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Infamous Break-Up Lines

John Bendix

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The standard lines that have been used many times to break-up with someone. Ones used by you or have been told to you.


The Old Standbys


-"It's not you, it's me." (really means, "It's you, not me)


-"I'm in a place in my life that I just need to be my myself". (I don't want you around)


-"The timing is not right for me to be in a relationship" (one with you, anyway)


-"I'm still recovering from a painful relationship" (why would I want another lousy one?)

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"I'm not ready for a relationship right now."

-- Guy who was on a date 3 days later


"Breaking up will be less awkward for us than continuing the relationship when we know I'm moving away in a few weeks. We can still hang out. It'll be fun."

-- Social Idiot of the Year

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I forgot all about that one!



-"We don't share the same interests". ("You are boring")


-"We don't do anything together any more". (You are boring to do anything with")




Here's one but in stealth mode; "I'll call you". (I'm not calling you")

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Uhhh, I know most of the time these lines say one thing but mean another, but don't they ever actually mean what they say? I mean. Sometimes people really are too busy for a relationship, or really do need to find themselves?


I might just be delusional or naive . . . but sometimes people do say what the mean.

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"you dont have enough in common with my friends" (i don't party enough)


"the distance makes it so hard, let's take a break" (you're not worth the effort)


"everything is stressing me right now" (you're stressing me out)



all from the same guy. lol. god, i really know how to pick them.

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"I don't think we are right right now; if we are meant to be we will be" (Translated - "we are not right now or in the future and we will never be, but I don't want to hurt your feelings in case I completely break your balls and you never recover")


"I need to see what life is like on my own" (i.e. "how will it feel when Josh is inside me?")

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Are these really occurrences?


The first guy is just being selfish.


The 2nd seems to have some real issues.





Don't sugar coat it. Tell us what you really think!




-It's just a trail seperation for me to get my head together". (I'm outa here, Jack!)

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My interpretation of the classics are as follows:


"I am not ready/just don't want to be in a relationship just now" (I want to play the field)


"I love you, but I'm not in love with you" (You've got too fat/ugly/boring/stupid)


"I think we should see other people" (I'm already seeing other people)


"All the excitement has gone from our relationship" (There's no sex life...)


"I think we are just meant to be friends" (I thought it was only a one-night-stand!)


"I need some space/time to think" (You're too clingy/needy)


"I think we should take a break" (A long one)


I'm not actually as cynical as this makes me look...

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