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Everything posted by timjd

  1. its probably because its hard to choose- i mean there isn't a part of the female body i dislike- neck, shoulders, belly, back etcc. they all have their attractions. breasts can look AMAZING when the girl is wearing a sexy top and showing cleavage, but when she is nude, after a while they can get a bit offputting, thats why i prefer my gf to keep her bra on when we have sex.
  2. yes i am a footlover. i love it when girls play with their feet- that can be seriously erotic, its like theyre teasing you sexually. its also the fetish-dom thing. basically tho lower limbs rule, fishnets, strappy heels, sexy outrageous shoes etc. god i love girls time for a cold shower i think!
  3. Just wondered what the ratio of leg men to breast men was on enotalone. I've been having an argument with a few friends on the subject, so maybe we could settle it finally! I think we're all one or the other. I mean, I think breasts are great (who doesn't), but I've always thought they were a bit boring. They just kinda hang there. I'm def a leg man, and a foot man. I don't think theres anything sexier than a girl pulling on a pair of stockings. so whaddya think? btw, i am not a chauvinist male pig, just conducting a bit of scientific research.
  4. Thats life- learn to deal with it. ''The Rules'' are unlikely to change anytime soon, as long as our fragile sense of society stays intact. If world war III happens we'll all be out raping and pillaging like in the good 'ol stone age days.
  5. Hi Mgirl. The most important thing is that you remember her in your heart and mind. The material possessions are really irrelevant. It is nice if you can keep a few photos, letters and any items that she really loved. But as for clothes, pots and pans and furniture, they are just the junk that we go through life with- dump it all today. Hopefully you can move on and lift that weight off your back.
  6. i usually think about an erotic situation involving a female, combined with a photo of said female. i need the visual bit, otherwise my mind wanders!
  7. Anyone else here take Epilim or other anti-epiliptic/neurological prescription drugs? I have been for a few months and I am having very bizarre dreams/nightmares every night. Usually they are quite threatening, I am doing something dangerous like racing cars and climbing up mountains and my life is in danger. And people I know are quite nasty to me in these dreams! I usually know I am in a dream because they are too weird to be real life! I know that taking long-term neuro meds can cause dreams & hallucinations and wondered if anyone else had experienced it.
  8. when I'm at a party or some social event and i make eye contact with a gorgeous girl accross the room. she looks at me, i look at her. she fingers a wisp of her long straight hair and wraps her lips around the neck of a bottle of beer, running her tongue round the rim, and all the time staring deep into my eyes. i'm just imagining her down on her knees when her boyfriend turns up, she winks at me and f***s off and i have to make do with a quickie in the bathroom.
  9. Umm girls tend to close their eyes quite often during sex, so maybe its not that sursprising. Having said that, men are more stimulated by the visual sense than women. At the end of the day, I think it's very unlikely he's fantasizing.
  10. Look at it this way- at least you're not one of the 2 billion people on this planet living in abject poverty. This time next year you'll be back to normal, trust me. Alternatively you could shave it all off and raise a load of money for charity!
  11. Men are genetically programmed to find women attractive and thus have sex with them and ensure the continuation of the human race. it follows that the more attractive a woman is, the more he wants to have sex with her. simple really.
  12. Forgot to mention, but obviously yes i'm white. Well yes my sis does have two sons, and whilst we all get on I still get the feeling my parents will be a bit gutted, embarressed maybe if I ending up marrying an Indian girl. She's from Bradford too which probably won't go down too well! I actually find the accent a bit of a turn on which is weird. It would be good to hear from anyone else who has experienced these issues. In the meantime we're going to just have fun.
  13. I have recently started going out with this girl at medical college, Amrita, who is asian (as you can probably tell from the name). We get on like a house on fire, and the sex and everything is great. Here's the grotty bit. My sister, whose 7 years older than me is married to a guy who is black. My mum/dad has never really approved of their relationship. I wouldn't call him racist but I think they were disappointed that my sister went for black guys when she was growing up. she took some stick for it apparently. All my other cousins are older and married to 'nice middle-class white folks' with young kiddies. i can just see myself introducing Amrita and my parents thinking 'Oh God, we're going to be like the diversity family'. They'll probably be disappointed/worried about not having any white grandkids. I just wondered if anyone else had experience of this kind of thing. i am nervous about introducing her to my family.
  14. Just wondering what girls views are on male fetishes, and what kind of stuff people are into. Personally i have a thing for women in nurses gear, wearing stockings and holdups. not stupid red latex costumes but the regular gear. maybe i'll be a doctor when i'm older. anyway i had a great time when i was in hospital recently! would you dress up for your bf? The other thing which my gf used to think was freaky is that i have a huge foot fetish, which is great at this time of year with all the girls wearing skirts and sandals. do girls mind having their feet kissed and licked or is it disgusting?
  15. just curious as to what turns ppl on, and girls in particular. i seem to have quite an unusual range of turn ons, i think a lot of men do, but i've always fancied small females . i think this is because i always feel a kind of protective urge towards them, although sex is the most important thing i guess. does this make sense? i mean i am 6'2 but i have never fancied taller/bigger girls, and my family always think it is strange i have gone out with short/small (i hate the word 'petite') girls. i also get turned on by my girls hands, and feet. i love the feeling of her fingers on my skin, and i like sucking wine off her fingers. very bizarre.
  16. yes i would love to give her a foot rub! i mean i love having sex, with or without her feet, but whenever we are having foreplay or messing around in bed, i really am turned on by her feet (and legs and breasts too btw!). basically i want to lick and suck them and then have sex. or her give me a footjob. i don't know why but i have ALWAYS been turned on by, even before i really became sexually self-aware. so i think i'm stuck with it! i just think they are v horny.
  17. hi, i have had a foot fetish ever since i was very young, but have been wary of bringing up with girs before because i think most girls think it is weird and disgusting. my gf has very sexy feet but i am wary of doing anything until i know what she thinks. what do other girls think?, i know some are more openmided than others. tim
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