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Olivia Sanders

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Everything posted by Olivia Sanders

  1. Living creatively is a sure fire way to increase happiness, develop deeper relationships, and bring a wholeness of being to our complex lives. We often hear the call to be creative but find ourselves blocked. Connecting with our source of inspiration, finding flow, and reaching out to others are effective methods for opening ourselves up to the expression of our creativity. At the core of creating anything beautiful, compelling, or wise is the place we drive from- inspiration. Inspiration can come from an unexpected conversation, a stirring dream, a glimpse of beauty in nature, or even from watching the wild and sparkling eyes of a child. Tuning into our inner knowing sparks new ideas. We may create in unpredictable ways. Just like the spark of lightning which cannot be predicted, inspiration often comes suddenly and without warning. Opening ourselves to imaginative musings will not only make us feel alive, but provide us with insight into our deepest desires and potential. Whether through traditional art forms, or simply making up a song while walking in the woods, tapping into our inspiration gives brings passion and joy to life. Finding flow is an important element of a creative life. Differing from inspiration, flow is the experience of creativity that arises when we become fully immersed in the moment. We can reach flow by engaging in activities that bring us joy, challenge us just enough, and push our boundaries. Getting lost in the activity itself and forgetting all else around us allows our best creative ideas and expression to flow forth. An activity can be anything from painting, writing, playing an instrument, or gardening. Entering a state of deep concentration and relaxation places us in a unique and sacred spot. Finally, drawing inspiration from those around us and reaching out to form communities helps expand our ability to think creatively. We often find a great energy and support from peers involved in similar activities who have much to teach us. The artistic perspective from those outside of my direct experience opens up new possibilities and brings freshness of thought. While family and friends give great comfort and loving support, connecting with individuals beyond our normal social circles can connect us with new perspectives and the latest advances in our given art. New technology also offers access to resources and enhances our ability to learn and remain in touch with creative communities. People can live more creatively by taking time to nurture inspiration, engaging in activities that allow our minds and bodies to flow, and reaching out to peers who are also interested in creative pursuits. Expressing our creative spirit helps bring wellness and balance to our mind and body, increases our capacity to love and appreciate the world, and enriches our daily life.
  2. Often times we're interested in whether or not our hearts are pure. We want to understand if we're really good people, or if our inner being is mostly made of negative emotions and thoughts. It's not easy to prove your worth, but there are some tell-tale signs of a pure heart that could offer guidance on the path toward self-acceptance and satisfaction. The ocean can quickly churn out crashing waves of anger, frustration and fury, yet its depths reflect a certain gentleness and peacefulness too. Similarly, beneath the edges of darkness within us lives something far more meaningful and profound - our pure hearts.This invaluable aspect within us requires nourishment, care & attention to help us further recognize its importance. Here are 10 signs that your heart is pure: 1. You see the beauty in the everyday: People with a pure heart don’t dwell negatively within their current experiences, but instead find a pleasant light amongst the shadows. Even if the darkness of the world has taken awareness away from the most basic things, such as blue skies, or the warmth of a laugh, you still take the time to appreciate them. 2. You validate your emotions: It’s incredibly challenging to understand just how deeply interwoven our emotions are with our purpose, but one sign of having a pure heart is knowing that even if our opinions don’t align with someone else’s, our emotions are still valid. 3. You are kind without expecting anything in return: Without genuine kindness, it’s near impossible to be a good person. When you reach out to other people, even strangers, and do so without expectations of anything in return, you have a much higher chance of having a pure heart. 4. You’re never afraid to listen: A clear indicator of a pure heart is being okay with letting go of our own judgments and stories, so we can truly understand another person’s perspective. The capacity for selflessness and for allowing others to feel heard reflects that our intentions are far more sincere than what can initially be seen. 5. You forgive, easily and often: Along with being able to express ourselves and understand others, having a pure heart also includes being someone who doesn’t hold onto hatred and resentments. Being able to forgive, both yourself and people around you, means that your heart is likely full of purity. 