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Everything posted by Snowy

  1. Today has been very sad... I was doing well and you were pretty much out of my mind until today. I miss you and the quarrel with my father is making me rather depressed. With every week gone by, that's one more week nearer til we don't see each other every Saturday. I'm looking forwards to that time, but it's a scary thought (although it wouldn't be so scary when it actually happens) that you will actually be out of my life. I feel pathetic as I write this because you've moved on long ago. I can't believe I haven't completely gotten over you yet. I wish you happiness with your boyfriend, and myself to move on with haste.
  2. It's safe to say I don't love you. But something I realized just then: if anything reminded me of you, it would be the smell of your perfume. When I think about that, you're really all about vanity and external appearance. That was probably the only reason I liked you.
  3. Don't ever regret decisions of the past. It is so pointless. Good luck on your healing.
  4. You're like public transport. you literally let anyone who wants a ride on.
  5. Alright. Good things first. This morning, I think felt for a moment that I've truly moved on. It felt like how things were before I met you - that you are not part of my life. I have a feeling that today is the sprout of a new chapter in my life. Anyway, as much as I want to criticize your character, I actually don't feel the need to do so. The anger is gone. I feel towards you like how I would feel towards anyone else. You got another boyfriend. He seems better than the previous one. Now, can't you just stay with him and be a good girl? I find it funny how you're still telling me about your dreams. And that comment you posted on Facebook......one guy is enough for you? B1tch please. Only people who don't actually know you would believe that. e.g. your current boyfriend. Poor guy has no idea who he's dating.
  6. I wonder if I'd ever be able to forget what day it is on the 15th of May.
  7. I can't wait until the day we're out of each other's lives. It's a scary thought, but I know it will be for the best - at least for me, it will be.
  8. Wow.... I just counted the months, and I just realized that we've been broken up for 7 months... It really actually feels more like 3 - 4 months. Why haven't I let go already?
  9. I'm not sure why you're ignoring me. Hope you're not missing me as much as I miss you. I've got pretty much no one in my life to talk to now. Just sitting home all day soaking up the sadness by myself. But, I know I'm going to make it.
  10. My life sucks at the moment, but the fact that I'm not really missing you is probably the only thing that's keeping me sane. Hope you're going well.
  11. Guys, don't cave in. I had the worst night 6 days ago. I really really really wanted to contact my ex, but I held off the temptation. Now I'm feeling as good as ever. Hang in there. Time will heal everything.
  12. Why did you think I don't trust you? It's because you do crap like that.
  13. Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap. Shouldn't have held your hand today.
  14. Your heart doesn't beat for anyone but you. Always remember that.
  15. Okay...what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I caving in? I keep reminding myself the reason for our break up but it really isn't working tonight. I thought I was over you, but that Facebook status you posted tonight really rocked me.... I want to tell you I'm sorry. I want to tell you I miss you. I want to tell you I love you. But...after all that you've put me through; do you deserve an apology? Do you deserve my thoughts? Do you deserve my love? All I know is to run away from you. Far away. Because I know I would be hurt, over and over again. I hope my will power is strong enough to fight this urge.
  16. You said you think about me when it rains. Well, let me tell you - I think about you rain, hail or shine; though with indifference.
  17. Lol @ your "friend's" Facebook statuses. This is why I don't bother with you, or him. You two are perfect for each other. Enjoy
  18. It's funny how I used to think we're meant to be together, in a good way. Now I think that we are meant to be together, but to torture both of us.
  19. Hugs to everyone who will be spending valentines day this year with a broken heart.
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