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Olivia Sanders

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Everything posted by Olivia Sanders

  1. Everyone knows how it feels to drag their feet through a never-ending workday with an eerie feeling that nothing will change. The office coffee is lukewarm, the same old monotonous tasks that need to be done, the stressful deadlines looming over the horizon—it’s almost as if your body has been taken hostage by an enigmatic anxiety monster that won’t let you go. Too often, we are our own biggest enemies when it comes to pursuing our dreams and reclaiming happiness. It can be challenging to admit that, instead of blaming the world for our woes, we're the ones who cage ourselves in coiled self-doubt and fragile hopes. In times like this, it’s crucial to just stop, take a deep breath, and accept that anxiety can have a grip over our lives. The most effective strategy to conquer the anxiously gnawing monster isn’t to suppress or ignore it—but to embrace it. Once we recognize the true culprit of our struggle, we can begin the process of slaying it. The first step should be regaining control of our emotions. This can be done by being consciously aware of how you’re feeling in the moment, and then noticing any counterproductive patterns of worry. Our mind is like turbulent waves on the surface of the ocean—billowing tides and powerful currents. When overwhelmed by strong emotions, it’s important to stay calm and channel inner strength to still the rough waters. Acknowledging and accepting our emotions, while maintaining composure, provides a stepping stone forward. The next step is focusing on what we can and cannot control in the situation. We can’t change the fact that some people are difficult to work with, or that some clients can be unpredictable, but we can change how much importance we assign to these external factors. If a particularly challenging project has become too overwhelming for one person, ask for help and create reasonable goals. Further, if a colleague or a clique at work causes distress, practice going beyond rational thinking and start problem solving from within. Ask yourself what kind of support do you need in that moment, and take action in order to create solutions. Third and most importantly, invest in your personal growth and development. There’s no need to plunge headfirst with unnecessary haste, and it’s essential not to sacrifice sobriety, balance and ambition. Put yourself first and learn to balance a healthy diet, plenty of rest, and occasional indulging in time for yourself. Practice mindfulness and keep reminding yourself to focus on the basics: the joy of simply being alive, the pleasant experience of sharing those moments with close ones, the accomplishment of creating meaningful and lasting achievements. Finally, strive to lead a purposeful life. Find out what type of experiences appeal to your imagination, activate your creativity and nourish your spirit. Start working towards developing new habits and skills that supplement your qualities. If something doesn't seem quite right, don’t be discouraged and give yourself permission to fail—bounce right back up, with a newfound understanding and inner powers to face whatever else lies ahead. Although the anxiety monster may continue to lurk around, it will no longer have the power to completely drown us. We've regained the agency to face our imperfections as unique individuals—acknowledging them without fear, yet refusing to be forever bound by them. With a little bit of empathy and a sprinkle of compassion towards ourselves, we can reclaim our happy workplace, no matter the circumstances!
  2. Life is a confusing whirlwind of emotions; love and loss, joy and sorrow, success and failure. Navigating through all the highs and lows--personally and in our relationships--can be overwhelming. Furthermore, sometimes it can be hard to know how to effectively show our partners that we are present and connected to them, whether we are in the midst of trouble or simply enjoying happy moments together. Remaining emotionally present in our intimate relationships is an on-going practice. The more we use it, the better our connection with our partners and the deeper our understanding of their emotions will become. Here we will look at several ways to stay emotionally present in our relationships, so that we are both able to cope with life’s challenges together and savor the beauty of its moments. The first is self-awareness. It is important to be aware and present in your own emotional life. This means understanding your reactions and distinguishing between your needs, hopes and fears. Being self-aware sets the stage for being emotionally present with your partner by inviting you to recognize subtle cues that can give you insight into your partner’s emotional state. From there, you can begin to draw conclusions about how your partner is feeling. The next way to remain present in your relationship is by making space for both grief and joy. Life has its ups and downs and it’s essential to provide support in both times. When difficulties come, create a safe space for both partners to talk honestly about their feelings. Making time for your partner’s difficult emotions can give them the opportunity to share their inner world in an honest and meaningful way. And when joy rains down, cherish it. Seize opportunities to rejoice together and celebrate your successes with each other. Another way to stay emotionally present with your partner is through active listening. Actively listening means giving full attention to what they are saying, without judgment or criticism. When you listen actively, your partner’s words may hold clues as to how they are feeling. When possible, offer them positive affirmations or solutions as well. Avoiding assumptions or statements of guilt or blame can make these conversations more productive and inviting. It’s also important to be mindful of body language. Non-verbal communication is usually a stronger indication of what someone is actually thinking than verbal communication. Pay attention to signs such as facial expressions, slumped shoulders, and tension. Consider whether this posture fits the conversation that is taking place and if not, inquire about their emotions in a non-accusatory way. Additionally, a gentle touch like holding their hand may provide comfort to your partner in difficult moments. Finally, creating sacred moments for just the two of you is essential for maintaining closeness and developing understanding. Take the time to switch off from any distracting social media and daily worries and dedicate quality time to just the two of you. This can be as simple as a slow dance in the kitchen or a wander around the park looking up at the stars. Providing your partner with undivided attention allows you to become more familiar with each other's emotions. Relationships need constant tending and fostering. Allowing yourself to be emotionally present in your relationships helps build love, trust, and connection. With practice, intentional listening, and increased emotional awareness, you both can grow stronger together.
  3. So you've just come into a life-changing inheritance. It can be tempting to blow it all on a shopping spree or a dream vacation, but with a bit of thought and care, you can use your newfound wealth to improve your life in meaningful ways. To start, take some time for yourself. This windfall is a huge shift in your life and you deserve to sit with it and reflect on what it means for you. Even if you don't have the answers right away, make a habit of checking in with yourself every so often to stay present to your emotions and ensure that you are using your money in ways that bring you fulfillment. Once you have given yourself time to adjust, consider how you might use your money to increase your happiness. Take up a hobby you have always wanted to do; attend a course you've been interested in; explore a new part of the world. All of these activities provide wonderful opportunities to learn something new, expand your horizons, and enjoy yourself. Alternatively, you could use your inheritance to invest in yourself and the future. Have you ever wanted to further your education, start a business, or upgrade your skillset? These may require more of an investment of time rather than money—but now, you have more financial security to support you as you strive to reach your goals. You may also want to use your inheritance to help those in need. Consider donating to charity, creating a scholarship fund for students in need, or helping out your local community in some way. Not only will you be supporting people who need it, but your generosity will undoubtedly give you a feeling of significance and purpose. Finally, think about how you can use this newfound wealth to pass all of these lessons onto the next generation. Whether or not you have children of your own, you could think about building up a nest egg for your relatives, mentoring the young people in your life, or investing in volunteer projects that benefit young people in need. Inheriting money can be a difficult yet incredibly rewarding experience. With thoughtful consideration and planning, you can ensure that you make the most of it and set yourself up for a secure and happy future.
