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Everything posted by HeatherPresley68

  1. I was at home waiting for him to pick me up. I wouldn't have waited at the theatre that long. He said that it was a one time thing and I want to believe him. today is our year and a half anniversery and I'm really hoping that this won't happen again. As far as I know porn hasn't been a problem for him other than this one occasion. thanks again for your advice
  2. Thanks for your words annie. The last time I posted about this type of topic everyone said I needed to chill out. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this is wrong
  3. I posted a topic before about how I didn't like that my bf would look up pics of the sluttiest girls he could find on myspace. Everyone said that I was overreacting and that all guys do that. I had tried to accept it after that. But then one day my bf and I planed a date to go to a movie we had both been wanting to see. I waited and waited and about an hour and a half after the movie had started he finally showed up. I kept pressuring him as to why he was so late and after a bunch of excuses he finally admitted that he had been looking at dirty pictures on the computer. I feel so hurt he would have wanted to do that so much that he wouldn't care about breaking his date with me. It seems so disrespectful to me. Am I just overreacting again?
  4. I was very excited today when I found out that I've been chosen for an interview at the hospital as a registration representative. The thing is that i'm scared stiff because I've never had an interview in my entire life because all of my jobs so far have been work study. I was hoping for some advice from you guys on what typical interview questions are asked and how I should prepare myself. I've heard that a common question is "What are your weaknesses" any ideas on the best way to answer this? Thanks for all your help!!
  5. Those are some great ideas you have. Thanks!!
  6. I've been dating my boyfriend for almost two years and spent time with his parents a handful of times. The problem is that I'm a very shy person accept around my close friends. I just dont know what to say around them and I get so nervous because I want them to like me soo much. The other day for my bf's graduation he invited me and our two best friends over for a barbaque with his parents. One of our friend ashley seemed to hit it off so well with his mom. I couldn't help being a little bit jelouse. His mom barely talked to me at all accept to tell me that Ashley should help me find a job I'm fresh out of college and only have a work study job at the moment. Any ideas on how I can get to know his mom better? Conversation starters would be good to.
  7. Cheating on me isn't the issue. I know he won't cheat on me. I don't think that he should be checking out these types of girls on myspace.
  8. Its great that you march to the beat of your own drum. The world needs more free thinkers like you
  9. Hey buddy my room mate's mom took the birth control pill religiously and ended up popping out a kid anyway. Her parents were both going to go to ivy league colleges but that totally ruined their plans. They drive school buses now. Hope this helps you make your decision
  10. Last night my boyfriend reluctantly admitted to me that he has been looking at profiles of other girls on myspace. Now I'm not talking about just random girls that he may have gone to highschool with. The profiles that he looks at are of very trashy girls, the kinds that would be in pornos. The pictures are very slutty. He told me that all guys do things like this and actually got mad at me for being upset with him. He says that I always bring him down when I get depressed after he tells me things like this. We've been togeather for almost two years and I love him but this isn't the first time we've had issues like this. Hes is very sweet to me until we have confrontations. He says that I'm way too strict with him. I don't want to break up with him because I really do care for him but I cant keep feeling wrecked by him. He has no remorse for his part in our problems and he never holds himself responsible. Its a hard situation to judge if you don't know him personally but I would really appreciate any advice. Thanks
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