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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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Ever since seeing a chirppractor regularly the frequency and duration my my migraines is far less and I need less and less medication to help. But every so often I get a really bad one.


I think if I do hit the gym I will just swim because I don't want to strain my neck in any way- most of my migraines stem from my neck. The pool may help to relax any muscle tension that caused it to begin with.


I loaded up on water and fresh raw fruit and veggies to help today. That poison rum was what started it all so I needed a detox of sorts.

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Ever since seeing a chirppractor regularly the frequency and duration my my migraines is far less and I need less and less medication to help. But every so often I get a really bad one.


I think if I do hit the gym I will just swim because I don't want to strain my neck in any way- most of my migraines stem from my neck. The pool may help to relax any muscle tension that caused it to begin with.


I loaded up on water and fresh raw fruit and veggies to help today. That poison rum was what started it all so I needed a detox of sorts.



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Never made it to the gym but I am going tomorrow with my little guy.


I don't think I ate enough today but the headache made me lose my appetite.


Today's Food



Breakfast Whole wheat english muffin with natural PB, coffee with fatfree cream and spenda


Midmorning snack Blackberries


Lunch Romaine salad with black olives -no dressing lowfat cheese stick


Midafternoon snack apple, green beans


Dinner Chili made with 90% lean ground sirloin


Snack sugar free popsicle

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Today's Gym Workout


Cardio traditional elliptical machine 35 minutes HIIT


Upper Body weights- biceps triceps pecs -3 sets of 12 using 12lb freeweights


shoulders- shoulder press machine- 3 sets of 15


Abs- ab machine 3 sets of 15, captain's chair 2 sets of 12


Lower Body: Hip abducter machine 2 sets of 12


calves- a sets of 15 raises off step- then turned inward and outward


Stretching 10 minutes


Pool- 1 hour splashing with my little guy

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I've found a relatively inexpensive solution to my everlasting bouncing/sports bra issues.


Tek Gear brand seamless sportsbra paired with a Tek Gear top that also has a built-in shelf bra. The double-layer combination of the sports bra plus the shelf bra from the shirt have stopped all movement. The material is breathable so I didn't feel constricted or uncomfortable.


Tek Gear seems reasonably priced compared to other athletic brands- plus a department store that carries it in my area sends out 30% off coupons so I was able to stock up on both the bras and the tops without having to spend too much.

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I've found a relatively inexpensive solution to my everlasting bouncing/sports bra issues.


Tek Gear brand seamless sportsbra paired with a Tek Gear top that also has a built-in shelf bra. The double-layer combination of the sports bra plus the shelf bra from the shirt have stopped all movement. The material is breathable so I didn't feel constricted or uncomfortable.


Tek Gear seems reasonably priced compared to other athletic brands- plus a department store that carries it in my area sends out 30% off coupons so I was able to stock up on both the bras and the tops without having to spend too much.


Congrats on finding a workable solution to your bra issue.

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For me it works pretty well. I can really only fit in 35 minutes of cardio (bwtween time constraints and boredom) so I like to make it count.


I see people spending over an hour on the cardio machine. I could never do that.


Using the shorter HIIT seems to make the time go by faster too since you are focused on the technique.

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I do 60-90 minutes intervals on the treadmill usually


I'd die.


I could do that if I were outdoors running or swimming- but not on a machine. My attention span is lacking. I end up feeling like a hamster on a wheel and I get very cranky.


35 minutes is my limit- so I try to make it count. 30 mins of intense HIIT and 5 minutes of a cool down.

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Today's Gym Workout


Cardio Ellipitical Crosstrainer 35 mintues HIIT


Stretching (lower body): 5 minutes


Upper Body 2 sets of 12 on the shoulder press machine. 2 sets of 12 using 15lb weights for Biceps, Triceps, Pecs


Lower Body: 2 sets of 15 calf raises off the edge of step


Abs Captains Chair 2 sets of 15, Ab machine 2 sets of 15


Pool with my little guy: 90 minutes


I was SO tired today at the gym. I really had to push myself. The first 15 minutes on the ellipitical crosstrainer were the hardest because my legs were still sore from my workout 2 days ago. After the first 15 minutes passed and my muscles warmed up I felt a lot better.


Today my son had a bit of an ear-drum-piercing-rancid-annoying tantrum in the locker room because he didn't want to go home (The kind that convinces you to never have any more children and makes you wish the one you have was equipped with a MUTE button lol That was embarassing. He made himself tired from it and practically crashed for his nap though, so at least I was able to find peace.

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Yeah- just craziness I wasn't able to get to the gym over those 5 days between work and chores, so I did a lot of walking. I tried to squeeze in exercise in the most unlikely places, like when taking my son to the playground I did calf raises off the edge of a platform there, pull-ups on the bars, etc. (no one was there but him and I lol so no one saw me acting like a big goof)


I did get to the gym today though. YAY


I did 35 minutes HIIT on the traditional elliptical machine today- but then the child center paged me because my boy was upset. (probably because he had not been there in 5 days - the more he goes the better behaved he is)


Then we went in the pool for a couple of hours- I tried to jump around a lot with him and I did my stretching in the water.

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Took a 30 minute walk last night after dinner as well.


Today's Gym Workout


Cardio: 35 minutes HIIT on the elliptical crosstrainer


Stretching- lower body- 5 minutes


Abs- 2 sets of 15 on the captain's chair, 2 sets of 15 on the ab machine


lower body weights- hip abducter machine 2 sets of 15, calf raises holding free weights- 2 sets of 15 forward, turned in, turned out


upper body- shoulder press machine 2 sets of 15, dumbell flyes 2 sets of 15, tricep extension 2 sets of 15


I was a bit rushed today because I had to get into work earlier than usual. I got a lovely e-mail from my boss asking for all kinds of data with less than 24 hours notice. ](*,) The e-mail began with "I know this is short notice........but" grrrr

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Over the weekend we did some boating, then yesterday we had a birthday party to attend. I tried some of the birthday cake- 3 bites- but it had strawberry filling and wasn't that great. If it were chocolate it would have been worth the calories and the whole piece would not have lasted long. I never got to the gym over the weekend but it was a very active weekend in general.


Today I decided to use a vacation day from work and spend it at the gym, alone- to make up for lost time. Since I have no time limits, I will do 35 minutes of HIIT cardio on the ellipitical and a full body weight training workout using a combination of free weights and machines- then I will swim and relax in the sun afterwards. Yay!


How the Hell is it already August? Summer will be gone before I know it so if there is a nice, sunny day that I can spend alone by the pool I have to take advantage of it.

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Did you guys have the cooler 70's weather too over the weekend? It kind of sucks it's August already but this year is definitely a real summer for the first time in couple years.


We did get some cooler weather in the upper 70's with no humidity. It was really nice.

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Thanks. I really IS a vacation to me though. -A rare opportunity to work out with no time constraints and do something for myself, and only myself. It doesn't happen often. I have to escape in order to do something like that. Vacation days are perfect since childcare is already in place.


Today's workout was swimming and walking with the little guy. I was too sore to do anything else.

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