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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. I am wondering too how to prepare for the empty nest.
  2. You must be so proud of your two boys. They sound like wonderful people with impressive talents.
  3. Sometimes we still have to continue to be an advocate even into young adulthood. Your son is lucky to have you as his mom.
  4. That is awesome! Yes ,that is right people can't correct behaviors if they are not told they exist in the first place.
  5. That is awesome about your son!!! Congrats!!! Yeah those people calling about computer problems are a complete scam. My in-laws get the same phone calls and they've never had a computer in their life.
  6. Yeah I have no idea if my son will be marriage material either. I really want grand kids but that may never happen. And if he doesn't have kids my husband's line of the family will end. My husband's sister never married or had kids and she went into menopause at 38. So it all hinges on my son. But it has to be his idea of course. He should not have kids if he does not want them or can't care for them. But if he doesn't I will be secretly heartbroken.
  7. Good luck to your son! My son starts a volunteer position today! I am so excited.
  8. It is harder when they grow up isn't it? You just miss your baby to snuggle with. And I find boys just grow up and go off and leave. I find girls stick closer to family though. And we all have boys, go figure.
  9. Don't you miss the sounds of toddlers? Those days are long gone for me too. And like you I have to enjoy the sounds of other people's little ones.
  10. Yes, I understand ,even introverts do require some social interaction. Every person on the planet needs to feel that they are part of some social group. We are a social species after all. Yes ,it must be difficult to only have social interaction with your significant other. That is what what happened to me when I moved to this small-town four years ago. I only had social interaction with my husband and my child. But my husband had work and friends at work and my child went to school and gained friends. I really had no one. I eventually had to get out and start volunteering and eventually employment and then gained more friends. Yes, I understand there is social interaction at work but it's not exactly the same as when you're just chilling with a friend. You're such an interesting person. And a very talented person.
  11. It gets really lonely when our friends drift away I agree. When I moved here four years ago I didn't know one single soul. I got into a really bad funk for a while. I understand what you mean when you say something has to give. It just feels like you're totally overwhelmed. Are you a really social person Cynder? I know I am and I need that social interaction. Do get a lot of social interaction from your artistic endeavors?
  12. Awww thanks sweetie. I have two journals here to 2 of my lost babies. I am grateful to have my living child for sure. I have 4 Angel babies in total. My Liam and Catherine and two unnamed.
  13. Today is your third angel day my baby girl. I love you.
  14. Tomorrow is your third angel day my baby girl. Hugs. I love you.
  15. Next Tuesday is your third Angel day my baby girl. Kisses and cuddles Mom & Dad and your big brother.
  16. Oh my goodness your boys were so cute!!! Happy belated birthday to your son.
  17. Dear Son Your Nana went and saw you today to let you know that you were thought of. Thank you mom.
  18. I cannot believe it today is the seventh year of your passing. There is not a day that I don't stop to think of you.
  19. I can't tell you this because you are dead. I will never understand how I took second place to a violent criminal.
  20. Hello my son ,next week is the seventh anniversary of your passing. This year we're going to do something special for you. I am going to write you a letter and me and daddy and your brother are going to send it up in a balloon for you. And when we go home again we will stop and see you much love, mom ,daddy and your brother.
  21. I am so sorry that you're in pain. Hugs. It is so hard to see the mistakes that we have made that injure our own life. And it is hard to repeatedly reinvent yourself.
  22. I have probably the worst migraine I've had in a year. I had to take Gravol and Tylenol ones because I am just puking. I don't have time for this I have to cook a turkey dinner and clean the house and go to church.
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