6. You don’t take life too seriously: Even in the most difficult times, you’re secure enough in yourself to pause and look for joy within those moments. That ability to look for the sweet amidst the bitter gives you the inner strength and courage needed to stay clear of closing your heart off from love. 7. You “go with the flow”: Rather than stress or overthink situations, we can resort to accepting what is, as it’s happening, recognizing everyone’s good-natured attempts in their own unique way, which is a trademark of those with a pure heart. 8. You have an avid interest in self-reflection: Purity of heart comes from the intention of understanding your own emotions; without judgement. Doing so often increases an awareness of our own consciousness and helps us gain a deeper insight into ourselves and the world around us. 9. You have faith in yourself: Along with understanding one’s own self-worth, trusting in the process is what radiates the vibrancy of your pure heart. Believing that whatever you’re meant to experience will come in due time allows greater space for peace and positivity. 10. You spread love and positivity:Having a pure heart means that no matter where you are, you’re always willing to fill the atmosphere with nothing but goodness. Whether it’s volunteering or complimenting someone or helping your family and friends, having a pure heart involves being willing to share every bit of light you possess. Do you recognize these signs in yourself or someone else? Although these aren't comprehensive of all the characteristics of having a pure heart, there is one resounding truth - being good to yourself and others is a central pillar of living authentically. Everyone can have a pure heart and work on growing the parts of themselves that shine brightly in the face of darkness.
  3. Do you find yourself struggling to fall asleep, keeping waking up in the middle of the night or unable to get enough restful sleep no matter how many hours you spend in bed? If so, you're not alone. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 50 percent of adults report chronic sleep problems, and it's often tempting to blame genetics for our struggle to rest. But is there something inside us that makes some of us genetically predisposed to being bad sleepers? It's an intriguing thought—but what does the science say? The truth is that genetics can play a role in how well we sleep at night as scientists have identified certain genes that appear to be associated with a tendency to have trouble sleeping. Research has also found that having a hereditary predisposition to poor sleep increases your chances of developing insomnia. In terms of what causes this sleep-disrupting tendency, researchers find that certain genetic variants can make it more difficult for your body to regulate its natural rhythms (circadian rhythms). This means that if you have a certain gene variant your body may struggle to reset its internal clock, resulting in a lack of energy during the day and bedtime issues come nightfall. Furthermore, studies have found that certain genetic variations may indicate an increased sensitivity to stress or anxiety, making it even more difficult to relax and put your body in the frame of mind for successful sleep. One particular study even linked certain genetic variants with a greater risk for anxiety disorders and depression, both of which can negatively impact your quality of sleep. However, it's important to note that genetics is only one factor when it comes to sleep. Lifestyle factors are responsible for a large part of how well we sleep each night. So while genetics may increase your risk of developing sleep problems, it's not the only contributor. Other lifestyle factors that can affect your sleep include how much caffeine you consume, how much physical activity you get, practices like meditation and yoga, what time you eat dinner, and most importantly, the quality of your environments—which I believe to be one of the biggest determinants of sleep! Therefore, feeling like genetics is the cause of your bad sleep is not quite accurate. While there is evidence showing that certain genetic variants can indeed influence how easily you sleep, there are myriad other lifestyle factors that could be contributing to your bad sleep, too. Here's my advice: If you're finding it hard to rest well at night perhaps take a look at your environment and lifestyle habits. Start tracking your sleep in a journal and note any patterns as to what may have helped you sleep better or worse. Then, focus on improving certain areas of your life, such as getting more exercise, utilizing relaxation techniques, or improving your sleep hygiene (like avoiding screens late at night). So, no- the answer isn't to simply throw your hands up in the air and attribute it to a lack of gene luck! Instead, take a holistic approach to plumbing the depths of your sleep patterns and see if you can use lifestyle adjustments to improve the situation. Your body and mind will thank you.