  4. When it comes to fostering warm and meaningful connections in life, empathy is the number one desirable skill very few people have. While self-awareness and communication are crucial for relationship building, empathy often gets overlooked. Unfortunately, it seems that many of us are not equipped with the ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and understand their feelings. Empathy is a skill that requires one to be able to feel what others feel without having been in the same situation. It is more than understanding - it is about feeling a special kind of connection. Rather than judging or struggling to provide logical solutions, empathy provides nurturance, support and understanding. It is a valuable asset when dealing with family, friends, partners and colleagues as it enables individuals to connect on a deeper level. Despite its importance, empathy still remains as an undervalued asset. Of course, cultivating empathy can be tricky. It needs to be intentional and consistent. One needs to be willing and open to seeing things from different perspectives and take the effort to stay connected with those around them. Practising active listening with no judgment, from the heart rather than from the head, entices the opportunity to develop strong relationships. Having empathy involves being humble, open and vulnerable enough to truly see the person for who they are, free of any assumptions. This kind of connection often fosters acceptance and trust, feeling heard, safe and understood. The practice of empathy also offers key benefits when dealing with one’s own emotions. Having genuine affection and tenderness towards oneself ultimately creates an environment to be compassionate to others. Indeed, it can be difficult to recognize the needs of others when we are not connected with our own inner needs. Consequently, a key focus of emphatic approach is self-care. At times along this journey, getting help from mental health professionals could be a helpful way of getting unobstructed feedback and support. Creating meaningful connections does not come easy but empowerment can be built through the commitment to developing this skill. In order for individuals to reap the benefits, practice of empathy is essential. So to summarise, empathy stands as the core to any meaningful relationships as it allows us to nurture and accept both ourselves, and those around us.
  5. Nobody likes to be wrong. We all strive to do everything perfectly, but it is a near impossible feat since we are all human and capable of error. Despite this common knowledge, many of us still have difficulty acknowledging our faults – including our partners. For boyfriends especially, it can be difficult for them to admit when they’ve made a mistake. Though sometimes this may seem like an annoying and stubborn trait, there may actually be a scientific reason behind why your boyfriend won’t admit when he’s wrong. It’s known as Cognitive Dissonance Theory and it goes like this: When people are presented with information that contradicts their own beliefs, they experience a form of dissonance (or uneasiness caused by inconsistency). So if your man is convinced of his 'rightness’, he will struggle to accept contradictory points of view and end up clinging to his original beliefs. This can be quite a hindrance in relationships, as it prevents the couple from having open and honest conversations, which are integral to maintaining a healthy relationship. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to stay communicative and make your significant other more likely to acknowledge when they were wrong. It can be beneficial to present facts in a neutral way instead of automatically accusing your partner of being wrong. Say something like “I understand where you’re coming from, but here are some facts that suggest otherwise.” This can help keep your conversation peaceful and less confrontational. Or, if he’s particularly stubborn, try to humor him and make light of the situation instead. A bit of laughter can make it easier for him to relax and be more open-minded. Another good idea is to brainstorm solutions together in order to reach a mutual agreement. Breaking a problem into smaller sections provides a manageable process for working out the kinks. It also allows you to approach it from both sides, which makes it easier for your partner to acknowledge their part in it. Finally, try to provide positive reinforcement whenever your partner does admit their error. This shows him that recognizing one’s mistakes isn’t a bad thing and giving him a pat on the back will make it easier to do so again in the future. Although it can be work trying to convince your partner that they were wrong, it’s important to remember that being wrong is no big deal; Everyone makes mistakes, and it is important that we take responsibility for them so that we can continue to grow and improve.
  6. Mental health has always been a concern for young adults, but now after the pandemic it is becoming increasingly acute. In this difficult time, millions of people around the world not only feel stressed and scared, but also suffer from depression and are prone to mental health crisis. While this situation might seem hopeless, there are a number of methods, both self-care and professional help, that can be used to cope with mental health issues. The constant changes and uncertainty of the modern world make it difficult for young people to cope with the pressure that comes from all directions. But even before the pandemic, teenagers struggled with mental health issues, especially during the transition period when they're supposed to mature, develop relationships with peers and plan their future. Depression, anxiety, and even psychosis can manifest themselves in young adults. Unfortunately, these issues often remain unspoken, as many teens feel ashamed to seek out help for their mental health crisis. Others might unknowingly choose more dangerous behaviors, such as self-medication or substance abuse, in an attempt to numbing their pain. However, preventing a mental health crisis in young adults is possible, and requires early intervention. The first step is to understand the signs and risk factors that indicate that person is likely to experience psychological issues. Bullying, isolation, family problems, or even genetic predispositions can be an underlying cause of mental ill-health. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can allow teenagers to cope with the increasing demands of their age. For teenagers experiencing their first emotional turmoil, talking therapy, an open dialog with friends, family and trusted adults, is essential to find positive ways to express their emotions. Support services for young people can be helpful as well, as it allows them to feel included and less isolated. It's also important to focus on developing healthy coping skills and managing intense stress, even through meditation and yoga. It’s also of vital importance that parents, teachers, counselors and other trusted adults are open to hearing young people’s problems and worries. It can help remove some of the fear and stigma attached to mental health crisis and encourage them to speak out. An empathetic environment is necessary so that young adults can finally take a step towards rediscovering social pleasure, positive relationships and personal meaning. Mental health crisis is unfortunately reality for many young adults, and although more and more attention is being raised to the issue, the isolation imposed by the pandemic only exacerbates the problem. Young adults must know that hope exists and assistance is available, in order to rebuild and rediscover their mental balance.
