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Everything posted by Parsley

  1. Thank you - I'm not sure I'd consider myself an example - just following the advice everyone here gives! Including yourself! It's so hard not to try and find out about your ex. It's a horrible part of me that wants to know that he's sad, and I don't know why. It's not like knowing that would make me feel better. It's quite easy for me not to ask mutual friends...the ex argued with one of the two we had (who are great friends) so now he doesn't talk to those at all anymore, where I still do, one being one of my best friends! There's no one I can ask about him, we don't live near each other. To find out about him, I'd have to ask him and I'm NOT going to do that.
  2. Right, well it's nearly 3 weeks since we broke up, so that would make it...day 18 of NC. One of the better days by far! I had a job interview, so most of my day was occupied with getting ready for that - the shower, the subtle make-up, the last 10 minutes spent panicking over whether I looked too formal blah blah blah. Felt quite sad when I got there though...the shop is in this really small outlet centre, and is the same place I first met my ex face to face - I had time to kill and suddenly realised I was sitting in the exact same seat I'd been in when we met. It was a horrible thing to realise, and I felt my insides drop. I obviously got up instantly and just wandered around instead. Was surprised while I was on the bus - most of the time these days that I have anytime really to myself - like being on the bus - my mind reverts to him. This time I noticed just as I was walking up my road that I hadn't thought of him. Got home, and it wasn't long before I went to singing with my mum and sister, then came home and my nephew was there and he completely fills my mind whenever I see him so that's ok. It feels so good not to have him on my mind. Obviously, he still intrudes a lot when I don't want him to. But oh well! Going to visit my friends in Portsmouth tomorrow, staying the night then coming home, and I simply *cannot* wait. It means another day or two without much chance to think of him, and it's going to be fantastic. How is everyone here today?
  3. In which sense... You feel like a person who is physically attractive....or you want a hot water bottle? Lol Go you, I can't manage 5 minutes running.
  4. I had a 6 year age gap with my ex. At first I thought it was a big deal...but after a little while I realised it really wasn't. If you two get along just as well and he doesn't treat you like a little girl, it's ok. It's all perspective!
  5. I also technically met my ex through myspace. He knew one of my best friendds already, and added me because he was doing a charity music festival. I was in a bad mood and went to have a go at him, saw this mutual friend and we started talking. I also never thought that I would meet someone like that. I fully intend not to meet anyone else that way. I'd rather meet someone face to face at the same time I'm meeting them for the very first time! A lot of our relationship ended up being online after that...with msn and emails. Not something I particularly want to go through again. It was a lot more noticeable that he was ignoring me.
  6. That's amazing. Some people really are just pure crap aren't they? Lol, I'm sure that getting from Kent to Memphis wouldn't take that long...only about...err...I have no idea how long.
  7. They turned you down to update their myspace?! I thought I'd heard all the rubbish excuses when the ex cancelled on me to get his hair cut...but seriously...updating their myspace. How long can that possibly take? And how can that not wait?!
  8. luvmykids - I'm not saying he's not! That was just my example of how I'd said things that I really and honestly meant but it was all heat of the moment stuff.
  9. Lol, I didn't mean it to sound like that...more that we've all said things we mean at the time but can't follow through with. Especially at 'this' time. I said I wanted to be friends with my ex...I really meant it when I said it, but not anymore - I was just caught up in wanting to still be part of his life. Make sure you too stick to what you really think. xxx
  10. Yeah, you can't just leap into something at a word. And yes, you are brave! We all are. This isn't an easy thing to do, and we could easily fall apart completely. But we haven't - proved by the fact that we are here, we all sought help, we didn't want it to beat us. We've had to admit horrible truths to ourselves, and delve right into ourselves. That takes courage.
  11. Luvmykids - I don't think you're a fool. Much as we are all in this together - this is your battle, and you have to choose how to fight it. I'm not saying you shouldn't ask for help or ignore what we say - far from it. And though you have told us all about what happened between you two, we'll never know the whole story..you know? I'm not implying that you're leaving things out to colour our view...that's just the way it's going to happen! It would impossible to let us know absolutely everything that happened, and we can't know the right way to go about it, because we aren't you, and we don't know what your relationship was like. I definitely don't think you're a fool. You're a ridiculously brave woman, and I'm really proud of you for not deciding one thing and sticking to it no matter how much you want to change your mind.
  12. I recently had a scare - my boyfriend had just broken up with me too, and I was petrified. I took two 'First Response' tests, and it came back negative. Biggest relief of my life! I would recommend the First Response tests, as they can detect it very very early. I would also say take two - a day apart, and first thing in the morning. Nothing else I or anyone else can say will settle your nerves, I would take a test and don't panic. Good luck!
