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your exactly right...friends can only help to some point, and then we have to deal with it on our own...it sux hey.

Thanks so much for reasuring me he isnt worth it. Its like sometimes i need people to remind me im doing the right thing, before i can believe it...so thank you tujna

Wow really, you must be so strong to say no to him when he asked you back after all the pain you went through without him! Good on you! I think im sort of heading towards being thankful for dumping him in the first place...some days im over the moon, then the next im regreting it...ive just got to wait for that time when i never look back!

Im on exactly the same page with you, in longing to not find out if he gets a new gf. It would just hurt so much to think someone else is sharing everything we had and that he moved on from me so fast, when im stil upset about it all...and yes, i want him to suffer too...it feels unfare for me to suffer in all of this pain, when he acts like he can just brush it off, like dirt on his shirt.


Keep up the NC tujna, we're doing great

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Day 2



After tell her that I accepted the break up and all the other stuff I left on previous post , I felt good like a big weight was gone , for the past month I was waiting on her to basicaly think if she wanted to stay in the relationship .



After we met she told she wanted to be friends so I feel good because I did my best to work on our issues and try to resolved them , I feel good cause I tried to make sense out of her and tell her and show her I was there still in all force with some nc of course but still supportive , willing and able since she decided that she was too hurt mind you for some arguments nothing mayor that occurred during the relationship she said it was too late for us . I told her that I agreed



Now why do I feel extra good today Because she is used to get what she wants she wanted to keep me around I am too important in her life she wanted the friendship to work on or trying to save the relationship lol


Please!!!! I decided nah who does she thinks she is , why did I allowed her to treat me this way ? Why did I put up with all her crapola ? Cause love makes us do stupid things , but I will not be her door matt or her blanket



Its over Im going to work on me , I will find myself again clearly the more I catered to her the more I went to the background and disapeared from the picture .



When I woke up this morning I practiced law of atraction exercises I told me I love me , Iam working on me , I went to the store bought what I needed started to make changes in the house , exercised and talk to friends women friends that gave me a boost of confidence and I feel good strong even .



To be honest It took her by surprise that I wanted to move on really people love to have control she will soon realized she has lost her control over me



And this is my thruth I love her yes , but I will not give control over my life for love anymore , Once again I will find my better me , I will get new clothes , new look , new everything I will better myself in every single aspect I can because ... I was like that before I made a mistake of putting other people first , If a person is not willing to give and only take they are using u



I do not want to be used , I will not be used anymore so this is where I stand right now after all If I do not respect myself How can I ask anyone to respect me ?


Overall a day of gratitute self exploration and relief

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Its been a little over a month for me. Met for coffee the other day, and she suggested we meet again the next week, it has been hard on her not to see me for the past month (after seven years). I'm hoping to progress into dating again eventually... baby steps.. At this point I'm starting to miss our dog more! Poor innocent dog did nothing to deserve NC! Lol.

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Day 10


Went to the gym this morning after thinking about him all night and about his naked body. SIGH! Just when I think I'm making progress I fall right back into a hole.


I keep thinking about having mad passionate sex with him again. And the times when we just couldn't wait to get our clothes off and jump into bed.


I need to get laid. Or something.

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7 days...she broke nc last sunday after 3 weeks... got a call off her mum this morning saying the ex had asked her to call to see if she had left some artificial leafs in the storeroom..


Briliant.. she left 5 months ago and is now living with the guy she was with days after walking!! im about to move country, packing, selling car and all she's worried about is some false plant!! Is it me or is that just bizarre???

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he always complained about how pale i was...but i never gave in, into getting a fake tan for his satisfaction... well today i got a fake tan, for myself, my satisfaction, and it felt good...all i can smell is tan hahah. Kinda pointless however, seeming were entering winter...anywho.


todays alright. pretty good for a sunday, i normally dread them, because its always the low day after saturday, the day before the school week begins, when im stuck at home, not being distracted by anything but homework and catching up on chores, thinking about him! But i dunno, today was different. Yea i thought about him, but not in a really bad, emo way haha...i wasnt wallowing about him as much.

Although, my heart keeps trying to convince me to wish him a happy easter next weekend, and a happy birthday the weekend after that...but my head is screaming "dont break NC! Any connections to him are only going to cause you pain"... dunno what ill do... i know what i should do.


7 weeks broken up, during this week just beginning...i wonder when it hits double figures, if i will no longer care. Heres hopeing.

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Day 27


Im so tired of obsessing over this guy.......Im totally in control when it comes to me NOT contacting him but I keep thinking about him an awful lot and hoping that he will get back in touch.....I feel like my brain is "occupied" by him. I want him to move OUT OF THERE, LOL ;-)

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Hun, don't break NC to wish him happy easter. Just let him feel the void, the emptiness of you not being there.