  7. It has happened to us all. You accidentally send a text to your boss – thoughts meant for a friend, a small detail you meant to save for later - that draws unexpected attention to you and leaves you feeling mortified. The worst part is coming to terms with the fact that you may have made a lasting impression on your professional reputation, one that can be tough to undo. At moments like this it can feel as if you are in an untenable position, but there is a way to restore your professional image and regain respect in the workplace. how you approach rectifying the mistake will depend on the specific incident and how your boss responded, but here are some essential steps to recovering your professional standing. The first step is to recognize the error and acknowledge it. If you sent an offensive message, apologize without getting defensive or making excuses. No one likes to make a mistake, but admitting to one conveys humility and maturity as a worker. Take responsibility by communicating that you understand why your message was inappropriate and pledge not to repeat it. It can also help to be honest about what you were trying to convey and share what positive outcome you did intend with your comments. Once you have owned up to your mistake, ensure that it does not become a recurring event. Whether the issue was due to inattention, miscommunication, or any other factor, find ways to prevent a recurrence in the future. Be proactive, such as setting up alerts for yourself to check emails and messages twice before sending. Communicate openly and often with your team so that issues can be quickly addressed when they arise. Then work to rebuild the trust. How you carry yourself in the workplace will go far in demonstrating your character, values and worth to colleagues. Take the initiative in offering solutions to problems, take ownership of tasks and come through when needed. Consistently demonstrate your reliability and conscientiousness both in the workplace and outside of it. Finally, branch out and make connections. Whether it is participating in projects or taking classes in your field, look for opportunities to expand your existing skill set and reach new heights in your professional development. Investing in yourself and your relationships can prove quite valuable and you may surprise yourself in the process. Accidentally sending the wrong message at work can be a stressful experience, and even after taking these steps it may be difficult to repair the image you had of yourself as a professional and reliable team member. However, by facing the situation head-on and taking action, it is possible to vault any mistakes and continue to progress in the workplace.
  8. The narrative of divorce tends to focus on the struggles of women with difficulties being made worse by a sense of masculine stigma. But, rarely do men offer up their stories of hearache and hardship at the dissolution of their marriages. Despite the fact that divorce is universal and we're all more than able to relate to its devastation, it's the silence of men that makes their experience unique. Our enduring ideas about gender explain why men in particular struggle to speak out when faced with the abruptness of a broken marriage. It's no secret that traditional male roles emphasize the false objective of masculinity. Men are expected to project strength, be unemotional and take charge - qualities that make it difficult for a man to acutely acknowledge pain or failure. In a break-up, these societal pressures can further an individual's isolation by making them feel like they can't commiserate with others. The thought of not living up to the expectations of the larger collective can amplify feelings of sadness or resentment, perhaps even forcing a man to struggle silently without the support of family and friends. Breaking down stereotypes can be difficult and incorporating acceptance of failure can be harder still. Divorce can raise many questions for a man and for his self-perception. Who will he be if he's no longer married? Will he spread and sow his new found freedom or will he suppress it with fear-induced paralysis? Though it may take some time, opening up to vulnerability can help a man reclaim a sense of himself and heal with the arms of community around him. Rather than refusing help, accepting it becomes an act of defiance against the status quo - by talking to another man or in a group setting, an individual can identify supportive and reassuring connections to aid in his struggles with the realities of a manly divorce. Now that society can more freely discuss mental health and the issues of gender equality, there's an encouraging atmosphere for men to open up about their own divorces as a means for growth and resilience. New opportunities for dialogue and understanding exist, leading to fresh perspectives and shared realizations during a difficult time. While being aware of the silence that has come before and thinking critically about what contributed to its production, maybe a man will accept and honor the paths available to him now.
  9. Most of us use body language as our main form of communication, yet are often unaware of the messages we’re conveying. Even when it comes to reading people’s body language, we often don't recognize what we’re observing accurately. Don’t take this personally though. Learning how to read and interpret body language is not an inherent skill. It’s something we have to study and practice. Before we get into the technical aspects of reading body language, let’s first talk about the importance of context. Gestures, posture, movement and vocal tones, they all vary depending on a variety of factors. This includes the mood, cultural background, relationships (to mention some). It’s essential to pay attention to these factors when interpreting body language. Eye contact is one of the most telling elements of body language. It may seem basic, but eye contact carries a lot of information. Avoiding eye contact can reveal nervousness, submission or even guilt. Whereas direct eye contact is usually interpreted as confidence. It usually signals interest and certainty too. That said, if someone is gazing deeply into your eyes for too long, then it denotes that something else might be at play. Facial expressions are another tell-tale sign of our emotional state. Smiles, frowns and smirky grins can all tell you a great deal about the person you’re dealing with. Other than that, consider the placement of their eyebrows. If they’re raised high and always to one side, then something maybe bothering them. Also, pay attention to blinking. This is because long pauses between blinking often suggests thoughtful contemplation or a sense of being overwhelmed at times. Now let’s look at physical movements. Some of them are easy to detect and recognize. Like when someone takes a step back when they’re feeling uneasy, or when they’re crossing their arms because they are annoyed. Even the way someone crosses their legs in the middle of a discussion can say something about their attitude. While these fine physical details might help decode body language better, there’s still a huge gap between understanding what we observe and interpreting it correctly. Remember that sometimes body language can betray our emotional state by mistake. That’s why it’s also important to keep a few other things in mind. Sometimes we act according to cultural patterns of behavior that run deep – even if we’re not aware of it. It’s possible for us to imitate certain movements unconsciously too. So, it’s good to consider whether the body language you are observation could be intentional. If you find yourself in doubt, then it’s probably best to ask outright. reading body language is something we need to practice. But with the right techniques much can be revealed.
  10. Books can offer insight and hope, even in times of crisis or turmoil. For enthusiasts of mental health, there is an abundance of books to choose from that tackle such topics as addiction, anxiety, depression and stress. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at just a few must-read books for anyone interested in the human mind. If you’re dealing with powerful emotions and need to learn more about how to manage them, Brené Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection is an excellent place to start. Brown provides her own personal journey, accompanied by research-backed advice, of learning what it means to embrace vulnerability and reach self-acceptance. The goal of the book is to help readers learn to accept their imperfections and use it to create resilience. When it comes to restoring faith in humanity, Robin Talley’s Loving vs. Virginia will lift up your spirits and give you a new perspective. This sweet, heartbreaking novel is about a young couple who challenge a long-standing law in 1950s Virginia. Consequently, their fight for the right to legally marry goes all the way to the Supreme Court, giving hope to millions of people. Those living with mental health issues, like bipolar disorder, can find spiritual healing and insight through Summer Edward’s A Place Inside of Me. It follows the story of Zara Moore, who struggles with the realities of bipolar disorder. Through an incredible journey of self-discovery, she discovers the importance of self-love and letting go, ultimately learning to trust the process of life. Anyone struggling with trauma or undue stress can find solace in How To Break Your Addiction To A Person, by Howard Halpern. This book offers a unique approach to discovering how to break free from unhealthy attachments, providing practical tools on how to redefine and establish healthy boundaries.
