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Is anyone okay with prostitution?


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Everyday it seems that more and more freedoms are taken away from people in a country that proclaims it is the "land of the free." I used to think that a woman or man should be able to choose to do whatever he/she wants with his/her body. Two consenting adults should be able to do what they want, right?


But as I've gotten older my views have changed and I realize just how ignorant I was. The fact is that this profession has a negative effect on a lot of innocent parties both directly and indirectly.


First and foremost it is a breeding ground for STD/STIs. Condoms are effective in preventing a multitude of diseases, but not 100%. There are a lot of STD/STIs that can still spread fairly easily despite condom use. This is a risk that anyone who engages in sex with more than one exclusive partner exposes themself too, but the risk multiples exponentially as the number of partners increase...and people that are in and engaging the services of people in this industry are putting themselves in a high risk category for exposure. Two consenting adults know these risks, but if one contracts something and goes home to a wife/husband, gf/bf who were lead to believe they were in an exclusive relationship, you now have an innocent victim who's life has been effected directly(and perhaps unknowingly passes it on to her children pregnancy or birth). A lifetime of Herpes, HPV, outbreaks, cancer, rashes, pregnancy and reproductive complications doesn't seem fair to an innocent party - let alone death that a HIV infection could lead to.


Second, prostitution directly effects other innocent victims. Many young girls, some underage get literally forced into this lifestyle or are sold as sex slaves to make money for their owner. In the U.S. the average prostitute enters into the industry at 14! The control of these women are in the hands of pimps, hustlers, gangs, and other criminal groups which makes the victims unable to reach help. The physical trauma to these young girls body from sex at a young age and/or sex with men who violently have sex with these women is just a small fraction of the emotional damage that will permanently scar these women. Yes, there are many women that willlingly go into this profession...plenty of them. But it is also a magnet for many innocent women who are forced into this lifestyle fearing for their lives.


Prostitution is not a victimless crime. It has dire effects on innocent people.


And third, it directly impacts me, the taxpayer and consumer. An illegal cash business means they aren't paying taxes and will collect any welfare or government hand outs they can get their hands on. Further, when these prostitutes catch a disease/virus and need medicine and drugs, or go to the ER because their face was beat beyond recognition by a random man is both driving up tax dollars and raising the cost of healthcare and healthcare insurance for the rest of us.


Lastly I think the industry and lifestyle only attribute to the issue of objectifying women as sex objects and this has a negative effect on the behavior and self esteem of young women and the young men that are around them.


I don't see anything glamorous or nice about it.

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i think prostitution should be regulated and allow '___houses' run their own show. but each girl is tested and such before each act. also, the person paying for service has to have a clean bill of health card or something. then gov't can tax the crap out of it and get us out of debt too. plus a lot more happy people walking around.

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Do you think little girls grow up and say "Mommy, I want to be a Hooker"?


How do you think they feel when they look in the mirror?


You're comparing apples and oranges if you're comparing a 9-5 job to Hooking, with all due respect.


I am not presumptuous enough to assume how they are feeling. What they choose to do with their life is their business, and I am not the morality police.


Explain to me the difference between two types of no strings attached sex.

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Can a hooker really say that she respects herself after having her mouth on a dozen different penises a day?


do you think a prostitute is the only woman that has to ask that question?


They are certainly not the only people who have to ask that question- but if they are doing it to pay their rent or put food on the table, it sure adds a different dynamic and a whole other set of ethical concerns.

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In the end it is all about self respect. These women do not respect themselves. They are allowing their bodies to be touched by complete strangers. They are putting their mouths on complete strangers. Can a hooker really say that she respects herself after having her mouth on a dozen different penises a day?


If you want to talk about money you can but number? if she only had 3 penis in her mouth in a day would she be okay? Or is it one or none thing? Once you hit two you have no self respect? Come on.

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Interesting. How is it that you think being a doctor is similar to selling sex for money?


It's using your hands, your mind, your actions to relieve and/or prevent immediate pain; emotionally (as a psychiatrist for example), or physically, or a combination. A gynecologist is involved with touching, examining the sexual organs, hopefully without emotional involvement. They see and manipulate the genitals of many people daily, for the purpose of relieving/preventing pain or disease physically. In some situations a prostitute could be seen as something similar I think.

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It's using your hands, your mind, your actions to relieve and/or prevent immediate pain; emotionally (as a psychiatrist for example), or physically, or a combination. A gynecologist is involved with touching, examining the sexual organs, hopefully without emotional involvement. They see and manipulate the genitals of many people daily, for the purpose of relieving/preventing pain or disease physically. In some situations a prostitute could be seen as something similar I think.


So you know this is just as hopeless as I do, but thank you.

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Belladonna, wouldn't the prostitute at least have the justification that it pays the bills? What do promiscuous individuals who do it for the sake of sex have as an excuse? That's my point. No promiscuous person has room to pass moral judgment here.


If the prostitute has to do that to pay the bills (or feels that they have to), then what does that say about society?


IMO, promiscuity, to gain sexual pleasure- and sex as a commerical trade are 2 totaly different issues.


Promiscuity is as a personal choice of behavior, with the purpose of gaining physcial pleasure. )- Add money and it changes the dynamics drastically.


money = power= hierarchy----->can lead to oppression

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If someone is putting a penis in their mouth to pay their rent then it is indeed disgusting....but actually more sad than anything else.


I think if somebody is shoveling animal excrement to pay the rent it's disgusting. If I had the confidence of safety and strict health regulations such that it would be VERY unlikely that I would have medical consequences, I would rather give a few guys a BJ daily than shovel animal crap in unsanitary conditions at some farm, or work in a sweat shop, or something like that. I think there are sadder things to be forced into that prostitution. Depending, though.

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I don't believe in prostitution OF ANY KIND.


What defines prostitution?

Does nominally being in a monogamous relationship with somebody while receiving gifts and/or favors from them for satisfying their sexual urges count as prostitution?

Shades of grey all over the place, again. I don't think you can really deny ALL possible interpretations of prostitution as 'wrong'.

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