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I got my answers, loud and clear. I also noticed your body language and your tone and I now know you are serious. I apologize to you and to myself for letting this drag out and play on for weeks. But, its over and I will get over you. I will still love you, just in a different way. I wish you nothing but good things and truly hope that when the time is right we can be friends.

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I know I've reacted very angry to you.. but that phase is gone.

I wish I could hang on to it but who could?

You are such a nice sweet guy.. Hating you is difficult.

I'm glad that I'm not that angry at you anymore.. but it also makes me miss you so bad.

I dreamt about you last night. It was so real!

The kisses.. your face.. your soft eyes.


You said you would always be there for me. I couldn't help but react cynical .. as if I already knew what was ahead of me.

A man who doesn't know what he wants from me. Wow that's original.. Very original!

And all the cliché's you used. Why didn't you just tell me the truth?

It's not a crime to change your mind about me. It's not a crime to figure out we're not a good match.

It's not a crime to have the feeling I am more in love with you than you are with me.

It's just the way it is. Something I can learn from. But how can your feelings about me change that fast?

I just don't get it. You made me believe we had potential.

Finally I thought I found something I should not have to worry about.

You told me "don't worry, it's just you and me" Why? When I look back I had every reason to worry.


Why do you have such a great impact on my feelings?! We only dated for a couple of months!


I looked at your band page.. All kinds of planned performances... So you just continue life so easy as if nothing happened.. Didn't it impact you at all?

Is your silence and lack of trying to win me back the answer to it all?


I can't stay mad at you. I can't be mad because I know feelings can change and it's nobody's fault.

I am however still mad at the way you gave me this complete wrong idea that there was a future.

Planning things with me way ahead. You have so much to offer to a woman. You have such an intresting and beautiful soul, I can tell. You said you thought the same about me but I guess you don't?


But there is one thing I know for sure.. Nobody makes chocolat milk like I did for you. And I know that is the one thing you miss like hell. Maybe not mè.. maybe not the smell of my hair or the smell of my perfume.. maybe not my spontanious hugs and kisses.. maybe not my super social behaviour and the way I made you laugh.. maybe not us jumping around and singing happy songs. But I am very sure you do miss my chocolat milk. And you're ain't gonna have it no more. You lost that privilege!

You could try and find another woman but she doesn't know my secret recipe. Atleast it's one thing about me you can't replace


But to be honest I know there will come time that I can smile at the fact you found another. Like I am happy for my other ex he finally got over me and found someone that is compatible for him. Much more than I could ever be

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Truth: I do miss you

Truth: I would like to talk to you

Truth: You were my best friend

Truth: It doesn't hurt anymore


I'm moving on. You aren't my best friend anymore. I have accepted it, and I am happy. I have plenty of friends, and quite a few people who would be there for me at 3 am, no questions asked. And you do not need to be one of them for me to be happy.

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Today makes 14 days. Never ever thought I could get to this point. Its been a hard 2 weeks. There have been moments where I wanted to talk to you pretty badly, but I knew it wasn't a good idea. I knew that you didn't feel the same way. Now its gotten easier. There are times when I don't even want to talk to you. I still have this small yearn and a small part of me wishes you would still want me but I'm ok knowing you don't. I'm okay knowing there isn't an us.


I don't need you

I can get by without talking to you everyday


I do miss my friend

I do miss the love we HAD

I will always care


But I'm stronger. Life goes on. I'll go on.

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Grrrrr! You are on my mind alot today. Why why why??


Why did you say you didn't want me to let go? It's caused so much pain and anger and damaged everything we had. You said you didn't want us to go downhill like things did with your ex.. but thu have. All because you didn't want to tell me the truth and wanted to leave me hanging.

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Hi. It's good to see you today.

But why do your eyes look like you've been crying?!?

Or are you wearing eye makeup?



Is it possible to remain friends and keep our hands off each other?

Why don't we give it a try?