  11. Negative thoughts enter our minds every single day, especially in these difficult and uncertain times. Some of this negativity is driven by our emotions, while other negative thoughts may be due to inner self-criticism, judgments from others, or external sources of stress. This type of negativity can be overwhelming and can cause us to feel helpless and stuck. It's important to know how to relate to these debilitating images that erode our potential and well-being. Below are a few strategies to help you deactivate the automatic negative thinking that permeates our psyche. The first step is to recognize when your thoughts are turning negative. Many people get so wrapped up in their inner dialogue and worries that they fail to notice the transition from neutral to negative cognitions. If you can become aware of the shift, then you can take action and start to turn the tide. When you notice that your thoughts are becoming more negative, it's helpful to reframe them into a more constructive or positive light. For example, rather than believing 'I'm never going to get this right', instead try thinking 'I will eventually figure this out, even if it takes time.' It's also important to challenge the accuracy of your thoughts. Ask yourself: Is this necessarily true? What facts have shaped this thought? What evidence do I have that might prove otherwise? By questioning the accuracy of your thinking, you can gain perspective and keep your thoughts from becoming too extreme. If you find yourself caught up in habitual negative thinking, mindfulness practice can be extremely helpful. Mindfulness is the process of observing one's thoughts and feelings without judgment. It allows us to tune into the present moment and recognize where we are headed before it's too late. Through consistent practice, mindfulness can actually change the way our brains are wired, leading us to become less reactive towards stressful or triggering stimuli. When it comes to managing negative thoughts, self-compassion can be another powerful remedy. Instead of engaging in toxic self-criticism and judgment, try being gentle and understanding with yourself. Acknowledge the hard work you are doing and the trials that you are facing. Remind yourself that everyone experiences difficult times, and that we all make mistakes. Finally, don’t be afraid to seek professional help if the situation becomes too much to handle. Speaking to a qualified mental health specialist can provide additional guidance and support as you try to sort through your thoughts. Therapy can be particularly helpful if you are struggling with depression or anxiety, as it can help you create new thought patterns and foster greater wellbeing in the long run. No matter what, remember that you are not alone in your experience. However overwhelming negative thinking can feel at times, there are ways to cope with it in an effective and healthy manner. We wish you strength and resilience as you navigate these difficult times.
  12. The streetlight was casting a pale yellow light across the wooded street. As I unlocked the door to my old college apartment, I felt a wave of nostalgia wash over me. I immediately recalled the time I had given her the gift, and a tangible regret sank into my bones. It had been years since we had parted ways, but the sense of helplessness that I now felt had not faded in the slightest. In the early days of our relationship, I had come across a breathtakingly beautiful antique music box. Its delicate hand-painted detailing and sweet melody were like nothing I had ever seen before. When I had presented it to her as a token of my affections, she had looked up at me with an expression of shock and joy that caused my breath to catch for just a moment. I knew it was the perfect gift for her. At the time, all I wanted was to make her happy. Now, as I hung my coat on the back of the door and walked into the living room, it all seemed so foolish. Hadn't I known that the only thing that really pleased her was money? In the years since we had separated, she had become wealthy, while I was still struggling to stay afloat. Had I thought things through more clearly, I wouldn't have wasted money on a useless gift. I regret not having been wiser with my decision. More than anything, I longed to reclaim the sense of naivete that had caused me to make such a mistake. It struck me oddly that I was considering asking her for the music box back. I was going to see her tomorrow night at a charity gala, and while I wasn't quite sure how I was going to bring it up, I couldn't seem to let it go. As strange as it seemed, I felt a deep need for that forgotten piece of my past and a sudden desire to tie up the loose ends of our relationship. Sitting down on the couch, I pondered on the morality of requesting the music box back. Was it right for me to take something that I had presented as a gift? Could I really fall so low as to ask for it back, in exchange for nothing? That wasn’t the sort of person I set out to be, but to me this wasn’t asking for something in return - it was simply reclaiming a part of myself. If I went through with it, I told myself that I would apologize for ever giving the gift and explain how much I had grown since then. She would understand, I was certain. If nothing else, she would take pity on me. After all these years, I could finally get back something that meant so much to me.
  13. "What do you do when your own sister doesn’t want you at her wedding?” I asked my best friend as I tried to make sense of the situation. My sister had recently invited me to her upcoming wedding and made it very clear that she wanted me there, but things had changed. I had just received a new, cold email from her wedding coordinator with a note letting me know that I wasn’t welcome. As if it wasn’t hard enough being excluded from the biggest day of her life, it was even worse knowing why—because of how I looked. The truth is, I hadn't been feeling great about myself recently. It all started after I gained some unexpected weight throughout my pregnancy and had remained stuck in a much bigger size than I was before. I had been trying to take care of myself for the last few years to get back to my original size, but nothing worked out, and it began to feel like I was at a dead end. I thought my sister’s wedding would be my chance to reinvent myself and surprise her with a major glow up, but as soon as that plan was squashed, it felt like I was crushed under my own self-loathing. I knew there was nothing I could do about her decision to exclude me, but I also knew that I had to make some changes if I was ever going to move past this moment. With the help of my best friend and a few well-timed therapy sessions, I eventually found my way out of the darkness that was my own insecurities. The first thing I did was let go of any unrealistic expectations of how I should look. Every body is different, and as long as I was healthy, that was all that mattered. Taking pressure off of myself quickly helped me dive deep into finding healthier habits to practice every day. I started swapping unhealthy meals for healthier options, going for more walks instead of reaching for snacks, and instead of living in the gym, I focused on becoming more mindful of my body with yoga classes and stretching. I also started to focus more on dressing for my current shape, instead of what I wished I looked like, which allowed me to look put together and confident no matter the situation. I was beginning to make progress, both physically and mentally, and although my sisters wedding came and passed, I continued to stay motivated. Every pant size I dropped or workout I attended felt like a win, and more importantly, my mood had completely changed so that I wasn't living solely off of external validation anymore. Now, I'm not only back in pre-maternity clothes, but I'm fit, confident, and ready to take on anything life throws at me. It's been almost a year since my sister’s wedding, and while it's not exactly how I wanted to start my journey, I'm grateful that it ultimately led me to a place where I'm not defined by what I see in the mirror. Where ever you are on your journey, always remember that it’s okay to take time for yourself and do what works for you—you're allowed to set your own standards and love yourself as you are.
