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Is anyone okay with prostitution?


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Ok, hopefully this is not off point but one of my thoughts is prostitutes help to feed the sick perversions of a lot of these men simply because these men know that the woman will do just about anything to make a quick buck.


Example....I was watching a special on tv with Diane Sawyer and she was talking to many prostitues from the bottom of the barrel to the hight paid call girls. One woman said that she has a john that likes for her to step on a kitten while he masterbates.. I ask you, how many women, just ordinary everyday women would accommodate such a disgusting request out of the kindness of their hearts? None.....but the hookers that know they are going to get paid will do it.


Example #2....another hooker that Diane was interviewing said that one of her johns liked for her to spit in a cup so that he may drink it. She (hooker) said that the more she spit the more he would PAY. See my point? I certainly wouldn't entertain these outrageous requests in my routine life, but if a woman knows that there is some money in it for her, then yes these requests get fulfilled and these men just continue with their perversions because the women of the night accommodate them. Where does it end, when one of them is lying dead with her throat cut from ear to ear and the guy masterbating over her because it got him off faster?

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you may want to take a moment to open up your mind too. saying this is a positive lifestyle or an ultimate openness or outside the box or whatever you think of it... is a little warped. Tell me, are you a prostitute?

Honest question, you know so much about it, you defend it.. could you see yourself selling your butt for money and having a stable and loving relationship with someone? Could you see sex as a job, a means to make cash. Put yourself in those heels and tell me why or why not.


I am not a prostitute. I have moral issues with the idea of selling sex for money. They are not they same problems everyone else seems to have so I will say them. I have real issues with comdifying sex, our bodies, our lives. I feel like it happens all the time all around us. Our health care, our homes, I honestly think capitalism is an awful thing and prostitution comes from those ideas.


And while I can't get away from buying a house or food I can work on not comidfiing my body. Although I don't think one is worse then the other. In fact I think the worst is health care... but that is a different topic.


As for would I _give_ myself sexual to others in a time of want or need? I don't know... it's a really hard question. I don't think I was built to do sex work. I can't give fully in that way... maybe some day I could... but right now no.


Do I respect women who do it? My friends who work hard and give to everyone around them? Hell yes. And I will support them in anyway they need.

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Where does it end, when one of them is lying dead with her throat cut from ear to ear and the guy masterbating over her because it got him off faster?


Happens far too often especially to the prostitutes, both male and female, who work the streets without anyone looking out for them. Prostitutes are very common and easy victims of abuse and homicide.


The only advantage I see to places that are more "classy" or high-priced, like the "bunny ranch" for example, is that they are less likely to lose their lives. At least they are accounted for there. Prostitutes who get into cars are the most at risk.

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My friend is in a two year relationship with a very loving open man. And one of the other girls I know is in a four year relationship. Not everyone is close minded in this world.


Do you really think that someone who is not comfortable with their partner/spouse selling their body to strangers for sex is close minded?

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haha. I guess you can't expect to ask that question with having an epic flame war ensue!


Either way, legal or not, I don't find it immoral because I cannot place my ethics outside that which does not effect and concern me. In other words, its her body, its her jurisdiction, and she should be entitled to do whatever she wants with it, and profit from it in any way that does not cause harm to others.


In practice, illegal prostitution is a horrible existence for many women as a direct result of it being forced underground. In a forward society such as The Netherlands where prostitution is completely legal they are unionized, protected, healthy, and confident. There it is a place where women choose that profession, just like choosing to be a stripper or any other profession outside the sex industry. They don't have pimps, and they are rarely hurt or abused. Its no different than going and getting a massage.


Though I can't see myself ever taking part in prostitution, I fully support it being legalized so that the workers are protected by the govn't, rather than having to hide from the govn't.


Like I say, I am opposed to any law that takes rights away from one's own body. It is your entire being and you should be able to do whatever, and put whatever, you want into it and profit from it if you see fit.



ETA: I recommend people see the documentary Sex, Drugs, and Democracy. Part of the film deals with legalized prostitution in Amsterdam and how safe of an industry it has become.

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I'm about to rock your world (not really).


