watched me cry with no emotion. I wanted SO badly to tell you all of that again, that I loved you, wanted you- wanted us- missed you- but I wasn't going to make myself a fool again. So I said I was great- that I wished you all the best. LIES LIES LIES.


And then I did something SO dumb. I contacted you days later. Saying I was sorry for being abrupt last week. It took me days to figure out a text to send that would make me look strong, not TOO pathetic, but just caring enough. I don't know WHAT I was thinking. And then your text back. It KILLED me!! 'I'm really messed up, and probably shouldn't say this but I love you no matter what.' WHY?????? WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT????? GOD!! You don't want me- don't want us- YOU SHOULDN'T GET TO SAY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! And me like a fool saying it back to you. Really Robin?? You kept saying how messed up you are- full of pain and hate. Hate for your family, your living situation- I know that. And I know I've caused you pain too- made you cold like this. I want the old Mikey back. The one I fell in love with I want him back SO badly you have NO IDEA!!


The one who had light in his eyes.

Who smiled when he looked at me

Who I could ALWAYS make better with just a few words and an 'I love you'

The sweet caring guy who would look at me like I was his world.


I MISS THAT GUY! I saw a light in you under everything. I KNEW you! You put up this tough guy exterior for everyone- like you didn't care. But I saw beyond that, you let me in, and I saw your walls fall down. I honestly feel like I was the only one in the world who saw the real you. And I saw so much potential in you, potential that even you didn't see. But now- I can't see beyond that wall anymore and i kills me.


I want my boo back


I'm such a fool.

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I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!!!! I was feeling down enough tonight, why on earth did I go through my email and look for old covos I saved of ours??? I found one back from Nov 09 when we first started talking again. Every night. And how sweet you were- you told me how much you liked me, wanted to spend time with me- you said all these amazing heart warming things that made me MELT. Now my heart breaks thinking of you telling some new girl these same things


I remember how strong my feelings were for you even then- before we officially got together at the end of December. How you gave me butterflies even then- after only like a week of talking to you again. HOW DID WE GO SO WRONG???? I would give anything in the world to get that feeling back- to go back to those days! My heart broke reading this convo.


And earlier I went on my AIM names- I haven't been on there in AGES. And I realized I still had you as a contact on there from friggin 2006!!!! I haven't looked at your name on there in YEARS! That was when we FIRST became friends back in 05/06- that seems like a LIFETIME ago!!!!! And I saw your last status update from a few months ago 'Deleting people I don't know on here' it makes me wonder who you talk to on there these days- what girls you chat with, flirt with. That thought KILLS ME SO MUCH!!!!!!


I just miss us so much tonight!!! And everything I do is only making me miss us more!!

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So I went to apartment yesterday and all your crap was still in the living room....Its been 4 weeks and still, you can't even move your stuff out of the apartment. You told me you were there last night to move some stuff...Well, I am pretty sure that NOTHING was touched when I went there just now so you are a big ass liar. You are probably out caring on with your psycho ass friend. You have no respect for my space at all.

I hate how I dream about you, and the dream just confuses me. I dreamed of our reconciliation where you seemingly still loved me, we kissed, and we started to talk. You were still very confused, but you kissed me and held me and we took a nap together. I HATE THIS. I dont want to have these dreams, it puts me right back where I was at square one. What's worse is that there is nothing I can do about my sub-conscious.

When I confronted you about the move and not communicating with me you told me that I was the one that needed space....Well, not moving your crap isnt giving me space. I promise as soon as all your stuff is gone I am taking my time to not talk to you at all. Then maybe I'll start to get over it and you'll start to see that I am not providing you any emotional support until you are ready to come clean and work it out. Otherwise, its adios muchacho.

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Ah, my ex. She really gave me a hard hit that I still feel to this day, maybe I wasn't good enough for her? No. That's not the truth at all, she does not deserve me. Wasn't I the one who was always there for you when you needed it most? Didn't I help you get through double shifts at work, take you home from work, take you out to dinner, the movies, buy you gifts, make you laugh, brighten your day? But wait... when I honestly stop to think about it, you did absolutely nothing for me. When were you spontaneous, cute, surprising or at least helpful? You weren't.


I remember when you first told me you loved me, I told you I loved you back, but that's the past now, and you have someone else. Not someone better, not someone that has more worth than what we had, just some loser that you seem to see so much in, right? You were never worth any of my time, I regret treating you so well all the time just to get this ache in my stomach and watch you with this "amazing" new guy. I will never allow you to control my feelings and emotions again, you are selfish.


You just prove to me that your immature and have no idea what a steady relationship is like, your just like every other girl. I thought you were original, different, cared more about me then that to just drop me. Well I have some news for you, I'm moving on, without you.


I am not immature and I will not accept second hand treatment, from anyone.


Your not worth my time, I'm better then that and you'll never make me feel less of myself again.

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I miss the way you called me darling. I want you back. But I refuse to give in to that. I won't. It's over. I thought we had so much potential but what use is it to spend energy and give attention to someone who does not receive it in a positive way. It's no use at all. Why can't I let you go?

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I lied to you....


I told you I was ready to talk whenever you are. You said the same. I need more time. More time to let you go and more time to let you miss me. I know exactly what you are going to tell me, and I am not ready for that yet. I still want it to work, but you need to move out....Its very important to me that we cut all ties for a while and let the smoke clear. When I let it all go, then we can talk. But for now, I am going to read my books, workout, and catch up on what makes me, me.


I beat you out of the apartment, by the way. Notice how all my things are moved out and yours still remain. I think that this should send you a powerful message, I mean business.

