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Everything posted by LONESOUL

  1. Icarus27, welcome. Good to see you Camber, I'm sorry your having it rough. You make a good point, I have to fight myself sometimes, my mind will wonder to the things that make me miss her...I have to force myself to think of things that didn't work in our realtionship and the negative aspects of being together and in that relationship. I have to think about how easily she hurt me. It's so hard to let go, but the complete healing starts when you do, take my word. It is hard, yes. It is one of the hardest thing you will ever do, maybe so. Can you get through it and will you be strong, better, more whole when you are finished? Most likely yes, if you take this time to learn about yourself and to reinvent yourself. It is a time of pain and growth~and we go through both. Winter and John, I understand wanting to test your strenth and the time will come for that, just don't push yourself too soon. You are grieving. You heart is injured. You wouldn't play baseball with a broken arm before you had let it have the proper time to heal would you?
  2. Winter Hey! You never call you never write (scold scold!) j/k good to see you and good to know you are doing okay. We all are doing up and down thing, no doubt thats normal~and frustrating. Enjoy your evening.
  3. Remove yourself from those people if you can, for a while Sandy. I had to do that, it's hard when you have the same circle of friends. I did have to actually ask a few of my friends to refrain from speaking about her to me for a while, but they have. We don't about her anymore, excaept a comment now and again, but it's usually just a refference.
  4. Oh sandy, I understand. I feel the same way, right now. But the human heart is incredibly stong and resilient. The chances are very great that you will love and love deeply again, so if you do, choose wisley. But for right now, keep working on you! You doing so much better, can you tell?
  5. Hey Desert, Good Morning. That was good thread too yes, and yeah TBD comes and goes now and then in enot, I see him once in a while posting. Hope he drops in on this one. Camber hasn't checkin in this morning yet. It's okay Sandy, everyone gets down now and again~there are better days down the pike, with a better guy for you if that is what you choose someday.
  6. ~ouch~is right...you were hit in the head with a watercolor flamingo, ahhh the wonders of life. Anyway, I put everything I wanted to keep of "ours" in the attic. I figure in time I'll forget about allot of it, and then sometime in the future my new girlfriend can find it, and comment on how what bad taste my ex had. (my ex had good taste, but you know how it is...lol!)
  7. John, those are CAN's not can't, sorry, working and posting...thats what I get.
  8. With A Little Help From My Friends A little help from my friends What would you think if I sang out of tune, Would you stand up and walk out on me. Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song, And I'll try not to sing out of key. I get by with a little help from my friends, I get high with a little help from my friends, Going to try with a little help from my friends. What do I do when my love is away. (does it worry you to be alone) How do I feel by the end of the day (are you sad because you're on your own) No I get by with a little help from my friends, Do you need anybody, I need somebody to love. Could it be anybody I want somebody to love. Would you believe in a love at first sight, Yes I'm certain that it happens all the time. What do you see when you turn out the light, I can't tell you, but I know it's mine. Oh I get by with a little help from my friends, Do you need anybody, I just need someone to love, Could it be anybody, I want somebody to love. I get by with a little help from my friends, Yes I get by with a little help from my friends, With a little help from my friends.
  9. John, YES YES YES I see improvements in myself, but I still hurt everyday... sometimes I take huge leaps forward only to land square on my a**, but yes, I am improving. I can listen to music (I love music, but I couldn't listen to a frigging thing for months, 3 I think) I can't watch movies, and they don't have to be Sci Fi only~they can have people, and those people can be in love and even kiss and I don't die inside! I can't shoot pool with my pals, I can drink beer. I have even been to a party, and had a good time! None of these thing were possible at first, for me month one, could barely get out of bed~wanted to die thought about how to do it. Month two, could get out of bed, but didn't make it far for the tears, got on zoloft. I felt so so much of that deep pain we both spoke of today right during those times. I hope that deep pain doesn't ever return and so far, other than for a few hours at a time now and then, it has not. Month three found this place and make the choice to heal, whatever it took, went in to NC...the rest is history. I hope you no longer sleep in the car. Make the apartment your own so you want to go there. I imagined myself to be 20 again, and it's my "love pad" lol (not really but I honestly did tell myself this was my chance to do whatever I wanted to my place, if I wanted a picture of dog playing poker, well then darn it, I hung it...okay I don't have that either, but you get the point..lol) My place has nothing of her, I won't have it. I can't have it, I don't want it.
