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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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It's been a while hasn't it? How is your new job going? I hope well... I wanted to let you know that today was my ten year anniversary for the company that we met at. It's a nice feeling of accomplishment.. but it made me think of how you've made so many life changing decisions in the last eight or so months. I hope for little "h" 's sake, you start to see things through for things in general.. and not give up. My birthday is in a little over three weeks.. I don't expect to hear from you at all, but today I've started to feel anxious about it. I'll be happy when it is past, that is for sure.


Take care,



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I'm at Home Depot. The one by my place. I pulled in and remembered that here is where I first taught you how to drive. You looked so cute in the driver seat. And so excited when you had moved the car for the first time. I remember the pic I took of you so vividly.


Ironically enough, there is a car in the same lot learning to drive. Her instructor was clearly guiding her on where to go and she looked so scared.


Times like that make me miss you. But then my head kicks in and reminds me that it was all a facade.

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I didn't want us to break up, but I eventually did it for you. You made me look like I was the bad guy in the relationship. So be it. I hope this breakup you wanted has given EVERYTHING that you wanted. Dating other people, having options, going clubbing, getting laid, girls, girls, and tons of girls.


Only an intelligent person would figure that "you don't know what you got until it's gone" before letting things slip. I guess that makes you an idiot for not realizing that.


Please do not come back to me and try to win me back because I'm going to be the best you never had. I like being the best.



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Heard you weren't coping well with the break up, and have been sick and lost weight...


Take good care of yourself hun. Be sure to sleep well.. Don't stay up every night like always, your body is precious... Don't damage it any further.


I love you. Too bad I can't tell u all this forreal. =(

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I want to make a miss you cd and drop it off. I want to txt, email and call, but you dont deserve any of it. Ive deleted all your contact information.

I want to know that you are suffering from the void you created.

I wish i was an f'n loser and would forgive your lying heart, but im not.

So I will just wait for booze, women and time to kill the pain.

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In response to your text?


I'm doing quite fine. I still miss you and still hope but i'm slowly moving on. You'd be proud of what I've managed to do in just the space of a week but in certain ways i don't want you to know as you'll simply turn it around and think you did me a favour by ending it. I don't want you to have any satisfaction about what you've done to me. I will come out of this a stronger more positive person and it will be because of me, not you.


I hope you're doing ok. I still can't hope this new girl is making you happy. I still hope she isn't. I do want you to find some inner peace and happiness but i'm not quite at that point of wishing you well with things with her. I am not going to apologise for that because if you cannot understand that then you have no idea how i feel about you.


This afternoon i am off to continue to mend bridges with my family. You were once what i counted as my family. You're gone now but really the "you" i knew and loved has been gone for some time. The hope dwindles by the day that you will become that person again. Take care x

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I spent almost 3 hours on the phone last night talking to a friend of mine, mostly about you, and he offered a lot of perspective. I guess he could count as an "ex", but I don't count him, as he was LDR and strictly online.


He was cruel to me. He used to threaten to kill himself, told me hurtful things, the whole nine yards of "Things You Shouldn't Do To Your SO". Now, we're on speaking terms again and he's changed. You can tell. And you know what he said to me?


He said you're going to regret leaving. He does. He's married and happy now, but he regrets letting me go. He said that you need to realize what you're letting go and step off of your high horse before it's too late.


I also had a dream of you last night. You stopped by to drop off some random things that I left at your place (my Beatles mug, my scale) and somehow, I ended up at your new house (which was my old house). You told me you were moving in a few days to Santa Barbara (like you could afford it), then leaving for North Carolina. Somehow we ended up having sex in the dream and it was strange.


We would have been going to see John Mayer today.

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I would say I am over you, but thoughts still linger. Since you posted messages to me on the internet recently, it stirred up my thoughts about you. Here we are - 14 months later, and you are posting about how you love and want me. You are a grown man! With children who are almost grown themselves. Your actions disgust me. What on earth is the point of posting cr*p like that on the internet. God knows how many other messages you've posted that I haven't seen. You dropped me cold. Ice cold. When everything had been great between us. You have serious communication problems - as evidenced by dropping me cold with an email when the past several months were spent planning to spend the rest of your life with me, and then posting messages to me more than a year later on the internet- when you never even know if I will read them or not.


Its like you are a massive coward who truly does not know how to communicate. I guess its fair to say if that is the type of man you really are, then it would have never worked between us anyway, and I am glad I found out now rather than after I had sunk 5 or 10 years of my life into a relationship with you. I now find it hard to believe how deeply I loved you and how badly I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I love the man I thought you were- I can't say I love the man you've shown yourself to be this past year or so. Its sad.

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Hey Tanya,


I felt really sleepy today. I think the exhausting week finally got to me.

Funny thing today, was watching Swingers and Cashback back to back today.

But then...fell asleep while watching them.

Went for a walk in the park today, it is funny that nowadays so many things easily distract me from you...

V is always on my mind though.

Pushed my dad on his wheelchair around town today. Doing so makes me happy, knowing that I put myself out there for the happiness of others. I have no bitterness towards the fact that you will forget all that I did for you.

Hope you are having fun in Ukraine love!


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