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Everything posted by LONESOUL

  1. Sandy~I agree with desert. We think you're great. Desert~kill that SOB, he's here to!!
  2. Z~I think they dig for diamonds, they are formed when very high temprature and pressure change carbon molecules...but I get your point, ita good one and I thank you for it. Desert~you're right, I do not do so good when we speak, not right now. Sends me to that place emotionally, that I don't want to be.
  3. Camber~thanks. I'm hanging in. It's just the adjustment.
  4. Morning~How is everyone, drunk and in love I see. Well, I am neither~ good to know someone has kept their wits about them..(Lol!!) Talked to the ex via text last night, just a few back and fourths about MJ. (who has completely taken over, it's out of control!! lol) I cried like a little kid. This whole heartbreak thing is so humbling. My life is so different now.
  5. Poet~don't do it, it will only cause you pain. NC means NC, what good did you do yourself looking at his dating profile? Stay away from anything connected to him. Take good Care Lone
  6. woooooooooooo, Camber you are going to be in trouble. We all know you are secretly in love with DYT, besides you said so on the confessions thread lol! I mean, ahemm, ah no, I just figured she's want one as well..
  7. Can't hand you a beer for DYT Camber, we sent her to go get rum. Besides I just gave yours to the cat.
  8. *hit...someone hand the friigin cat a beer. (takes Cambers hands it to the cat) Just one cat~we know you drank it all the last time! Okay folks headed out for the day. Be good and lets pray for No Contact. lol
  9. welcome Sandy, you are excused. (there is just something special about a belching chick..lol...ahem) Open cooler hands beer to Desert, (dirty look to cat) another to Camber, and looks around for John and Z. Can't find them. Plans to drink their beers, Sandy will help.
  10. wow, a snowmobile...okay, you win. I don't have a lucky Sandy, here's a heinekin light...(passes ice cold brew to Sandy, removes the cap)
  11. lol...first girl I ever loved was named Carol. hummm, anyone else ever do it in a vw bug? Not a lotta room people, not allot at all... oh well, pass the eggnog..(DYT, rum please) Tidings and Good cheer!
  12. I hope she finds what she was looking for at the beach. I also hope she gets sand in her suit.
  13. nobody spilling to much pain here today Desert, everyone just shooting the crap, you'll catch up. My ex just text me, "I'm sorry." out of the blue. what the Beep for? I wanted to say don't flatter yourself, you're not even close to sorry yet, wait until "he" has to support you! I friggin hate it when she contacts me.
  14. Nah, it's a hollow, nothing but drywall...and don't say and "a stud or two" or I might yak~ Dude..lol!! You're easier to read then todays newspaper, it'll come out.
  15. See, he's like bad caulk job... tiny tiny cracking already...!
  16. Oh hummm...well it makes you do stuff but Other then table dancing and swinging from the light fixtures....??hummm ...oh I ate the worm once and this girl she was like.. "well are you trippin??" I said well "Yeah! The friggin thing was at the BOTTOM of a tequila bottle."
  17. Sandy, give it time, a few more days and Camber will crack like a coconut. Desert, are you off chasing the cat again or did you guys pull in for a beer?
  18. Nah, you'll talk, we have our ways. I don't think Sandy dates chicks Camber, climb down from cloud nine and pay attention please. (ahhhem)
  19. Sandy~maybe, but I wouldn't rush right in, in case you haven't noticed,that dating girls thing isn't going so well for the rest of us who do! Of course after a couple of lucky's...hell.
  20. Camber~ Fine, the way I figure it, we'll find out soon enough anyway...lol! sticks out tongue at Camber.
  21. Sandy~not wanting sex does sound like a normal female! (well, A married anyway!lol) No, I know girl, it's because you're hurt right now. You're going to heal.
  22. Sandy~ only if you want to be. DYT...thats easy, Camber is building lucky lagers with his son, while sandy is meeting girls she thinks are not dating material. John did something to some Lincon logs....ummmm...okay so maybe I have a few facts wrong, aheemmm, read away. See you when you are caught up. Oh and Camber, what this in the other thread about Looooooovvvveeee?? Do tell Boy.
  23. SandyV, who knows I miss my ex too, and she's really not worth missing. We can do better, and we will.
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