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  1. Sorry for the long post guys........here goes Well, first off I've NEVER been able to tell if a guy likes me, or if he's flirting with me. I need obvious signs, i dont pick up on the little things. So I recently started a new job, and am somewhat interested in this one guy that I work with. He's good looking, funny, all of those things. And I would like to think he thinks the same, but I'm not quite sure. We're both really sarcastic towards eachother, in a joking way of course. He's asked about the usual ie: hobbies, movies, stuff like that, we always seem to find something to talk about. He called me hun one time, but that might of just slipped. He winks at me while having conversations, and overall he SEEMS friendly. Now this is what confuses me....... In the past week or so he's said these to me: you're special, you're one of a kind, quite the character. Now i take those as negative, but my friends seem to think they're a good thing. (I'm a little insecure, I know) And it's a little on and off with him. He's really sarcastic, and funny, then he's nice, then he's sort of quiet, then he's sarcastic, then he's sort of stand off-ish. I feel like there's something there, but it might just be me hoping there is. Not quite sure what to do, I mean I'm interested, but not enough to make a move, without knowing for sure what he thinks. Is there anything I can do, or say to get a better idea of what he thinks, without being to straight forward. I have confidence, but not enough to just come out ask him what he thinks. Are there any obvious signs that i can look for.......I'm so bad at this whole flirting thing!
  2. This is definetly true!!! When a guy takes a step towards me while we're having a conversation, most of the time I'll take a step back. But that doesn't mean im not interested, it has to do with a "trust" thing like budman said. I think this would only work if you've been talking to a girl for a bit, getting to know her, trying to make her feel comftorable. Then try this, and if she doesn't move then your in.
  3. Just wanted to know if anyone has felt this way..... Right now I just feel so out of place in the world. I feel like I dont fit in anywhere. I use to try to fit in, but found that wasnt the way to go. Now im on my own way and trying to figure out who i am. I know I'm a good person, I know I'm smart, and i know i do have a good personality. But people dont really accept it, i think they think I'm a little weird, I've been getting lines like: you're one of a kind, you're special, and you're no cookie cutter image. I'm trying hard too brush off the comments whatever they may mean.(not quite sure how to take them) It just gets hard sometimes to be me, I feel like im constantly being criticized and judged. I'm in a part of my life where I'm finding out about myself, and taking a real look at who i am. No one seems to respect that.......so any encouraging words or advice you may have, I could use it. Thanks
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