  13. Hey people, I just remembered this song - I think you'll all like it. It's Bill Bailey (a stand up - I don't know if he's well known in the states) and his 'attempt at a proper ballad". It's about love - but ahh - it is SO funny. I don't mean anyone to take offence at this - it has made me laugh a lot in the past, and still does now. Like I said I'd completely forgotten about it until a few minutes ago, and I still laughed at it. I hope you all do too! link removed
  14. Shaker - I am planning a trip to see them - but it all revolves around this job. If I get it, it means really weird hours. It's 16 hours a week, and is going to be a sort of as and when thing. So I need to know if I get this job, when I'll be working before I can plan anything, because going there and back in one day would be ridiculous. I'd see them for about 4 hours. But I'm gonna get there, nothing's gonna stop me! I think my friends would have words to say about it too lol
  15. I know that I should be listening to you - but it's already got confusing. You've all given me this amazing support and advice and help, and it's just fantastic to have everyone here that knows what you're going through, not just from a memory, but because they are experiencing the exact same thing at the exact same time. And god have I tried so hard. Making it all about me, all about taking it one step at a time, and not rebounding onto the first person that showed an interest. But we all know that no matter how many people are telling you you're doing good, one perfectly timed criticism just smashes down half of what you've spent your last week, fortnight, month whatever building. I turned a guy down last week, saying thanks, but no, I just don't want to think about anyone else right now, and I'd rather just have a new friend. He said I needed professional help if that's the way I looked at things. That didn't help.
  16. What am I doing to get back to me? I've gotta say not much. I live with my parents (I started uni, but hated my course so came home, and missing my independence like crazy) - they're not particularly strict, but stricter than most, so sometimes it gets difficult to do what I want to. I can't drive, well, I can, but havent passed my test. Mum is too scared to sit with me and Dad gets home too late to go out. But that means I don't have a lot of freedom - the buses around here are pud, and I live quite far away from the town. I have got an interview tomorrow, so maybe finally having time out of the house and away from here will help - though if I got the job, I'd have to see the place my ex and I first met *every day*, which I'm sure would be difficult. I can't even eat home made popcorn anymore - because it was something I became crazy about just as we got together, and we ended up making it a lot anytime I was there. I even sent him some in a care package thing designed to cheer him up. I really really really wish I was still living in Portsmouth with my friends. They never let me stay sad about anything, they were absolutely amazing. Anytime my ex and I fell out, I would be upset, but only for about an hour or two, if that, before one or more of them found me and plied me with tea and crisps, before going out to the pub or something. I just wish I could afford to move down there now.
  17. Ah I see. Are your family near you? There's loads of places I love, but I don't want to be far away from everyone. Even Portsmouth was too far, and I live in North Kent!
  18. Aw And Canterbury isn't even that bad, at least not compared to where I live. Or is it that Manchester is just fantastic?
  19. Ah, I love Canterbury, always makes me think of Christmas, we always end up going there for the random market things! Do you miss the South at all? Even a little?
  20. I thought that myself...but then I remembered that NC isn't to do with the other person, it's about yourself and not wanting them to talk to you anymore. I know that doesn't really help, I told myself that as soon as I thought it. I think through the whole NC thing, you don't want to contact them, but at the same time you're also desperately searching for a reason to do just that. And you've got to resist!
  21. I'm gonna try and sleep guys. I'm back to the old ipod routine - I had a couple of nights trying without it and ended up thinking for hours about the ex. Not necessarily sad-making thoughts - just thoughts that didn't let me switch off - not good whilst ill Good luck with the rest of your day people, and will probably talk to you on the morrow Night x
  22. Don't! Remember you were advising me against it only 2 days ago! I removed my google notifier from my desktop so now I don't have that to keep looking at and reminding me anymore.
  23. We get mice all the time here, result of living *in* the woods. I also see foxes pretty much every day, and can currently hear squirrels running around in the loft. Lol. We got a cat - she's a fantastic mouser, but a bit of an idiot. Brings them in and lets them to go 'play' with them. That sounds fantastic Tijuana. Sometimes I get a fantastic view of the sunset from my house...but I regularly miss it. It's...23:22 atm, and pitch black.
  24. I know I can't really do much to *stop* it. It's just difficult not trying. My previous ex...we both kind of fell out of love at the same time. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt, it was an amazing 2 and a half years...but it means that this is the first time I've been properly dumped whilst still being in love. Unless you count primary school and the evil boy who put a dampener on my self esteem for oh about....5 years? It's times like this I think of the Wedding singer... LOVE STINKS. Yeeeyeeah.
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