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feeling sad about it tonight. breaking NC never helps either... i'll be okay though. like i keep telling all of my friends who are going through hard times, "you deserve so much more than he was able to give you. you should be happy with yourself 100% of the time." so hard for me, because i felt happy with YOU 100% of the time. just need to back down from that mentality. i need to make the most out of the next two weeks, i don't know what it is about that time limit. i guess just a small goal i'm setting for myself. before you know it, it will be november, five months since the break up and I really want to be okay.

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How can you be so heartless - not just the song. I have been a prisoner in my own mind for the past 5 months, while you have moved on and lived your life. Was I dreaming, or did you cry the last time we were together? Did you not hold me tight? The last time I saw you makes this all so hard to understand, babe. We held each other for hours before I had to leave. It was us at our best. Not two weeks later, we were done...how could you do that to us? How?? I'm not sure I'll ever understand.


I'm having a hard time understanding that you can just move in with another man a few months after the most serious relationship of your life ended. Did I not matter to you? I hope one day you contact me and try to explain yourself, because until then, I'm not sure I'll be able to understand exactly what happened. This is such a shame.

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there are so many things i wish i could tell you. So many things i did tell u. I dont know how you can just toss me out of your life after being friends for almost 8 years and dating for nearly 4. I know i screwed up at times...i wasnt perfect, but i never cheated, never lied to you. i wasnt perfect. I tried, maybe not hard enough at times. Im so sorry. I just wish u missed me...wish u gave me a second chance...i loved you so much, why not give it a try? what do you have to lose?


Its so weird that even as i write this i tear up...its been almost 3 months and i miss u the same everyday. NC for almost 3 weeks...im on day 20. i wish u would call, give me a second chance...i still have that ring i was gonna give to you this year on our 4 year anniversary. u knew i was gonna ask u to marry me...y run away from that? Come back love.

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Why do you keep looking at me? Why do you always smile at me and say Hi?

Why are you being friendly with me after all what you did?

You think I could forget it all this way? Stop dreaming of that! I'm literally hurt! Look it up!

If you are acting this way just out of guilt or sympathy please stop it. I don't want nothing from you! Just go away...


I still love you though... I MISS YOU H. I miss you...

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I was doing fine for the last week. Then you invaded my mind this morning. What the hell? I'm sure this was because I was thinking about how good I was doing yesterday. Too much confidence on my part, perhaps? Well, this will not set me back. I've gotten this far without and I can go further. Day 10. I will make it to day 11. And the day after. And the day after that. I am slowly but surely healing.

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You know what's ridiculous? L and I went to Vegas this past weekend, just to let loose a little and to de-stress as much as possible, and YOU were on my mind a good portion of the time. When L and I were cruising the strip, I wished you were there with your arm around me. When I was getting dolled up to go to the clubs, I wished you were getting ready alongside me. When I was dancing with some guy, who was kissing me and kissing my shoulders and dancing really close, I closed my eyes and imagined it was you (even if you can't dance).


In a way, I'm glad we never went to Vegas together even though I talked about it. One less city that's tainted for me.


You've been invading my dreams lately, too. We always end up back together but then I wake up and realize I'm still single.


Four months later and I still want you back, but you're starting to fade from my memory.

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I cant begin to tell you the hope, effort, time and stupid amounts of energy I have put into us. I feel utterly destroyed and feel like you have only been using me these past months to help yourself get over us. And yet, i still want to see you.

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I miss you. Really badly. I just want to be holding your hand again and I want to run back into your arms and feel safe again, but I can't. If I run back to you, it means you win and I really am just there for you to use when she doesn't want to know. I miss everything we used to be and how people used to say we were like an old married couple- now people say that about C and I and it doesn't feel right. Oh god I miss you so much.

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Having a really bad time lately. The only thing that keeps me going through the days is knowing no matter what, we`re done for good, there is nothing to erase the past and make me forget the things you`ve done, so its useless to even think about you. It will probably take a little longer than I expected. How can I still miss you after everything that happened?

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Love, I'm gonna get my life back on track. I'm going to use that pain productively. I plan on doing some volunteering since I'm taking a break from school. I can't handle school right now. This semester break is doing me good. I still hear your voice in my head, see you in my mind looking at me with your gorgeous expressive eyes that spoke of love.

It's hard to get that out of my mind. Everything about you. Everything.

You made me look at love in a completely new way. You made the 4 letter word mean sth to me. You made me realise how beautiful and selfless it could be. You made me realise how strong of an emotion it really was, that it could TRULY overcome great odds. T, I love you. You have changed me so much, more than you'll ever know. You have made me realise what true love really is. It's not an emotion. It's a willingness to do anything, for the other person. It's patient, it's forgiving, and it really does linger long afterwards.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

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You lied to me, treated me like crap, and disrespected me. I am the last person that deserved that! you are on a ego trip right now, but lets see how high and mighty you feel when the brick wall falls, and your little bimbo's are no longer around (yes, eventually they will get sick of you believe it or not) Karma is a b***h. What goes around comes around. You don't see it now, but one day you will. One day, when you realize these skanks don't care about you at all. I know right now you dont care about all that, but one day, you will and you will clearly see that you screwed up big time.


Have a nice life dbag!!

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When I met you, I was finally coming to terms with myself again. I was finally being thekid again. I was cool, calm, and confident. You ate it up and I got all caught up in you. You are absolutely gorgeous and everything that I ever wanted. You have so many flaws and problems, but that's totally alright with me. Naturally, I love to take care of people. I'm learning not to smother. I'm learning to let go.


We haven't spoken in a week now and it's felt like the longest week of my life. I have pushed you away and I just hurt now. I'm just waiting for the day when you reappear because I feel it in the air. I know that we are supposed to be together. I know a little bit of patience now will go a long-way for the future.


There's nothing I can do. I can't make you come back. I can't make you feel anything. I can't make you feel like you want to marry me all over again. I just can't do anything about it and it is literaly the worst feeling in the world...

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My goal: In 50 days my life will change for the better.


I will smile with my eyes

Laugh with my heart

and really know deep inside that everything has changed for the better.

I will have direction

I will meet somebody decent

and I will be on the path towards a blindingly bright future.




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i'm doing alright without you in my life

i was a little worried at how well i was actually doing

then you invaded my mind this morning

as if to put me in my place and tell me i'm not okay

but i won't let you hold me down

i won't let this hold me down

not today


i've gotten this far and i'm not going back

i'm pushing forward

i'm letting my wounds heal

a few set backs here and a couple tears cried there

but i continue to pick up the pieces of my life

and if i open the wounds because i get weak

i will allow myself to heal again


this will not win over me

because i am far stronger than this

my mind will not get the best of me

my worse case scenario is just my active imagination


what i don't know really cannot hurt me

so i will stay away and live my life

the best possible way that i can

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(Manic - that post was just what i needed tonight. Thank you. !!!!)


Michael - I had a lousy date tonight - it made me miss you, and I hate that. I want so badly to connect with you again, and I wish you had never called me 2 weeks ago. Yep, you have turned me into a crazy woman....

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