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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. That is awesome!!!! I am so happy for you ,Merry Christmas indeed!!
  2. Hugs darling. Big hugs.
  3. Today would've been your sixth birthday.
  4. I started getting a migraine again today but hot damn ice cream to the rescue! And it worked!
  5. Hello son, Your father and brother and I went to see you today. I miss you my darling boy. This coming Friday should have been your 6th birthday. You and mommy would have been exactly a week apart. I know you are with Jesus and look over us all. Bless your sweet soul darling . See you again soon my Angel son. I love you Liam Gabriel.
  6. I was about 23 when my migraines started. Mine are genetic. My mother has had migraines since she was a toddler ( 3 years old) My son also gets them as well he has had them since he was six years old. Apparently in your 20s it is pretty abnormal to start getting migraines at that point. They usually start in childhood or at puberty. Do they know what kind of headaches she gets and why? I have had my brain CT scanned a few times. They have told me they have seen no abnormality in my brain so my migraines are determined the " idiopathic." Meaning they can't determine a physical reason . But migraines are caused by anomalies in construction of the brain and vascular system. I'm sure if they did a spinal and dye test they would find where my problem is.
  7. I am discovering that ice cream works really well at aborting a migraine. They are working on studies right now as to why that happens. Apparently it causes brain freeze which aborts a migraine.
  8. Yes ,you won't feel the full effects at earliest about six weeks. It needs to build up in your system.
  9. I am still finding myself tired at night because it feels an hour later than it really is.
  10. It sounds like you are doing ok. I had super bad effects from the very first day. I felt like I had no personality whatsoever. I sat like a lump. Then had ocular disturbances. I felt like I was looking through a telescope. Then hallucinations and then the severe severe severe anxiousness would set in. That was all from the very first pill. So you may be ok.
  11. Mine was the smallest dose they make. That was the scary part! SSRIs just do not work with my brain chemistry . Yet they work awesome for my husband.
  12. It can be fatal so be careful. Here are the symptoms as given by the Mayo Clinic Agitation or restlessness Confusion Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure Dilated pupils Loss of muscle coordination or twitching muscles Heavy sweating Diarrhea Headache Shivering Goose bumps Severe serotonin syndrome can be life-threatening. Signs and symptoms include: High fever Seizures Irregular heartbeat Unconsciousness For me I got severe severe severe restlessness. I would pace almost 24 hours a day. I had ocular disturbances. It also made me hallucinate. I also felt like 1000 bees were buzzing in my head all the time. I physically could not sleep and did not sleep for almost 20 days. Then the twitching started. If I had not been taking clonazepam at the same time it might have killed me. So my doctor just put in my chart allergic to SSRIs.
  13. My husband is on Zoloft and he does well with it. He is on 100 mg a day. He takes it for severe anxiety though not depression. Last year they gave me Zoloft in hopes of stopping my panic attacks. Even at 25 mg a day it gave me serotonin syndrome. My doctor said about 75% of people do really well on it the other 25% just can't take it.
  14. Sometimes there are things that just trigger that bad spiral. The one where something just snaps in your head and then life plays like a movie. You feel like you're paddling up river but you don't have any paddles. Don't worry this too shall pass. It always does. Hugs.
  15. Exactly the only way to move forward is to express emotion.
  16. You have apocalyptic dreams too??? I used to have them all the time! I'm sorry you had another nightmare. They are truly horrific aren't they? I have not had a nightmare in over three months though!! Some of my dreams have even contained humour. When do they consider you in remission for PTSD?
  17. Yes ,my mother-in-law got a mastectomy on that side as well. She wanted them to do a double mastectomy but they would only take the one breast. It is great that you are cancer free!
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