  14. The unthinkable has a way of happening in life, even without warning. Betrayal trauma is like that; it happens suddenly and without mercy, leaving survivors broken, tortured, and lost in its wake. But recovery from betrayal trauma is possible. It's an uphill battle, but there is hope for healing and a road map for recovery. Betrayal can take on many forms, such as divorce, the dissolution of a close friendship, abuse, infidelity, or even the death of a loved one. It often results in mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). This is when a person dissociates from their own identity, experiencing multiple personalities due to extreme trauma. Dissociative Identity Disorder is a complex mental health condition that involves significant disturbance of identity. This can be caused by a wide range of factors, such as childhood abuse, domestic violence, neglect, or a combination of multiple traumatic experiences. When these types of events happen, a victim may enter a mental state of dissociation, where they disassociate from their own identity and become someone different. In cases of DID, therapy is the best treatment option. Many therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), can be used to help those with DID explore and process their trauma in a safe and healthy environment. In addition, psychotherapy can provide support and guidance for victims during their recovery. This can help them stay focused and build better coping strategies for their trauma. The recovery journey from dissociative identity disorder can be daunting, grueling, and laden with challenges. For example, many who have experienced betrayal trauma might feel overwhelmed, isolated, or disbelieved, which can make healing difficult. Furthermore, the process of integrating the parts of oneself back into one complete person can create an immense amount of fear and distress. However, understanding the internal parts of oneself, having support, and developing better coping skills are all key aspects of successful healing. Having a supportive group of family, friends, counselors, or therapists can be beneficial in both the short-term and long-term recovery period. Talking through feelings of shock, anger, and sadness with confidants can give survivors a much-needed outlet for expressing their emotions. Likewise, those going through recovery may find that sharing their experiences in a safe space with like-minded individuals can be helpful in their journey. It’s essential that those recovering from betrayal trauma also focus on self-care. This might involve taking breaks from technology and self-imposed limits on social media, setting personal boundaries, acquiring new skills, and engaging in healthy activities such as exercise, yoga, or finding an art form to express emotion. Though healing from betrayal trauma can be a long and difficult process, it's far from impossible. Being compassionate to oneself and taking time to focus on self-care can prove to be invaluable tools in the recovery process. With understanding, proper care, and the right support system, healing from betrayal trauma is achievable.
  15. It's no secret that relationships can be fraught with frustrations and annoyances. No matter what type of relationship you're in, whether it's long-term or otherwise, sleeping together as a couple can cause all sorts of frustrations. Here's what annoys people most when sleeping with their significant other. The Sound of Snoring: Nothing ruins a good night's sleep quite like the sound of someone snoring next to you. No matter how small the sound may be, it's enough to keep some people up all night and drive them insane. Too Much Intimacy: Bedtime is supposed to be an intimate moment between two people, but too much of anything can be a bad thing. Having one person spooning the other, battling for control of the blanket, or just having too much physical contact can make sleep uncomfortable and lead to a restless night. Room Temperature: Sometimes the temperature in the bedroom can lead to annoyances. From one person wanting it cooler or a few degrees warmer than the other, this can create a lot of tension between couples. Not to mention, the temperature can also fluctuate throughout the night, making it not too comfortable for either of you. No Boundaries: If you share a bed, there might not be enough room for either of you. With one person shifting around, kicking the other person, or taking up too much space it can become annoying quickly. Plus, if neither of you are comfortable sleeping in the same bed, it can lead to low sleep quality and vexations. Light Bumps: Feeling someone lightly bumping their head or hands against you can be incredibly annoying. It can start out innocent, but it's easy to get frustrated with someone shifting around all night while they sleep. Even if it's unintentional, it can be enough to ruin any chances of getting a restful sleep. Reading in Bed: Whether you're catching up on news or trying to finish a book, reading in bed can lead to some annoyances. After all, there's a time for catching up on reading and that's not necessarily when you should be sleeping. This can cause your partner to lose sleep, leading to even more irritations. Staying in bed with your significant other can lead to some serious annoyances. From snoring to sharing a bed, to bumps and light reading, all of these things can cause major friction between couples. As frustrating as these things may seem, it's important to keep in mind that it doesn't necessarily mean that your relationship is doomed to fail; it just means that it needs a little extra communication and understanding.
  16. Love is a game, and oftentimes it’s a difficult one to win. While some people look down upon playing games in the dating world, others think it’s the only way to make it work. There is no easy solution, as the advantages and disadvantages to both arguments must be weighed carefully. On the surface, playing games often seems counterproductive. In the game of love, it’s so easy to play and lose. Texting inconsistently and playing “hard to get” can start to feel like a cycle that can’t be escaped. This type of behavior can easily become toxic when one person’s emotions are toyed with and manipulative tactics are employed. These types of games can create bitterness and distrust, and that is not the groundwork on which healthy relationships should be built. However, there are those who view playing games on the dating scene as necessary for success. The old adage, “Practice makes perfect” certainly applies here. If one does not take the time to experiment and study strategies, the odds of winning the game diminish. As the stakes of this game are higher than any other, it is essential to learn how to navigate the dating circuit with confidence. Though in the end the most important thing is to remain true to oneself and not allow games or tricks to dictate the outcome. Throughout the process of figuring out such complex dynamics, it is important to take time for self-reflection. Pondering questions such as, “What do I want out of a relationship?”, “What kind of dynamic am I looking for?”, and “Where did I go wrong?”- will help to build a strong foundation. Additionally, honesty held up against realistic expectations is the key to finding true harmony with another human being. Without taking time to analyze and truly understand others, relationships have the potential to quickly become dysfunctional. Game playing in the dating world has both its positive and its negative effects. Everyone has to make the ultimate decision for themselves as to what type of tactics – if any - they choose to employ. Confidence, honesty and taking the time to reflect on what one is seeking from a relationship will serve any dater well on the journey of trying to find true love.
  17. Dinner with friends is meant to be an enjoyable experience, shared between good company. We ought to leave the restaurant feeling satisfied and content, not burdened by an unwelcome topic of conversation: bills. When our halcyon evening turns south due to an unexpected cost, it can be difficult to know exactly how to proceed. Let's explore what we can do when our friends give us a bill after dinner. After receiving the surprise bill, the initial response might be one of shock or confusion. Dreams of a wallet full of cash evaporated in an instant. It's possible one's friend(s) might be completely unaware of the nature of their request. The key here is to remain grounded and focused on the situation at hand. Staying composed is definitely easier said than done, however essential for figuring out the resolution for all parties involved. The next step is to talk to our friend(s) about their demand: why exactly is one asked to pay a multi-person bill? The best way to go about this would be to do so without anger or judgment. It’s helpful to begin the conversation by kindly asking questions—henceforth, we will be better equipped to understand our friend’s side of the tale. After getting the full story, if one still feels they’re being taken advantage of or excessively burdened, let your friends know. A thoughtful dialogue is the most efficient means of addressing the issue, as long as it stays civil. Moving on, if one chooses to pay their friends’ share of the bill, it could benefit the collective group in the long term. Paying for the meal does not necessarily equate to agreeing with the charge; it is an expression of commitment to the friendships within the group. Not only does it reaffirm one's goodwill and signals the importance (or lack thereof) of the matter, but also brings everyone back together so that no one leaves on bad terms. Conversely, despitethe comprehensive expanse and range of emotions that the proposed fiscal duty might bring on, one still has the right to refuse to pay. There are innumerable circumstances under which it would be deemed reasonable for someone to decline participation—financial difficulties for instance. Even so, the refusal should always emanate from an attitude of congenial understanding. Misapprehensions and animosity have no place in a growing friendship. Each person has the freedom to decide what’s best for them. Taking a few minutes to consider all possibilities allows for an even-headed course of action. Paying the bill can foster goodwill and show a dedication to the friendship, whilst declining payment could allow the group to move on from a misunderstanding. the most important thing is to decide what feels right and respectfully express that to whomever is involved.