I don't want to hang out with your friends though because they know we've broken up.

It would be kind of awkward, right?



It's too bad. too bad. too bad.

I wish I'd get my promotion SOON and transfer to another department.

Shall we then give us another chance?

Maybe. Maybe not.



Anyhow, it's good seeing you.

I want to pinch your cheeks and give you a kiss ;*


See ya 'round...

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Dear C.W,


I love you.


Why did it have to turn out this way?


You hurt me that day. Invisible wounds. Can you see my scars? They're getting better but they still hurt. Sometimes I move a little too fast and the wound gets torn open again. Did you have to cut me that deeply?


When did you begin your affair with her? Did it start when you were with me? Is that why you pulled away so easily? Is she really that great that you would give up everything that we had between us? I don't care anymore. It's just that I am still hung up over you and want to be with you. I hate that I still have these feelings. If they would set me free, I would be much happier.


How are you doing now?


I don't know what I would say to you if I met you right now. Would it go something like this:


"Hey! How are you?"

"I'm... good. You?

"I'm good

"...that's great."

"So what are you up to now?"

"Nothing much. Same old. Uni and that."

"Oh. Is that so?"

"Yeah.... we should hang out sometime, catch up a little."

"Yeah, over coffee."

"Yeah, let me know when you're free."

"I will."


"I have to go. I'll see you around."

"See you."


Is that it? Is that the best you can do? What happened to wanting to be friends with me? That's the best you can do! Lies. Falsehoods. Broken promises.


Okay, so I can see now that I need to get over you. I'm halfway there.


I want to break this curse. Force you to acknowledge that I'm still alive and better than ever. THEN I will leave peacefully.


Until then, I am having trouble letting go.


Have you forgotten me? Or have you just put me out of your thoughts?

Are you over me? Or are you just using her as a band-aid?

Do you miss me? Or are you in denial? Or... are you 100% okay?

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Even after more than a year I still think about you sometimes. I still remember the pain of that weekend when you broke up with me. I still remember you saying you wanted an open relationship and I yelled "I am not a casual girlfriend!"


I don't miss you. I know you have been trying to contact me. Please stop. I have moved twice since we last spoke and you will not find me because I do not want you to find me.

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Dear Ex,


I dont know why i want to see you and to talk to you and make as if nothing happened. i gave you everything, my time, my energy and a lot more and yet you have decided to tell me to go away and that you are fed up with me. I try remembering all the bad things you did and which i forgave you each time but this time i cant find forgiveness. i am still angry with what you did and it hurts so much that i have to let you go. there is no turning back since things will never be the same. something has broken between the two of us. when i see you continue on with your life like that, laughing, going out etc, i wonder if you ever really loved me. why do i have to be the one who suffers and not you.

i just hope that i will get better and move on since i cant take it anymore. despite all that i still love you.


Please come back to me.

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11 missing calls and a few stupid text messages from u and all I gotta say is I AM DONE WITH YOUR BS. You are like a contagious disease... u are a liar, a cynic, a coward, irresponsible, manipulative, arrogant, full of hate, without self-esteem, someone who runs away when problems happen, judgmental, rude, addict, selfish, u can't listen, someone who can't express himself, u are full of sh!t, immature, people pleaser, a theft, dirty, a verbally abuser, careless when others are in pain, vengeful, ungrateful, hypocrite, miserable, empty, souless, self-destructive, jealous, full of inferiority complex, a cheater, lazy, disrespectful to your parents, someone who uses the pity of others to get what he wants, fearless of God, a poathead, a pig, an idiot, a guy with no money, no shame, no job, no dreams, no expectations, no car, no house, no family. You are a pain int he @ss to everyone around u, you are fake as my hair extensions, u always give up at everything, u are a loser, and I'm so glad you're out of my life for good.

