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Everything posted by Seraphim

  1. Wow ,I had forgotten that you had breast cancer! My mother-in-law had breast cancer 16 years ago or thereabouts. Maybe 17 years ago. I believe she was on tamoxifen for like five years. Then about three years ago she had skin cancer. But all in all the old bird is doing pretty good I guess. I think she turns 80 this year. Yeah ,I guess that's something that we don't often think about what other medications due to the mind. I hope that you find some relief soon though. I get situational depression when my post traumatic stress disorder symptoms are really bad like now. I also get SAD. So I take a lot of vitamin D or I cry my way through winter. Then in the spring and summer I'm happy again because I get enough sunlight. Unfortunately I cannot take any SSRI because I get severe reactions to it.
  2. My dad never wanted kids either but had them to keep my mother. He would always tell her lies just to keep her. I know he loves us in his own weird way but he could never be a dad. He was just never prepared for anything in life. It is sad really when people end up that way.
  3. Doesn't that feel like the greatest coup? I don't usually harbour a lasting resentment or dislike for someone but lately I have. It is not a good feeling at all. And the point is that this feeling is utterly ridiculous because they make no difference to my life at all.
  4. Happy Birthday to him! My son turns 16 soon.
  5. LUM, Do you have Netflix? If you do watch the documentary, a Mother's Courage. It is about this mother from Iceland who travels the world for help for her autistic son.
  6. I hear you! School starts Tuesday here too! Yeah we have to get them into a routine of going to bed on time. It also is important for depression to have a regular schedule.
  7. Hey LUM, Lack of vitamin D can cause significant depression. I get that in the winter because there's so little sun in the winter. I have to take vitamin D in the winter or just sit there and cry everyday. But yeah also too you probably won't see significant improvement with Prozac till about six weeks or so. At least my husband never had significant improvement until about 6 to 8 weeks. But he was taking it for anxiety not depression. I hope your son feels better soon.
  8. I am so glad your mom can finally find her self worth! It makes it so much better for her and so much better for the both of you. Eh, what a family huh? It sounds like my dad's family. At least we stopped the cycle.
  9. For Canada Day my husband's going to be at the Blue Jays game. The Blue Jays are having a Canadian Forces appreciation day. My husband is going to be one of the soldiers holding up the massive Canadian flag. He is taking our son with him. So I will be alone on Canada Day. Canada day was/ is usually a day though to have a barbecue see family and friends and watch the fireworks. Last year we were in the US for Canada day so we didn't get to do that. But we enjoyed enjoyed 4 th of July in Pensacola instead. I am always so proud to be a Canadian on that day . ( Well any day really )I hope you enjoy your Canada Day!
  10. ...... Mom loves you.
  11. Today is your Angel Day. it is 2 years you have been gone.
  12. Tomorrow is your Angel Day baby girl.
  13. It is almost your second Angel day dear Catherine. Mommy loves you. Last night I had a dream about you being born. And you were perfect. You had soft strawberry blond hair and big blue eyes.
  14. Today is your day.You are forever remembered by your family. Loves and kisses from your Mom and Dad and big brother and your Nana and Papa. It is hard to believe you have been gone for 6 years. We shall see you again my Angel baby.
  15. Tomorrow is your birth and death day.
  16. It is almost time son is almost time. Soon you will have been gone six years.
  17. Hahah yeah I gotcha! I have/had giant syndrome too. I have lots of old injuries that hurt like a B. I have taken out both my shoulders now. And tore muscles down my back. Four whiplash injuries and an old dislocated knee. I am a hutin ole lady some days. Can not wait to be older.
  18. Yo girl what did you do to yourself?! I hope you feel better soon!
  19. I understand you there. I have the ability to be violent. I just choose not to be. However, maybe that is part of the reason I joined the Forces so I could put out aggression in an acceptable way? I could "act" being brutal and it was acceptable. I could fire off weapons. I could be aggressive because it was required. I could act like a man and it was acceptable and even encouraged.
  20. I can not believe you would have been 1 on Feb 1.
  21. I have a hard time letting go too and I wonder what the cause of that is. Pride maybe?
  22. We are a lot alike. We both have great strength. We have had similar things happened to us and we have come out on top. Hugs.
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