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At last, the last nail has been hammered into the coffin. I suppose there will never be a good time to do it. Tomorrow will now just be another day like it has been for me before we met. I am okay will that. I just can't stop crying. I don't know this person in the occupying the body of the man I love and I don't want to know you until he is gone. I loved you with a whole heart and loved you hard. I loved you through thick and thin, life, death and down to your last dollar, only to be shut out. Never unfaithful or unkind, I helped your rise up from that last dollar and I leave knowing and you knowing, that I did nothing wrong except stay far too long. I did things no one in a relationship did for you before me. I love you. I hate you. I hate myself, but I love myself most of all and will not contact you until I am feeling better. I cannot, will not be your friend, not now. I don't care how much you need it or I need it or how much you miss me or I miss you or how guilty you feel. There will be no reprieve for your loneliness and pain as there is none for mine. You make me feel guilty and scared in loving you and I resent this. I will only be mean and cruel so I have to stay away and I hope you will to if you have any mercy for me. If you love me please don't text me call me or email me please. Please continue to ignore me as you have for the last 6 months. I will leave you to your damaged self and pray you get better after I pray for myself. I don't know who or what I will be when this is all over. I hope I am still myself but better. I still believe in love, I just don't believe in you.

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dear x,


It's been a few months now. Just want to let you know I am over you, but I am not over what you did to me. I still think you owe me an apology. I hope deep down inside you realize what you did was wrong. You should feel sorry. How can you just leave it at that? Don't even apologize? Well I hope your next girlfriend does to you what you did to me. Then you will know what it feels like. Whatever, you lost me forever. I am glad we don't stay in contact anymore, you are not good enough to even be a friend or acquantence to me. And no girl you ever date will be as good as me. I was the only person in your life to actually be nice to you and treat you good. Now im gone forever. You'll be sorry.

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Talked to a close friend today. I think I am starting to fall for her, a little confused right now....She told me wonderful things, very encouraging. She knows me so well, and is so loving to me right now.


"She isn't the same. She isn't the person I know. I think her (psycho friend) has had a bad influence on her. She played the blame game, you deserve better than that."


Thank you! You are so right. When I do talk to my ex, I am going to make one thing very very clear.


I want to reconcile the relationship. I need you to bend a little if you value what we had.


If this is something you cannot do, there will be no friendship...I am not going to allow you to feel better about what you did, while still being able to run around free and see other guys while I am hopelessly waiting for you to change your mind. I am not going to offer you my safety net of emotional support while you are chasing other crushes and ultimately * * * * ing other guys. The thought of you with another man makes me sick, and therefore I want no part of your life if this is what you chose. If you really and truly want this, then it is over...everything is over. Maybe not for forever, but for the foreseeable future I will not talk to you for years, many years. My God I don't think you understand this. Well, when we talk I guess we will find out. Our "talk" is months away anyways, maybe before then you'll get the hint, I am not a doormat. I deserve respect, unlike what you have done for me thus far with your * * * * STILL IN MY * * * * ING APARTMENT!!!! GROW UP AND MOVE ON SO I CAN GET OVER YOU!!!

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I believed every empty promise you ever made for years. I believed you when you said I was the love of your life and you'd never give up on me. I believed you when you said you were the last man I'd ever make love to. I believed you when you said you were going to stop lying to me and doing drugs and laying a hand on me. I believed it all because I believed in love. It was all I believed in. And you took that from me. And I'll never forgive you for that.

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SO, you failed yet again to get your * * * * out of my apartment....What a big surprise!!! Tomorrow huh? Now you are renting a truck huh? Well, if you did this form the start we'd be done wouldn't we? I even left the money for you to do this and you ignored it? I know you too well....ha I am going to buy a lot of lap dances with our wedding money....You are a terrible, terrible person.

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Happy Valentines day love. I know that as bad as I feel I am sure you feel a thousand times worse. Well I hope so you should. I expect no cards flowers or communication. The pain is palpable but bearable. I will not change. I know the right man is ou there for me and he will not suffer loving me as I have loving you. So go on hide behind your work, selfish old man, go on feeling sorry for yourself. I won't any longer. I want to live! I want to take tango lessons, dance, laufgh and love and not be squelched. Who wants to join me!?

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hmmmm so you break up with me over fakebook and text, because i did what you do regularly (double standards)....least you know how it feels. mabes you may learn from that. but posting our private affairs on fb grabbing sympathy and making me out to be a witch when we have mutual friends and your family on there, family i have met, well, is a dealbreaker for me. there was no need to do that....


i have asked for space to heal, seeing as you broke up with me, yet you have asked me to be friends and call you and not text you, but you text me every single day, hoping im doing ok (i aint gunna kill meself so dont worry bout that) This is getting confusing and its not fair.


you text me today happy v day and hope im ok *kiss* ...well yeah....so i decided i would try do that talk. and whadda ya know...you have a touch of flu and could i ring you in cpl of days or so?


hows about i jus dont bother?? i got touch of flu too, and aint stopping me trying to get stuff sorted out, but while i went in immediate NIC, think i'll jus go for that full on NC and get over you fast


and your post bout getting a valentines card was lame...either you were lying, trying to get me jealous, you got an admirer, or theres some sick cow out there trying to cause trouble between us....either scenario, im better off out of it


ooo....and btw....my ex clicked we were an item and he said to tell you youre a very lucky guy cos im quite a lady. he also wants to be friends, but i said i would have to see how you feel as you and your feelings come first (even tho we had spat) ...oh the irony.

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