  18. Are you dreading each morning, feeling overwhelmed by work and family pressures, and lacking motivation in general? You are not alone. Stress can rob you of your energy and divert your attention away from the beauty in life. Yet, while our struggles may be unique, so too are the resources available to overcome them. Throughout the ages, gratitude has been praised as a powerful antidote to stress and a way to boost happiness. When practiced regularly, it can help us to appreciate small joys in life that may otherwise pass unnoticed and ease the burden of potential disappointments. Here we will look at five techniques to reduce worry and increase contentment through conscious acts of being thankful. The first practice is to write a daily journal focused on gratitude. It only takes a few minutes of your time each day, but the benefits can be lasting. Instead of ruminating on grievances or personal problems, focus on moments of joy and fulfillment. Take time to reflect on three to five things that make you happy, whether they are memories, experiences, people, or other blessings. Taking stock of the happy moments of your day can bring feelings of relief and peace that can counter the anxieties built up in times of trouble. Another practice is to transform negative thoughts into positive ones by purposely noticing the gifts in life. It can be easy to get caught in the repetitive cycle of negative thinking. Consciously listen for it when it strikes and replace it with an act of thankfulness. Acknowledge the goodness in the small yet profound moments of life, like a cup of coffee in your hand, a friendly smile from a stranger, the smell of a rain shower, and other beautiful acts of existence. A third form of gratitude is to express it outwardly and verbally. Doing so will benefit not only yourself, but also the person hearing it, even if it is simply a kind word or gesture. Speak freely with genuine appreciation to those close to you, like your friends, family, meighbors or colleagues. Unconditional care and positive acknowledgment of another human being’s contributions in life can elevate feelings of self-worth, hope, and joy. The fourth practice is to challenge yourself to be present, slowing down to enjoy the little things often taken for granted. Gratitude can open up new perspectives of life if approached with openness. For example, instead of focusing on a laborious task, reflect on the importance of accomplishing it and the satisfaction you will gain from it afterwards. Remind yourself that everyday moments and activities provide opportunities for learning and growth. The fifth and final way to partake in gratitude is to offer acts of kindness and service to those around you without expecting anything in return. Become a part of creating a better and brighter world for those in need by contributing whatever resources you can, such as food pantries, animal shelters, homeless aid organizations, or something entirely personal. Holding doors open for strangers and smiling at someone who looks upset can help create an atmosphere of goodwill. These five ways of practicing gratitude can lead to a remarkable improvement in our overall lives. By opening ourselves up to the positivity of thankfulness, we can fend off feelings of stress and despair and cultivate more feelings of contentment, joy, and peace.
  19. Living creatively is a sure fire way to increase happiness, develop deeper relationships, and bring a wholeness of being to our complex lives. We often hear the call to be creative but find ourselves blocked. Connecting with our source of inspiration, finding flow, and reaching out to others are effective methods for opening ourselves up to the expression of our creativity. At the core of creating anything beautiful, compelling, or wise is the place we drive from- inspiration. Inspiration can come from an unexpected conversation, a stirring dream, a glimpse of beauty in nature, or even from watching the wild and sparkling eyes of a child. Tuning into our inner knowing sparks new ideas. We may create in unpredictable ways. Just like the spark of lightning which cannot be predicted, inspiration often comes suddenly and without warning. Opening ourselves to imaginative musings will not only make us feel alive, but provide us with insight into our deepest desires and potential. Whether through traditional art forms, or simply making up a song while walking in the woods, tapping into our inspiration gives brings passion and joy to life. Finding flow is an important element of a creative life. Differing from inspiration, flow is the experience of creativity that arises when we become fully immersed in the moment. We can reach flow by engaging in activities that bring us joy, challenge us just enough, and push our boundaries. Getting lost in the activity itself and forgetting all else around us allows our best creative ideas and expression to flow forth. An activity can be anything from painting, writing, playing an instrument, or gardening. Entering a state of deep concentration and relaxation places us in a unique and sacred spot. Finally, drawing inspiration from those around us and reaching out to form communities helps expand our ability to think creatively. We often find a great energy and support from peers involved in similar activities who have much to teach us. The artistic perspective from those outside of my direct experience opens up new possibilities and brings freshness of thought. While family and friends give great comfort and loving support, connecting with individuals beyond our normal social circles can connect us with new perspectives and the latest advances in our given art. New technology also offers access to resources and enhances our ability to learn and remain in touch with creative communities. People can live more creatively by taking time to nurture inspiration, engaging in activities that allow our minds and bodies to flow, and reaching out to peers who are also interested in creative pursuits. Expressing our creative spirit helps bring wellness and balance to our mind and body, increases our capacity to love and appreciate the world, and enriches our daily life.
  20. Often times we're interested in whether or not our hearts are pure. We want to understand if we're really good people, or if our inner being is mostly made of negative emotions and thoughts. It's not easy to prove your worth, but there are some tell-tale signs of a pure heart that could offer guidance on the path toward self-acceptance and satisfaction. The ocean can quickly churn out crashing waves of anger, frustration and fury, yet its depths reflect a certain gentleness and peacefulness too. Similarly, beneath the edges of darkness within us lives something far more meaningful and profound - our pure hearts.This invaluable aspect within us requires nourishment, care & attention to help us further recognize its importance. Here are 10 signs that your heart is pure: 1. You see the beauty in the everyday: People with a pure heart don’t dwell negatively within their current experiences, but instead find a pleasant light amongst the shadows. Even if the darkness of the world has taken awareness away from the most basic things, such as blue skies, or the warmth of a laugh, you still take the time to appreciate them. 2. You validate your emotions: It’s incredibly challenging to understand just how deeply interwoven our emotions are with our purpose, but one sign of having a pure heart is knowing that even if our opinions don’t align with someone else’s, our emotions are still valid. 3. You are kind without expecting anything in return: Without genuine kindness, it’s near impossible to be a good person. When you reach out to other people, even strangers, and do so without expectations of anything in return, you have a much higher chance of having a pure heart. 4. You’re never afraid to listen: A clear indicator of a pure heart is being okay with letting go of our own judgments and stories, so we can truly understand another person’s perspective. The capacity for selflessness and for allowing others to feel heard reflects that our intentions are far more sincere than what can initially be seen. 5. You forgive, easily and often: Along with being able to express ourselves and understand others, having a pure heart also includes being someone who doesn’t hold onto hatred and resentments. Being able to forgive, both yourself and people around you, means that your heart is likely full of purity. 6. You don’t take life too seriously: Even in the most difficult times, you’re secure enough in yourself to pause and look for joy within those moments. That ability to look for the sweet amidst the bitter gives you the inner strength and courage needed to stay clear of closing your heart off from love. 7. You “go with the flow”: Rather than stress or overthink situations, we can resort to accepting what is, as it’s happening, recognizing everyone’s good-natured attempts in their own unique way, which is a trademark of those with a pure heart. 8. You have an avid interest in self-reflection: Purity of heart comes from the intention of understanding your own emotions; without judgement. Doing so often increases an awareness of our own consciousness and helps us gain a deeper insight into ourselves and the world around us. 9. You have faith in yourself: Along with understanding one’s own self-worth, trusting in the process is what radiates the vibrancy of your pure heart. Believing that whatever you’re meant to experience will come in due time allows greater space for peace and positivity. 10. You spread love and positivity:Having a pure heart means that no matter where you are, you’re always willing to fill the atmosphere with nothing but goodness. Whether it’s volunteering or complimenting someone or helping your family and friends, having a pure heart involves being willing to share every bit of light you possess. Do you recognize these signs in yourself or someone else? Although these aren't comprehensive of all the characteristics of having a pure heart, there is one resounding truth - being good to yourself and others is a central pillar of living authentically. Everyone can have a pure heart and work on growing the parts of themselves that shine brightly in the face of darkness.