  10. Hey Sandyv Lady, what's going on today? The post is true, we all just hurt do bad right now. We just need to hang in there, thats all. Our wounds are very fresh. There is hope on the horizon though, and I am so glad we all have each other.
  11. John, Hello. I'm sorry to hear things are difficult for you this week. It's a process John, I know you have heard it before, but it's true. It just is. It takes, as long as it takes, and sometimes~well, that's a long time. It won't always be as bad as it is right now though, you will begin to heal and move forward. You know this is true yourself because you are saying this has set you back a bit. It's normal to miss her, and it's okay to miss her. You feel what you feel. But you will have to go through the process of healing. It's like loosing weight, you can't cheat it~fast weight loss is almost always regained. But if we recondition ourselves through proper diet and exercise it can be done. You can't cheat the process, you just can't~ (I personally think that is sort what people do when they rebound, they try to heal the wound quickly, but it often fails and in some cases the same issues arise in the next relationship) It is painful, the other I cried like a child a few days ago. My tears seems so heavy. I cried those deep sobs, the ones that echo in the night and awaken us from our slumber. I know it hurt, all of us here know, it hurts. Use us, lean on us, allow us to hold you up and do the same for us until these terrible wounds heal and our shattered lives are repaired. You do not simply have to simply survive, you can and will overcome this and live a wonderful life once again. You are right when you say keeping busy only masks the pain. At this point, that is what it will do. But one day ,as you are moving along you will notice you had an hour in which you laughed or you told a story or you built a bird house and you didn't think of her, and you didn't hurt...and a week later you go two hours....and on and on and life ...goes on. Make a choice to do what you must do to LIVE move forward and heal.
  12. Time to bounce guys and gals...stay strong and I'll check in with all of you tomorrow! lol...I'm not sure that Jacket would have the same effect for me Z, but I'll let MJ know you say hey! (if I can pry her from the food bowl, soft food day~I have a female garfield, I promise!)
  13. whatz up Z....!! Where you been drifter? lol I like dogs too, I had two of them a Beagle and a Basset hound, Kayla and Winston, they have both passed now, I miss them, good friends to have. I may get another if I buy a house, but right now MJ is good choice for the apartment.
  14. lol...the cat has a tracker!! okay I almost fell out of my chair!
  15. Turn off the cats myspace too, Beebee may be tempted. We are here for you Beebee!!
  16. oh you're right, we LIKE Beebee, okay, well, then this situation is no different for her then for most of us.. "Beebee, you have fallen for someone who is not good for you, I think you should go into NC right away with the Cat"
  17. not a probelm for you Desert~ohhhhh Beebee.....(calls out and looks around for the cats new SO)
  18. Sandy, I know I'm mean aren't I? lol I'm really ready for drink tonight, all joking aside it's been a h*ll of a day for me. I'm a buyer and I am trying to move some material out of customs...and I have little time left to do it and make my deadline. ehhhhhh
  19. I got MJ a new collar yesterday (she broke her safety one right before I left the house in June, the ex never replaced it...biting my lip right now..) Anyway I put her new ID tag on it, and man was she pissed! lol she kept trying to go backwards to get it off, scooting her a** all over the floor. I had company, she thought it was the funniest thing ever. It was a hoot!
  20. Thats amazing Sandy...MJ drools and plays with toy mice...***sigh** and the insult is "bird brain" I think NOT!
  21. Yes, thank you DYT that is exactly what Jo Jo is! An African Gray. The bird is really cool very cool. They must keep their house a certain temperature as well, as she cannot get too cool.
  22. My friend has gray bird, I forgot what it's called but it's exotic, and expensive...anyway that thing is so smart~it tells on the cat, for real it says "Cole is on the table, get down Cole get down" and when it misses his little girl it says..."Jo Jo miss Brandy, Brandy pretty, come pretty Brandy"
  23. Hey BeeBee, thats nice, after hearing about GC pig last night, I became a vegetarian. Desert~you hear that, someone wants the cat!!
  24. oh Lord DTY, no wonder the hubby is snoring! j/k Here (passes glass of SWY to DYT) have a glass, but not multiple ones...ahhhhhem get it? okay, Lone is hitting "post quick reply" now
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