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girls who carry around condoms


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so theres this girl who i met in september, hung out with her for a while and we have been together for about 2 weeks and facebook official as of tuesday well anyways yesterday when we were at a wendys drive through, she was getting money out of her wallet and a condom fell out.well she looked really flustered so i pretended i didnt see it. but the weird thing is, her and i never even got close to having sex and nor do we know eachother all that well for her to be wanting sex. so i tried putting it in perspective. guys carry around condoms so they can have sex when they get the chance and be protected. so is that what a girl thinks too when she has a condom with her? cause this girl is a proper and good natured girl who i wouldnt think to be packing around a condom. also what does that mean for me? cause im almost positive she didnt always carry around 1

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Depends. I am a good girl, honestly. I have never had a one night stand or even messed around with a guy I hadn't been dating for a good amount of time. I have never carried around a condom, just the sense that if I do have sex it's with someone I'm with and have been with and we have talked about it before to know when the time is right to have a condom. But I personally, have never had one in my purse or anywhere in that matter. But that's just me. She might just be the kinda girl for safety.

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I thought carrying a condom in your wallet wasn't safe?


Yes this is true. I didn't know better. Haha.


On topic: I carried around a condom in my wallet for a year or so. DOn't ask me why. I thought it was "the thing to do" if you where sexually active. (LMao at myself).

I never bothered using it cuz I don't have one night stands, and it's not like I'm going to ever meet someone and HAVE TO have sex THAT bad that I need one in my wallet and there is no convenience store nearby.



If she isnt one to have one night stands then I'm guessing she wants to be prepared in case things get heated up? ANd she maybe doesn't use the pill, or wants to be protected in case of Std's

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>>'cause this girl is a proper and good natured girl who i wouldnt think to be packing around a condom'cause this girl is a proper and good natured girl who i wouldnt think to be packing around a condom'


So another double standard... a girl can't carry a condom or that makes her improper and bad natured (the inverse of what you said)?


A girl would carry a condom because she doesn't want to get pregnant and believes in safe sex. Period. No moral judgments apply. She's being smart and practical.

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No need to apologize and I don't think that anyone was offended by you in particular. It's just one of the many double standards that exist. Your question wasn't unreasonable from someone who is young, so please don't feel bad. You should feel free to ask anything...we just got a little carried away. I apologize to you.

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