  21. Do you find yourself struggling to fall asleep, keeping waking up in the middle of the night or unable to get enough restful sleep no matter how many hours you spend in bed? If so, you're not alone. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 50 percent of adults report chronic sleep problems, and it's often tempting to blame genetics for our struggle to rest. But is there something inside us that makes some of us genetically predisposed to being bad sleepers? It's an intriguing thought—but what does the science say? The truth is that genetics can play a role in how well we sleep at night as scientists have identified certain genes that appear to be associated with a tendency to have trouble sleeping. Research has also found that having a hereditary predisposition to poor sleep increases your chances of developing insomnia. In terms of what causes this sleep-disrupting tendency, researchers find that certain genetic variants can make it more difficult for your body to regulate its natural rhythms (circadian rhythms). This means that if you have a certain gene variant your body may struggle to reset its internal clock, resulting in a lack of energy during the day and bedtime issues come nightfall. Furthermore, studies have found that certain genetic variations may indicate an increased sensitivity to stress or anxiety, making it even more difficult to relax and put your body in the frame of mind for successful sleep. One particular study even linked certain genetic variants with a greater risk for anxiety disorders and depression, both of which can negatively impact your quality of sleep. However, it's important to note that genetics is only one factor when it comes to sleep. Lifestyle factors are responsible for a large part of how well we sleep each night. So while genetics may increase your risk of developing sleep problems, it's not the only contributor. Other lifestyle factors that can affect your sleep include how much caffeine you consume, how much physical activity you get, practices like meditation and yoga, what time you eat dinner, and most importantly, the quality of your environments—which I believe to be one of the biggest determinants of sleep! Therefore, feeling like genetics is the cause of your bad sleep is not quite accurate. While there is evidence showing that certain genetic variants can indeed influence how easily you sleep, there are myriad other lifestyle factors that could be contributing to your bad sleep, too. Here's my advice: If you're finding it hard to rest well at night perhaps take a look at your environment and lifestyle habits. Start tracking your sleep in a journal and note any patterns as to what may have helped you sleep better or worse. Then, focus on improving certain areas of your life, such as getting more exercise, utilizing relaxation techniques, or improving your sleep hygiene (like avoiding screens late at night). So, no- the answer isn't to simply throw your hands up in the air and attribute it to a lack of gene luck! Instead, take a holistic approach to plumbing the depths of your sleep patterns and see if you can use lifestyle adjustments to improve the situation. Your body and mind will thank you.
  22. Soulmates are popularly considered dedicated partners even in the most ideal relationships. On the other hand, Twin Flame, though lesser-known than its cousin, is believed to be even stronger and more intense. At first, they can masquerade as a normal relationship. But when you’re with your Twin Flame soulmate, you may get the distinct impression that they always know you in ways few other soulmates can. Twin Flame is different from any other kind of relationship. Those who are part of it embody the experience of unconditional love that’s beyond what many dare to think possible. It’s an emotional dependence so powerful, it acts as a bridge between two individuals whose journey together can bring mutual understanding with no limits. There’s always a feeling of soul recognition when Twin Flames meet. It often feels like both have known each other the entire life, but upon the reunion all the walls crash down and the connection puts them into a trance. Twin Flames are encouraged to be who they are and achieved their highest potential. The intensity unleashes both parties’ craving for personal growth, culminating in complete harmony. You know you’ve met your other half when your partner experiences love without judgement and accepts you merely on the bequest of ambition. The sense of acceptance eliminates doubt and encourages vulnerability. Many swear this connection is better than any that existed between a soul sister and brother before. Beyond love, signs of a Twin Flame connection can be seen in an inexplicable familiarity. Both feel a unique awareness within each other that is full of passion yet harmless. If you logically assess the situation, you might notice the similarities between their experiences and behaviors, which can often be inexplicable. These characteristics are strongly rooted in their paths should they choose to confront them together. Specifically, each Twin Flame will sense undeniable energy between them as if a hidden invisible thread is connecting them. It almost resembles a sixth sense; one that can pierce through any form of communication and exist beyond physical distance. The pressure of time fades away and present moment become incredibly clear. You can achieve goals with amazing results and raise your vibration to the top of your game. This feeling of collective strength slowly escalates and ferments over time. No words are necessary to convey the persuasive authority of this euphoria. The ultimate sign of Twin Flame union lies in the everyday moments; the way sipping coffee turns into a morning ritual, how blowing bubbles fills the room with laughter, and how sentimentalism makes up the nucleus of conversations. Here, both will find solace and ensure a safe haven like no other.