Guess what? Not all guys and gals can get FREE sex, but they have the same urges and desires that all of you do. Masturbation isn't comparable to the real thing.


I got no problems with the oldest profession in the history of the world. I wouldn't use streetwalkers, it would definitely have to be a call-girl/more expensive thing for myself, but I certainly would not look down on anyone because they choose to do this.


All of you people who engage in permiscuous sex have no room here to cry foul. You better protect your glass house before someone calls you out on it. Be grateful that you don't have to resort to using prostitutes to have sex.

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Do I respect women who do it? My friends who work hard and give to everyone around them? Hell yes. And I will support them in anyway they need.


^^^warped.. you make it sound like they are mother teresa. so here it is, this is who i am: I cannot respect someone who doesnt respect themselves.

No one in their right mind who respected themselves (you sound like you do to some extent so thats good) would choose this lifestyle.

Indesputable.... undeniable.... fact of life.

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I'm about to rock your world (not really).


Guess what? Not all guys and gals can get FREE sex, but they have the same urges and desires that all of you do. Masturbation isn't comparable to the real thing.


I got no problems with the oldest profession in the history of the world. I wouldn't use streetwalkers, it would definitely have to be a call-girl/more expensive thing for myself, but I certainly would not look down on anyone because they choose to do this.


All of you people who engage in permiscuous sex have no room here to cry foul. You better protect your glass house before someone calls you out on it. Be grateful that you don't have to resort to using prostitutes to have sex.


Why not streetwalkers versus higher class girls? Either way, there are diseases involved.

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I cannot respect someone who doesnt respect themselves.

No one in their right mind who respected themselves would choose this lifestyle.

Indesputable.... undeniable.... fact of life.



This is who I am too.


I am with EQ 100% on this.


I can't understand how any woman could feel any other way.


I guess I just have too much self respect.

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I agree with everything in bold. That's why I think it is sad when people choose the route of becoming a prostitute.


I had a friend that chose to go that direction. She was an "A" student in college- with 2 degrees. She started first as a stripper, next as a dominatrix, then as a porn model, then finally, an escort (it can be a slippery slope for someone with mental illness).

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God gave us all a free-will, and if you want to sin, then you can sin.


Temptations will always exist, and having money to burn and an available prositute/escort is certainly a temptation to sin since it's an opportunity to express legitimate sexual desires in an illegitimate way. Such temptations could be stronger if there is no other legitimate outlet to express yourself, but speaking as a 32 year old virgin that never went with an escort/prostitute, it seems that I haven't fallen to that temptation although I may be the perfect candidate for that. But, instead, I bought a fleshlight which I don't use much since I get full erections infrequently.


It appears that many posters on this thread are innately also opposed to this temptation existing in society for varied reasons.

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In the end it is all about self respect. These women do not respect themselves. They are allowing their bodies to be touched by complete strangers. They are putting their mouths on complete strangers. Can a hooker really say that she respects herself after having her mouth on a dozen different penises a day?

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Masseuse, doctor, prostitute...if you are capable of separating sex and bodily pleasure (or lack of pain) from love, these professions are similar I think. Definitely not for everybody, however.


Interesting. How is it that you think being a doctor is similar to selling sex for money?

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It appears that many posters on this thread are innately also opposed to this temptation existing in society for varied reasons.


Innately? I don't think so. We're all a creation of our environment to some extent, and where sexuality is concerned this is definitely true. It's ground into our nature through nurture. In our society, there is a stigma attached to sexual acts outside certain situations and this has molded us in some way whether we like it or not. I disagree with much of the negativities involved, but it is my nature to not randomly seek out sexual encounters because that is not the behavior that I can get away with or that is expected of me, and because my experiences have told me this is unwise.

But innate, it is not.

I disagree with your life philosophy in general actually Luke. but, I'll stop here.

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Metro, do you think a prostitute is the only woman that has to ask that question?


Do you think little girls grow up and say "Mommy, I want to be a Hooker"?


How do you think they feel when they look in the mirror?


You're comparing apples and oranges if you're comparing a 9-5 job to Hooking, with all due respect.

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