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It's been 17 days. Wow just wow. Never thought I'd get here. It really hurts me that in 17 days you haven't contacted me once. It hurts that you've forgotten all about me. Everything you said before my birthday was that all a lie? How you would always choose me over any other girl, always love and miss me. That you missed us- how could you lie like that? I even asked you "do you mean this?" and you assured me. Then you just didn't talk to me for no reason. I'm so hurt and those mixed signals always stay in the back of my mind.


But I realize if you meant any of it you would have tried to work things out with me when I went to see you. If you did still love me you wouldn't have let me just walk away like a frighin arranger at that bus station with barley a goodbye. You would have made an effort to talk to me in the last 17 days. But you don't. I need to stop playing back every word you said, everything you did, the look on your face on video chat that night when I thought you wanted to try again. All I'm doing is hurting myself.


I never thought your sister and I would speak more then you and I. That kinda hurts. She's the sweetest though. Wish you were more like her honestly. I know how much that would hurt you because you've always felt inadequate to Molly, funny how you confided on me about that. Back when I broke those walls down- not like last time I saw you those walls were so far up and made of ice. But it's true- Moll has been so great to me. It hurts me so much that she checked to see if I got home safe that day and you didn't. You frigid sister cared and you didn't. And she commented on my facebbok status the other day- just a casual comment about the weather but it kinda made me sad. Sad that she stayed a part of my life even in such a small way and you didn't. I look at her page often. Mainly because it's my last connection to you. It makes me sad.


A part of me still yearns for you to contact me. Part of me hopes your lonely and really miss me. It's hard for me to break that thought process I guess.

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I heard that she waited outside your workplace for you today, and that you were so happy. That you're always happy. It looks like you're serious about her. I don't know why but it made me so angry to hear about it.


I want to be happy for you... but somehow I just can't be happy for you. I want you to suffer and be miserable like I am right now.


I thought I was healed but I still have so much work to do. You're doing just fine. It irritates the hell out of me... like we are having some kind of battle and I just lost.


But it's not a competition. If I were to get into a relationship just to spite you, what would that be? That would be stupid. Just like you are now... a fool.


You are a fool. I hate you to the point where I don't think there is any love left. You've sucked me dry... for real this time. Congratulations.


It's over.

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After 3 1/2 months, I still miss you, and love you as much, if not more. I can't believe that I still love you as much. I thought that after 3 1/2 months, the memory will fade away. But it is becoming more clear, if anything... I miss you. I want to call you and say that I still love you, but I am still so afraid of rejection and getting my heart broken all over again.. so I am just writing it here.

I can't believe that you are still going to the event we went together, and have a breakfast party we threw together. But I guess, it is your life, and you can't stop living your life because you broke up with me. I hope that you won't be with anyone else at this event. Not yet. But.. I need to let you go...

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I will always love you, and that fact sucks. At first, I thought it was weakness, but I think it stems more from how I felt with you in the good times. Part of it is surely guilt - I know I messed up. But you cheated on me. We were engaged. If you werent happy, you could've just told me. I dont think I can ever forgive you for that. I know you feel bad - that is why you could never talk to me. Though you are spineless and selfish, I realize that you are human, and what you did will linger with you long after you and my replacement end things. I'm sorry we couldnt have grown together. That was my fault - but I wish you couldve expressed those things, instead of doing what you did. You handicapped me emotionally for a long time, and you learned nothing from what happened. That is a shame - all that time together, for nothing. I hope you are happy, and I hope you are doing well, but I know that one day you will be back, and will still be the same little girl. Such a shame.

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I regret my words. Saying " I love you" is like saying "I hate you" .. those are strong words and didn't actually explain what you meant to me at that moment.

I miss you. I miss you a lot .. It 's idiotic. We've only been together for 2 months and after 1 month I still miss you like hell.

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'm finally almost over you.


Chris, you will always have a special place in my heart, and I will always cherish the memories that we shared. But you are broken in so many ways and I'm finally feeling strong enough to start walking away for good. I feel like I'm finally reclaiming my heart once again.