  23. To many, the term ‘co-parenting’ might seem like an oxymoron. The very nature of having to co-parent after a split can be emotionally draining and logistically complicated; the last thing spouses want is to cooperate with their ex. However, with some dedication and commitment, successful co-parenting is possible. It will require patience, adaptability, and empathy, but the rewards are plentiful: beneficial routines and healthy habits for the children – and a happier, healthier emotional life for everyone involved. So, what is co-parenting? Co-parenting is simply when two parents come together for the purpose of raising their children in the absence of a two-parent household. This means parents must accept that, even though they may not be in a romantic partnership any longer, they still need to work together – create a unified front – in order to raise their kids. Additionally, co-parents need to come to an agreement outside of court on how matters of parenting should be handled. This includes setting goals, organizing schedules, and making decisions regarding any areas related to the health, safety, and welfare of the child; while this may be difficult, parents should not forget that their children come first. How can effective co-parenting be achieved? Putting aside those current relationship woes and pent-up animosity of the past is essential to the success of such an endeavor. That doesn't mean you have to become the best of friends, but engaging in mutual respect and cooperation is nonnegotiable. Communication and patience are key, especially when it comes to managing nuances or disagreements. Common courtesies — respect for time, response times, boundaries, understanding that communication isn't always perfect — needs to be respected by both parties and likewise asserted. Parents also need to be mindful that words, from themselves or from the other parent, won't heal wounds, but actions will. When attempting to make co-parenting work, it's important to remember that everyone is affected by the process and that everyone has different times of need. As co-parents, you should take care of yourselves as well, be attentive to your own feelings, and practice self-care when needed. There are a variety of different ways to improve relationships and build trust between both couples. Engaging in activities such as family outings, collaborative family decision-making, online gaming and video calls, cooking together, participating in sports and art classes, volunteering and/or mentoring can be beneficial tools used to bridge the gap between co-parents. Being open to idea sharing, involving both co-parents in activities that support the children, and celebrating successes (big and small) will drastically improve the overall atmosphere. Couples should avoid engaging in the hostile cycle of finger pointing and blame, opting instead to collaborate and discuss concerns constructively in order to reach resolutions. Adopting a calm demeanor during disagreements and encouraging conversations that are based on facts rather than emotions will make all the difference. Co-parenting is not an easy path to take, but with some effort and dedication, it can be done — with successful outcomes. When both parents focus their energies on their own strengths, the entire structure of relations between them and their children will be strengthened. Utilizing guidance, mediation, and psychotherapy are all part of the process, and there is no shame in seeking professional help if it would be beneficial. It can be difficult to turn animosity towards agreement, to reconcile differences, but with hard work and determination, no mountain is too great. In the end, the standard should remain that co-parents need to remember that their children are foremost in all decisions and agree to remain focused on providing a nurturing and stable environment. Could there be sunshine beyond that cloudy horizon? Absolutely! When the atmosphere is constructive, and the goal is to bring the family closer together, co-parenting can provide stability, bring the family closer together, and help protect the children from any harm. With commitment, understanding, and compassion, co-parenting can bring peace to families, especially where it is much needed.
  24. Nobody goes into their job expecting to feel burned out. You might anticipate long hours and hard work, but not total exhaustion and a disillusionment about your work. Once you reach the point of burnout, however, it can be difficult to figure out how to pull yourself out. It’s an unfortunate reality that many people face, with numbers from Global Corporate Challenge suggesting that 87 percent of employees around the world feel some level of burnout. Whether you work for yourself or for a larger employer, there are strategies for overcoming workplace burnout so you can get back to feeling empowered again. Here are some tips to help you effectively navigate the feeling and reboot your career. Take a Vacation If you’ve already tried the basics — like taking more frequent breaks, coming in to work later, or delegating tasks – then it may be time to take a vacation. Time away from the office can help you turn down the volume on all the noise — both internal and external — that may contribute to burnout. Taking a physical and mental one-two punch is often enough to brings things back into perspective when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Do something completely different, like going on a meditation retreat if you’re feeling low, or participating in outdoor activities that distract you from the worries of work. Stepping away from the routine of your job can be a major help in resetting your burnout story. Set New Goals People often experience burnout because their goals have become too vague or lack clarity in purpose. If you’re able to sit down and tweak your goals to ensure they are realistic and attainable, you may find that it helps you to better prioritize and focus on what’s truly important. You don’t have to swap out your entire game plan — instead of striving for a complete overall. Instead, try to start small by setting achievable goals on a weekly or monthly basis. Describe exactly how you want to move forward and what resources are viable to make progress. Having concrete steps to take can help to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed with too many competing tasks. Build Relationships at Work One way to overcome burnout is to engage in the relationships that you’ve formed within the workplace. Maybe you’re no longer connecting on a personal level with your team, or you’re avoiding interactions with colleagues that could prove beneficial. Humans are social creatures, and relationships can act as a motivation booster when faced with tough tasks. Whether you form relationships with team mates as a source of collaboration and motivation, or manage up with key stakeholders in order to make sure you’re getting back the support you need - connection is vital to keeping a healthy mindset. Creating a shared sense of camaraderie can also help to prevent feelings of isolation and discouragement. In fact, it can help to have someone to confide in when the workload starts to pile on. Be Open to Change Sometimes, burnout doesn’t get better through smaller strategy changes and self-care. At this point, it’s crucial that you evaluate the big picture to decide which options will deliver the best outcomes for your well-being. Can you retrain for something different, look for a new role, or follow a new career path? Don’t be afraid to experiment with different options to see what works for you, or outsource so you can be freed up for other opportunities. Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you from exploring – you might even come up with something that you never expected. Burnout isn’t the end of the story – it’s an opportunity to explore, first and foremost, why you got to this point in the first place. Through that process, you can gain understanding, reset when needed and create a plan of attack. Recharging yourself and taking your career in a fresh direction can open up a whole new world of possibilities, so keep pushing forward and don’t be afraid to discover alternative strategies to reignite your passion.
  25. We've all heard it before: divorce is hard on everyone, especially the kids. But when your ex-wife's new husband tells your kids that their mom is a cheater, it can make the situation even more difficult. It can lead to feelings of hurt, betrayal, and confusion among all involved. The truth of the matter is that you haven't been able to control this situation. Your children have had to process and respond to it on their own. It's easy to feel like the helpless parent, but there are still things you can do to help your children through this challenging time. Start by validating their feelings. You don't have to agree with the comments their stepfather has made. But it's important to recognize and be supportive of the emotions that your children are experiencing. Make sure that you're listening to them and giving them time to express themselves without judgement. It's also vital that you maintain an open dialogue with your children. Remind them that this situation isn't their fault. Talk to them about the importance of loving both their parents, regardless of their relationship status. Reassure them that they can still have a relationship with their mother, if that's something they want. It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed in a situation like this. Consider seeking the advice of a mental health professional, if needed. If your children don't feel comfortable talking to you, they may find it helpful to talk to someone else who has experience dealing with family dynamics. A counselor can provide much-needed guidance on how to process their emotions and react appropriately. Above all else, try to model healthy ways of communicating. Encourage your children to think about their words and their behavior towards their stepfather. Being emotionally mature is one of the best ways to respond to difficult conversations. They should also speak up if their stepfather makes any further comments about their mother. It's hard for everyone when a single parent's partner speaks poorly of their ex. But as a parent, it's your responsibility to help your children through this difficult time. Offer your support and seek other forms of guidance, if needed. It's perfectly okay to struggle, but remember that your children still need you.
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