  4. Soulmates are popularly considered dedicated partners even in the most ideal relationships. On the other hand, Twin Flame, though lesser-known than its cousin, is believed to be even stronger and more intense. At first, they can masquerade as a normal relationship. But when you’re with your Twin Flame soulmate, you may get the distinct impression that they always know you in ways few other soulmates can. Twin Flame is different from any other kind of relationship. Those who are part of it embody the experience of unconditional love that’s beyond what many dare to think possible. It’s an emotional dependence so powerful, it acts as a bridge between two individuals whose journey together can bring mutual understanding with no limits. There’s always a feeling of soul recognition when Twin Flames meet. It often feels like both have known each other the entire life, but upon the reunion all the walls crash down and the connection puts them into a trance. Twin Flames are encouraged to be who they are and achieved their highest potential. The intensity unleashes both parties’ craving for personal growth, culminating in complete harmony. You know you’ve met your other half when your partner experiences love without judgement and accepts you merely on the bequest of ambition. The sense of acceptance eliminates doubt and encourages vulnerability. Many swear this connection is better than any that existed between a soul sister and brother before. Beyond love, signs of a Twin Flame connection can be seen in an inexplicable familiarity. Both feel a unique awareness within each other that is full of passion yet harmless. If you logically assess the situation, you might notice the similarities between their experiences and behaviors, which can often be inexplicable. These characteristics are strongly rooted in their paths should they choose to confront them together. Specifically, each Twin Flame will sense undeniable energy between them as if a hidden invisible thread is connecting them. It almost resembles a sixth sense; one that can pierce through any form of communication and exist beyond physical distance. The pressure of time fades away and present moment become incredibly clear. You can achieve goals with amazing results and raise your vibration to the top of your game. This feeling of collective strength slowly escalates and ferments over time. No words are necessary to convey the persuasive authority of this euphoria. The ultimate sign of Twin Flame union lies in the everyday moments; the way sipping coffee turns into a morning ritual, how blowing bubbles fills the room with laughter, and how sentimentalism makes up the nucleus of conversations. Here, both will find solace and ensure a safe haven like no other.
  5. To many, the term ‘co-parenting’ might seem like an oxymoron. The very nature of having to co-parent after a split can be emotionally draining and logistically complicated; the last thing spouses want is to cooperate with their ex. However, with some dedication and commitment, successful co-parenting is possible. It will require patience, adaptability, and empathy, but the rewards are plentiful: beneficial routines and healthy habits for the children – and a happier, healthier emotional life for everyone involved. So, what is co-parenting? Co-parenting is simply when two parents come together for the purpose of raising their children in the absence of a two-parent household. This means parents must accept that, even though they may not be in a romantic partnership any longer, they still need to work together – create a unified front – in order to raise their kids. Additionally, co-parents need to come to an agreement outside of court on how matters of parenting should be handled. This includes setting goals, organizing schedules, and making decisions regarding any areas related to the health, safety, and welfare of the child; while this may be difficult, parents should not forget that their children come first. How can effective co-parenting be achieved? Putting aside those current relationship woes and pent-up animosity of the past is essential to the success of such an endeavor. That doesn't mean you have to become the best of friends, but engaging in mutual respect and cooperation is nonnegotiable. Communication and patience are key, especially when it comes to managing nuances or disagreements. Common courtesies — respect for time, response times, boundaries, understanding that communication isn't always perfect — needs to be respected by both parties and likewise asserted. Parents also need to be mindful that words, from themselves or from the other parent, won't heal wounds, but actions will. When attempting to make co-parenting work, it's important to remember that everyone is affected by the process and that everyone has different times of need. As co-parents, you should take care of yourselves as well, be attentive to your own feelings, and practice self-care when needed. There are a variety of different ways to improve relationships and build trust between both couples. Engaging in activities such as family outings, collaborative family decision-making, online gaming and video calls, cooking together, participating