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Everything posted by kelkel

  1. I try never to say 'i know how you feel' cause truly i dont, only a vague idea of what feelings might be involved... First of all,believe it or not alot of people are afraid of the "L" word ! and it has so many definitions, but it all boils down to the feel a person has and only they can truly define it for themselves.... Second, yes you are young, so am i, and yes we want to explore, but dont look at it as just because you are young you NEED to explore and see what it is out there, you can already look and see other people arent as HAPPY , and CONTENT as you are. Dont give away a Benz for a Buggy, dont swap a 50 for a 20, and also dont NOT do it only because you dont want to hurt HER, because one day you might resent her for it, i suggest you seriously examine YOUR feelings and if you arent happy stopping at door number one, be prepared for any disappointments that may be waiting for you behind the other doors If you stay you may Not regret it, if you leave you probably will, the choice is yours......
  2. i am sorry i will try to avoid that force of habit
  3. Remember good sex can be taught..... for some women i think they fear they dont know what you will like or when you put them on the spot they dont know what to do, some are socialized that the man always takes the lead. If she has only been with one before you , then maybe this is what she is used to, she use to laying there and being please, the important thing u need to remember is that this act is to please the both of you, and if you arent happy and you are unsatisfied then YOU need to find a way to get the message out. i think when people read it helps them to more readily register things maybe she is unsure of herself, unsure of where to touch you, where your hot spots are......so maybe u could try by writing down a fantasy, write it and leave it with her..... eg. i love it when you kiss my neck and suck slowly on my nipples, i imagine u blindfolding me and doing this while you slide your tongue down to my waist, where you gently kiss all the way down to my member........and blah blah and blah blah i guess just to let her get ideas on what to do, and where to do it and what YOU like OR you could ask her why she doesnt try to come on to u..... and work from there..... comMUNICATION believe me it is the key to every sucessful relationship !!!
  4. well in my country we have different wood roots and mixtures and concutions? to get a man up and keep him up for hours and hours and hours........hmmmmmm
  5. thats funny........i want to agree but......oh damnit, i do agreee !! i think sex is about 50% mental right? so if big penises turn u on then half teh battle is won??? i might be wrong, but mentally u just have to be happy with what u gots !! lmao.....41/2 inches?? well maybe after puberty he will have a growth spurt?? just kidding !
  6. ALL NIGHT LONG ...........i hear that alot, but this must be some fantasy, can men go all night long?
  7. ahhh i am 5'1 and personally i love this height ! I dont think you can judge ur experience on most guys, i mean variety is the spice of life, there are many different people with different tastes..... maybe the ones ur age need the girls shorter to feel manly???? or maybe it just ur confidence level, cause most of my tall friends tend to not stand with a straight posture, but girl u are about a nice average height, love ur body and self confidence is beauty..........and dont judge most guys by only a handful.......
  8. Bondage , master and slave thing..........way kool ! Ahh well just tell her that right now you liek her but all u can offer is friendship!
  9. i was asking ones he get it up, gets it in , how long can i expect him to go at it.......10 minutes.......and if he orgasms and gets another erection which i will expect then it should be more.......so it could be like say 30 minutes? is 2 hours probable? and would that be enjoyable? That is very very funny!........i like u!
  10. .......i like that...... do it like they do in the animal world strong shall survive !! But seriously, Its hard to throw away 7 years...........for 3 weeks....... come on, ye u click and u feel its perfect, but u said she coming back so give it about 6 months......if 6 months seems too long for u then hun, that guy with 7 years deserves her more........... However it all comes down to her and between u and i, she might come to u simply for exploration purposes to be with one guy for 7 years and ur only 20, u gonna wanna taste whats out there, so i would say, u in the bag! you got it ! weeeeeeeeee! i would put money it.............if i werent broke !
  11. yes but give me a time..... like say on average most guys can go 3 minutes first then 1hour after.........is 2 o more hours too much to ask??
  12. Ok this is my very first post I found this forum by looking for the answer to my question How long should a guy last, the first go? about how long ? i mean the first go is dependent on anxiety, excitement and when last he had it.......and blah blah, however lets just say whats the average time?? and then after that first go whats the average guys' second time around?? i mean is 10-15 minutes average, or is 1-2 hours average?
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