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Everything posted by hopeless1607306437

  1. Ok im 15... im not like a supermodel but i am not freakishly ugly eighther... iv never ahd a boyfriend... only 2 people have asked me out in my entire lifetime and both i really didnt like in that way... is it weird that ive never had a boyfriend because people my age have usually had 1 or 2 boyfriend at the least by now... all of my friends have had boyfriends and still do by now... how do i make a guy like me so i can at least have one date? ~hopeless
  2. if you still love this girl then you should give it one last try by going down there and making one final effort.... if she still says she has moved on then you should move on too ... there is no use in loving someone who doesnt love you back, by doing that you are just settting yourself up for a depressing outlook on everything and if she says she really loves this guy then dont get all mad and never talk to her again cause if you really love her then you would want her in your life even if she is just a friend *~*hopeless*~*
  3. hello, if she has a really protective dad i dont suggest calling past 10... things can get messy *~*hopeless*~*
  4. i think if you really like the guy you should just go talk to him there is no harm in starting a conversation with him and his friends... and if you really really like the guy dont let him get away no one likes to live in regret :scatter: *~*hopeless*~*
  5. i know im too fat, the problem is not that i want to be skinny its that im ok with it and my step mom isnt... im not really that fat i mean i have some fat on me but im not overweight or n e thing i only weigh 125 and im 5'3 but thats besides the point... she wont stop telling me i need to lose wieght she wont even do it in front of my dad because she knows he will get mad at her for saying somethng like that. i dont know what she thinks she is doing by always saying im fat... its like she wants me to go anorexic... i wont to tell her off so bad because she is fater than me but i never get the guts to do it... i just wanted to say... she is a total b***h ~*~hopeless~*~
  6. has n e one else ever had really bad timing for something and like haveing the guy of your dreams like you and well at the same time it was really bad timing and we both new that and soo we dont talk n e more but i cant get over hi because i cant help but wonder what could have happened if i had just done a few things differently ya know i hope no one passes any oportunities up because you will regret it for a long time even months later when it was way too late well i just have one thing to say really ... dont pass up any one who you feel like you have a connection with beace of something stupid like what your friends think or because it was too hard ... always give that extra effert or else you will live a life of wondering and thinking what if you had chosen that past and soon you will end up stayin at home all the time bein all hopeless and alone and stayin up all night thinking about that one person and regreting the day you said no and walked away from love how can you learn to love if you push away people before you had the chance to get hurt ~*~me~*~
  7. ok well ive never really talked on a message bored to people i dont know but latly ive had no one elses. to start ill need to tell you why i cant go on living the way i do.... first of all im 14 and was just diagnosed with acid refex disease, high blood pressure, sever stress disorders, and to top it all of i have an ulser in my stomach, oh and you cant forget now that i tried to commit suicide im not aloud to leave the house and i need to go to theripy 5 times a week. i have no real friends because all they do is stab me in the back and call all the kids who dont wear clothes from the gap "freaks" well those are some of the little things... ive never had a boyfriend because i dont believe in love... all of my life i have always thought that there was no such thing as love.... mainly because those were the last words i ever heard my mom say before she left us and moved far away. my dad doesnt think i aplly myself in school because i have 2 B's and 2 A's i think those are great grades but they re still not good enough for him. the only person i trust is my brother and he just move about half way accross the country and i dont ever speak to him n e more. my dad just recently told me that i need to watch what i eat because the doctore said that they arent sure if i have a more serios problem than the one i already have. they think i might have chronic anxiety. right now i take 5 pills of many anti depressents and vitamins and zantac and prozac...i take more pills that i need i think about to weeks ago my step mom became my step mom.... that was a little before i slit my rists and i hate her more than any thing...she is the devil and to be honest with you she is the reason im always stressed and mad and i hate her she always is acting all perfect and sweet in front of my dad and now that my brother isnt here to pretect me she takes all of her anger out on me and she hearts me sometimes and so i hurt her bake and i get in trouble and am grounded for another few weeks. i guess i love my lab top more than anything in the world right now its the only thing that i will always have with me and i can rely on for some help and its my only source to the outside world... they are sending me to a bording school/mental house were i can work out my "issues" and go to theripy all day also i hate my theripist... i caught him falling asleep so the whole time he was asleep i played solitare on his computer instead. i thought i got more fun out of that than talking to his big butt. well i guess i will check if n e one looked at this when im in the "school for misguided teens" i dont know what im gonna do and if im not hear soon dont be alarmed it just because im gone to a better place like a stupid school in arkansa about a million miles away
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