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Everything posted by LONESOUL

  1. Sandy~I could use a lucky lager. (and I have never even had one!) Is anybody dating, or working on much else? I have "a friends with benefits person" She's lovely to look at,(which is nice) and she understands I cannot be more than that. Nor can she at this point~she got hurt pretty bad. She is a wonderful person and I'm very glad to have her in my life. The physical feeling is nice~ of course it's a good subsitute for love for me right now...lol.
  2. "Oh... what the hell is "myspace" will help me get a date? You up on my computer and truthfully~ your not that great, Oh... the photo maybe older ~ I guess you thought it'd do.... oh what the hell is my space, and is that even you???"
  3. Desert~I know you have a few of these right? lol
  4. How about some songs about dating again like: "I thought you were pretty, too bad you had a wiener?"
  5. lol Sandyv! "I think my fly sealed shut" "all I want for christmas is kleenex"
  6. Yeah yeah!! I love those tunes. "whoops, was that your heart?" "what becomes of the cut up bankcard?" (to the tune of what becomes of the broken hearted)
  7. love it Camber! (by the way would you mind not grabbing my not ringing phone for me? I think I don't hear it)
  8. I feel like I starred in the break up, but no one besides DYT or Sandy would have seen me there because everyone else was looking at Jeffifers a**! (okay guilty as well)
  9. Right, a collective album... contains smash hits like!!! "That crappy love feeling" "the Lincon log shuffle and the broken barn" "If you think I'm a stud muffin in this jacket" "my cat is evil and should be in prison, but I am a h*ll of a nice guy"
  10. Hey Sandyv~ You handled that so well!! Good for you. I know the crappy love feeling...we should write a song called that! It will pass.
  11. lol...does he have a Crane or he just blows through it with his fist?...man kids are great, time vested is nothing, in fact,neither is time, but fun now thats the thing, and why not? Life is too short! I'm sorry Camber, that must be very difficult to deal with sometimes. You'll get through. No, you need to let her go, as hard as that will be. You are right about that. Work on you. Re define that man in the mirror. Spend time with that boy. Hold tight to him. You're family loves you (and there disapproval although intrusive and aggravating to you, is not totally incorrect? Right? they love you and may see pain in you, you do not realise you show them. They want you to be happy. They cannot help feeling somewhat negative about someone who had cause you pain. They will continue to "judge" your partners in future~not much you can do about that. Ask them to be fair, and give people a chance. (thats what we will have to learn to do as well)
  12. Hey John, Good morning. Thanks for the uplift. Good point of view. You are very right, her move to the beach it's just another move toward closure. I think maybe it is just the anticaption of pain that is bothering me, every step so far, although some worse than other, as cuased me either pain or discomfort at the very least. The dam*ed unknown too...no thats another butt kicker. I do like that posting also creates a "journal" of sorts. It gives us something to reference.
  13. Lets try that again, too many Margarita's last night. You gals joining the party?
  14. Where's Sandyv and DYT? You gals joining leave the party?
  15. Camber~what did you guys bulid? Why the bummer weekend, anything up or just the blues? Note to self: buy new leather jacket jacket. Desert~I drink allot of beer saturday. Sunday I had to switch to tequilla. lol
  16. Camber~ I went out to my closest friends (they are more like family) We had a party, and a bonfire and ate (you'll love this Mangotti's ~pronounced man-o-got's ..they are Italian..really sicillan italian..3 generaltions...LOUD..lol) Drank allot of beer and had a party for my 40th. It was fantastic. I had a blast. Z~I'll try the mops next week, when she's forgets about the alum. foil! Now where can i get little mops, hey how about old toothbrushes!? lol
  17. Kath123~ Welcome, so glad you have been checking in on us for time to time. As you can see, we are a pretty good bunch to hang around if you need shoulder, or sometimes even a laugh. I hope you have started your healing process~healing is a wonderful journey. Read often, post more. Take Good Care~ Lone
  18. Camber~I'm so doing that! Oh she's not going to speak to me for a week! I'll let you know tomorrow...to funny! Last night she got annoyed because I wanted sleep on my own pillow~looking back now at the moment, I do see the error of my ways. How selfish of me. Desert~I forgot to tell you I agree with PV and DYT, that stuff with the women you are talking about~those are friend ladies, they just aren't the right match for you to date, but there are allot of women out there who are looking to be with a guy who really can get into them and who wants to treat them right. You need to relax about it. Enjoy the guy stuff for a while. Before you know it some hottie will be turnin off the game cause it's time to go visit Aunt Margaret and you promised you'd go this time! (I wonder what MJ is doing right now, good thing I don't have plants yet~ or, a fish)
  19. Camber, Z~good to hear from you. Camber I get that, my ex was high maintance and drama queen...it was always something...always..but those good times we had (and we did have them) kick my a** when I think about them. And that still feel resposibe thing, yeah, I do. I see her messing up and I just want to fix it, and it's not my job anymore, h*ll I guess it never was. What is it about love anyway???!!*hit. You're right MJ is great for company~and she is the boss~she thinks she owns the place already~~~ Z~wow, you have had a h*ll of a few months. You doing great man, you are. I see you helping allot of people around here, talking them through thats the thing. Glad to see you dropped in again on "DWN I G" Keep posting here, it's a great group. Rant on, some of us our famous for it! Feels like it's the only thing that keeps us same sometimes. TGC~ (take good care) Lone
  20. morning~so what'd I miss. I forgot how fat our cat was. I got her this weekend. Craig (the 17 year old) brought her to me. Her name is Mary Jane (uh huh...lol) I'll be referringto her fat spoild funny heiness as MJ from here on out though...lol. It was nice to have her. The ex is really leaving to go shack up with some bloke at the beach this week~I'm thinking this may be a rough one. Lastnight I just worked out, drink a few margaritas and hung out with the cat. I'm ready to quit bawling like a baby every 3 hours too. I'm getting on my own nerves about it. I keep telling myself to suck it up she was no good for me. (and she wasn't) But I loved her just the same and it's all part of the process. ***sigh**** Oh well, at least I don't have to miss the cat anymore...
  21. I'm "out" for the weekend. You guys and gals take good care and I'll talk to you Monday. Stay strong!
  22. Desert 7 cups of esspresso!... damm cat.lol (but is he fartin?!?) Nice that you met someone interesting to talk to, I'll bet that was in interesting and very face paced conversation! (considering the esspresso!lol) Camber~you stroy amazes me everyday. My heart goes out to you because it seems such a limbotic (did I make that word up?) situation. I feel I would be filled with anger and anomosity, but you are not, or do not appear to be. You remind me somewhat of Dako in that you share what seems to be a great deal of genuine respect and adoreation for the women who have caused you great pain. Big men, big men indeed.
  23. The absolute worst, what the H*ll is IN a cat anyway?! lol We had one at the dorm in college who used to fart in his sleep, we used to feed it fried chicken livers and then sneak it into each others dorm rooms (after people fell asleep) and close the door. One time it was so bad the person threw up from the smell.
  24. lol...I wonder where'd he learned to blame your wife dude?! I wonder where Desert and the cat are today? The cat should be good for a fart story or two!
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