I know you'll come around someday but for now, it really is best that we're apart.

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The wound seems fresh tonight, and you are on my mind. My birthday is tomorrow - I do not expect you to reach out. You didnt for Thanksgiving, Chistmas, or New Years...why would you find it in your heart to let me know you still think of me now? Funny - for the first time in what feels like a lifetime, you will not be there to wish me a happy birthday as the clock strikes 12. I loved that - I wish I could forget things like that, but they seem lodged within the confines of my lonely mind, tucked away in some dark corner and unwilling to leave. I hope you think about me - for all the work I've done on myself, and all the time Ive spent forcing myself to look forward, there is still a part of me that hopes you think of me. I miss your touch so dam much at times. Being single is a lot of fun, but it doesnt make you forget what you miss. At the end of every night, good or bad, no matter if I'm in my bed or some strangers, your the last thing I think about. Its like you linger in the nights silence, waiting for my the clutter of the day to subside before you remind me of what Ive lost. Why do I do this to myself? Why? I lay awake at night and wonder why I cant just let you go. I've done so well-I put your ring away, threw out and locked away all that I can that reminds me of you, but I cant get away from what lies just beneath the surface of my polished, externally strong facade.


8 months - I cant believe it; just look back...we went from being with one another every day for years, to never talking to one another again. Why does this hold such weight with me? Why cant I just let it go? I rack my brain trying to find an answer, but I can never find one. I get afraid to look into my own mind at times - its too painful to dig up the old memories. But finding out what you really did has hit me deep. I dont want to join that troop of lonely souls that misses someone who has forgotten the way they looked at them - I dont want to miss out on life. That is why I'm going all out. Deep inside, I think I do this to try and bring you back - live the life we wanted to lead, in the hopes that you will see how much Ive changed. I know this is dumb, but I cant help but want, after the way you left me.


I type on here because I feel like I need to get out what I keep locked in side during the day. I wonder, what would I really say to you if we talked? After everything, after knowing what you did - what would I say? I honestly dont know - you dont have the balls to call me, and I dont want to interrupt whatever life you have going for you. As mad as I am at you at times, God knows I love you still. Hell, I would give up anything for that conversation we never had. God, I feel so much. I shouldnt feel this after so long.

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I don't understand myself. My friend told me tnight that everything happens for a reason, we broke up bc u aren't treating me right and u won't. But so much of me feels like we weren't supposed to break up. Going out partying is so empty. Its not me. You understood and loved me for me , I guess I just wasn't enough. The skanks on the side were , maybe that's y ur perfectly happy right now. Maybe that's y for once in your life you couldn't do something just for me. So what if it hurting after vday, u hurt Me after new years and u didn't even make it special. You couldn't even give

Me a special valentines day? A glimmer of hope that you could do something

Just for me without expecting anything in return? No. Of course not, that's too difficult and that's why the converSation ended the way it did. You billionth chance, blew it again. Yet again, proving to me you're just selfish. Yet here I am 4 am thinking about you. My thoughts shouldn't b w u. U don't deserve them. I hate you bc I still love you after all you have done for me. And it's your fault I cant love you.

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I really miss you "L". Did you like the gift? Not even a text to say thanks. Its ok, whats $10 to me? Just proves that you are still willing to take and take and take and I am still a fool. You must totally get off on that, good for you! I am now moving into the anger phase.... a few weeks ago I couldn't even muster a unkind word about you. Its getting easier. I hope I don't say anything I can't take back, God help me! You say you're soooooo busy and don't have time to "deal" with me. Funny because you're home every nite and in bed by 10:30pm. I hope you're still going to AA.

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Guess my plan to drink the pain away on vday is down the drain. Can't drink or I miss u more and my

Progress goes out the window. Thought I was doing great last night, got drunk and somehow forgot all of my

Healing and feel like I'm back at the start. Why do I miss u so much when you didn't treT me right despite the million chances I have given you. I miss you, I love you, I hate you.

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