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Everything posted by Jhodas

  1. Pick a moment when your heads are both screwed on (i.e. not after sex or alcohol) and you are alone and have time (applies for any serious discussion really). Other than that, you know him better than any of us do. There's no 'perfect moment' for broaching any subject you're uncomfortable with. Just good ones and bad ones. With regard to the awkwardness, physical and eye contact when asking the question helps a lot. It should subconsciously make him feel more at ease. Second opinions on this?
  2. Well said on both counts DN. I can have a hard time putting my feelings into words sometimes. Those are three very VERY big words for me. Only said them to one person. As others have said before; the important thing is that you trust him when he does say it. And it may be the case that he simply does not want to overuse the phrase. It may be that he wants it to mean more to you when he does say it. If anything, that means he loves you more.
  3. We've been together nearly 4 months. A record for me since i was 16. If she wanted to walk, why leave it so long? I don't see myself spending the rest of my life with this girl. But I damn sure don't wanna lose the best thing that's happened to me since high school. Although if it really did come to the crunch, I'd have to put my friends first. Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go until you meet the one. Your true friends, you will keep for life. I may have just answered my own question, but I would still like to hear from more of you. Jho.
  4. I'm 6'2", my gf is 5'7". Makes no Difference. Your teacher shouldn't really be passing opinion on something like that anyway. Are you kissing her because it feels good? Or because you want the approval of your teacher?
  5. Hehe. Here's my 2 cents/pence/Kopeks/ In my experience, hickys occur when the level of passion gets to a certain point. In the heat of the moment. be careful where you give them though. They are basically a bruise, which means ruptured blood vessels. On the neck, this can be dangerous. I'm a little confused as to why she wants the mark. Does she want to be marked as your territory? (from previous posts) There's not secret to it.You just kiss/lick/suck/nibble their neck until it leaves a mark. How hard you do it depends on the two of you (another area to be careful). They can be fun
  6. I agree with 'Love Her Like Crazy's' post. It sounds like a tension problem. You didnt finish the first couple of times and now you just 'freeze up'. Relax. Get her to give you a massage. Dont think in sentences, just focus on sensations. This probably won't change overnight, but I think relaxing yourself may help.
  7. Nowt wrong with that mate. Nothing at all. I know it turns me on watching my gf play with her baby dolphin. Why shouldn't she take pleasure in your pleasure? As many have said before: If you're not comfortable, don't do it. Although in theory there is less that could go wrong if you're doing it yourself...
  8. Sounds like goosebumps. Yes it's normal, it could just mean that you're cold. It could also mean that your body likes whats happening to it Anyone else agree?
  9. ehm doubleyou: Its because guys are not mind readers...Why should we have to figure out if a woman is shy or not? SECONDED! This happens so often. Women show no interest in a guy until he stops showing interest in them. Then the brown stuff hits the proverbial fan. You like him? TELL HIM! The worst thing he can do is tell you he's not interested. Which is pretty much no less than you did to him. Women are confusing to men. Subtlety does not work. Just say it. Not necessarily with words...
  10. I appreciate your quick replies thank you. Caterina. These are not plan Bs. These are not women that anything sexual is ever going to happen with again. They are friends. I would like to emphasise that I have taken time (several months) apart from these people, gotten over the sexual aspect and forged a friendship from scratch. She lives with two guys and invited her ex out for a drink while she was sixty miles away, later confessing that this was a man who used to threaten her in public. I can't even run into my friends without her getting very very uptight. On the other hand, i guess I'm being a bit thick. Exactyl why would/does it make a woman insecure? Do women see it as competition? regardless of what their man says? Is it simply that some women cannot stand the thought of their man having an emotional investment of any kind in another female? If that's the case, should I have any female friends at all? Regardless of whether i have a past with them? Once again, thanks for your help. EDIT: hoping, I don't see these people more than once a fortnight, simply because I'm investing so much time in my gf. She's never met either of them. I kept trying to get her to, she refused. So i stopped trying. Jho
  11. Myself and my gf are relatively quiet lovers until just before the 'moment'. I become quite vocal just before I climax and she gets noisy just before hers. Other than that, it's lots of quiet eyecontact and the odd moan. Different strokes for different folks mate.
  12. Swapping salive is nothing really. If the person you're kissing has a clean mouth, it should taste the same as yours and thereforeeee of nothing. Just be careful when you start swapping sexual fluids. Condoms are definitely your friend!
  13. I could be wrong, but a kiss on the forehead tends to be something of a protective gesture. It usually happens when you're locked in a hug. Not quite as intimate as the hand thing I would have said. feel free to disagree.
  14. Hi, I'm new here, I'm a 21 year old male student with a 19 year old gf, also a student. We're at the same university, I'm 3rd year, she's first year. I've dated and slept with quite a few women in this time. I never cheated on anyone. My gf knows all about my past. The problem is thus. I have two female friends, both of whom I have history with, both of whom I took time to get over, both of whom I'm still quite close to. I've compromised friendships for a woman before and when it ended, I felt so low, not because it was over, but because I had actively excluded friends from my life for the sake of a woman. I promised myself I would never do this again. My gf basically can't stand the fact that I'm still friends with two people i've slept with (one of whom has grown from bisexual to lesbian in that time). I keep trying to reassure her, I spend a lot of time alone with her. I don't love her because I'm not ready to love, but that doesn't stop me adoring her. Unfortunately after a few drinks she doesn't seem to be able to see anything good about our relationship and says she 'wonders why she's with me'. What I want to know is: should i cut these people I consider good friends out of my life for this woman? Should I break up with my gf because she can't handle it? Any other suggestions? Help, particularly from the feminine quarter, would be appreaciated. Jho.
  15. I know a lot of people say that age is nothing but a number, but in this situation, it's a very big concern. If you were 20 and he was 27, there wouldn't really be an issue, but think of how many changes people go through between 13 and 20. Stay away. His gestures are totally inappropriate and could lead to something illegal.
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