I am also thinking about what to do because my ex's sister is due to give birth any time now, and I would most certainly congratulate her when the baby's born... but when it comes to my ex, I was thinking of sending him a message or email saying "congrats on becoming an uncle!" because I know he's really really excited about becoming one...


... but then I realised I was just making excuses and fnding ways to contact him. It's not HIS baby, he's not popping it out, so I don't NEED to say anything to HIM about it! Just to the sister.


Yeah... *sigh*

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Day 27


Im so tired of obsessing over this guy.......Im totally in control when it comes to me NOT contacting him but I keep thinking about him an awful lot and hoping that he will get back in touch.....I feel like my brain is "occupied" by him. I want him to move OUT OF THERE, LOL ;-)


Same here. I don't even want to contact him anymore, but I think of him everyday. AND it's been 4 months already. o_O


Is there any way out of this insanity?

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Day 2


Mixed feelings today. I've only ever been in 2 long term relationships in my life, the first being when I was much younger. When she left me I was heartbroken, I thought I loved this girl, but sure enough I was over her within a month. However, 2 months into this breakup and I'm still obsessing over her. It's nice to know I felt true love, and still do.

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Is there any way out of this insanity?


Yep, its a real PAIN !!!!! Guess if there was a simple solution to this agony we would not all be posting on this board !!!

Can someone please invent a simple way to erase specific memories ???????

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So it's day 7. I'm feeling pretty fine. Went for a morning jog and listened to some music.


I was about to pay my phone bill, so I went to my online banking. My account was locked because SOMEBODY failed all my security questions. I'm leaving it locked until I get answers.


She is the only person in the entire world who knows my user ID. If you were in my shoes would you confront her?


There's no doubt here, and I'm not being crazy. IT WAS HER!

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Not feeling too good. Went from LC to NC not that long ago, so I guess truly it has been about 2 weeks. feeling very despondant, thinking about her a lot. Didn't tell her i was going nc, didn't reply to her last email, so dealing with worries that she'l get offended and will not even want to be friends. I don't even know if that's possible. not a good day.

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Feeling pretty down tonight. My flatmate has gone back home for the week, I'm here alone and all my friends are spending the night with their respective SOs. I've also noticed I still can't sleep on her side of the bed. I never did when we were together, and can't seem to make myself now. Think I might just have an early night so that I can get this day over with, but really its gonna be like this till Wednesday. Sigh.

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Day 6 for me...


I read all the posts from today and it seems that we all had a rough day. So did I. Sundays are very tough and alone... Sigh... I guess we all have to remember that it will only get better from now on. Hang in there, guys!!

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Its hard to believe that it has been more than a week already. I didn't think I would make it. Its so difficult NOT to contact her sometimes.


I went out with a friend to a house party yesterday. Whenever I saw an attractive girl I would compare her to my ex.. which would in turn make me sad. When I saw couples cuddling, I would think of my ex cuddling with her new bf. I was doing a good job until last night of avoiding those thoughts. I'm not sure how I feel right now. I kind of feel happy, but at the end of the day it feels a little fake. Its almost as if I've faked happiness for so long that now I'm not sure whats what. I know I have made a ton of progress. I'm not sure if I miss being with her or if I just miss the nice memories of her. I'm an extremely shy person, and I think deep down I am worried that I won't find someone again. Is being single for the rest of your life really so bad?


On a brighter note, with all of my spare time I have been studying, exercising, and practicing my guitar. I don't remember myself being in such good shape.. its a good feeling

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Right, i think its time to start this...


Even though we broke up just over a year ago, i still contact him sometimes. I think that it's time for it to stop and see what happens. I generally try my best not to usually, I know how the rules work, but I can always come up with a decent enough excuse to start conversation.


Day 1


I'm really nervous, because tomorrow im going on a trip with my school and he's going too.


We are civil to eachother, quite friendly sometimes and can get into conversation, but I think i'm making it too easy.


Obviously I can't ignore him on this trip, so does anyone know how I should act?


I always get really nervous and edgy around him, it's hard to hide.

I don't know how the over-a-month no contact will turn out, he might not be bothered at all.

At least then I'll know that I actually mean diddly-squat to him and I'll have that relief of letting something go that obviously wasn't going to work out.


Sometimes I just want to call him or text (even though I never do this) because I want his attention and I want him to want me.


Hoping for the best

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god these wretched dreams are killing me, or should I say nightmares


When I broke up with my ex all I would do was dream about being with them. Or having the break up repeat and repeat. and Id still wake up to see their face, and id always wake up upset and scared

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