in sports and art classes, volunteering and/or mentoring can be beneficial tools used to bridge the gap between co-parents. Being open to idea sharing, involving both co-parents in activities that support the children, and celebrating successes (big and small) will drastically improve the overall atmosphere. Couples should avoid engaging in the hostile cycle of finger pointing and blame, opting instead to collaborate and discuss concerns constructively in order to reach resolutions. Adopting a calm demeanor during disagreements and encouraging conversations that are based on facts rather than emotions will make all the difference. Co-parenting is not an easy path to take, but with some effort and dedication, it can be done — with successful outcomes. When both parents focus their energies on their own strengths, the entire structure of relations between them and their children will be strengthened. Utilizing guidance, mediation, and psychotherapy are all part of the process, and there is no shame in seeking professional help if it would be beneficial. It can be difficult to turn animosity towards agreement, to reconcile differences, but with hard work and determination, no mountain is too great. In the end, the standard should remain that co-parents need to remember that their children are foremost in all decisions and agree to remain focused on providing a nurturing and stable environment. Could there be sunshine beyond that cloudy horizon? Absolutely! When the atmosphere is constructive, and the goal is to bring the family closer together, co-parenting can provide stability, bring the family closer together, and help protect the children from any harm. With commitment, understanding, and compassion, co-parenting can bring peace to families, especially where it is much needed.
  6. Nobody goes into their job expecting to feel burned out. You might anticipate long hours and hard work, but not total exhaustion and a disillusionment about your work. Once you reach the point of burnout, however, it can be difficult to figure out how to pull yourself out. It’s an unfortunate reality that many people face, with numbers from Global Corporate Challenge suggesting that 87 percent of employees around the world feel some level of burnout. Whether you work for yourself or for a larger employer, there are strategies for overcoming workplace burnout so you can get back to feeling empowered again. Here are some tips to help you effectively navigate the feeling and reboot your career. Take a Vacation If you’ve already tried the basics — like taking more frequent breaks, coming in to work later, or delegating tasks – then it may be time to take a vacation. Time away from the office can help you turn down the volume on all the noise — both internal and external — that may contribute to burnout. Taking a physical and mental one-two punch is often enough to brings things back into perspective when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Do something completely different, like going on a meditation retreat if you’re feeling low, or participating in outdoor activities that distract you from the worries of work. Stepping away from the routine of your job can be a major help in resetting your burnout story. Set New Goals People often experience burnout because their goals have become too vague or lack clarity in purpose. If you’re able to sit down and tweak your goals to ensure they are realistic and attainable, you may find that it helps you to better prioritize and focus on what’s truly important. You don’t have to swap out your entire game plan — instead of striving for a complete overall. Instead, try to start small by setting achievable goals on a weekly or monthly basis. Describe exactly how you want to move forward and what resources are viable to make progress. Having concrete steps to take can help to reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed with too many competing tasks. Build Relationships at Work One way to overcome burnout is to engage in the relationships that you’ve formed within the workplace. Maybe you’re no longer connecting on a personal level with your team, or you’re avoiding interactions with colleagues that could prove beneficial. Humans are social creatures, and relationships can act as a motivation booster when faced with tough tasks. Whether you form relationships with team mates as a source of collaboration and motivation, or manage up with key stakeholders in order to make sure you’re getting back the support you need - connection is vital to keeping a healthy mindset. Creating a shared sense of camaraderie can also help to prevent feelings of isolation and discouragement. In fact, it can help to have someone to confide in when the workload starts to pile on. Be Open to Change Sometimes, burnout doesn’t get better through smaller strategy changes and self-care. At this point, it’s crucial that you evaluate the big picture to decide which options will deliver the best outcomes for your well-being. Can you retrain for something different, look for a new role, or follow a new career path? Don’t be afraid to experiment with different options to see what works for you, or outsource so you can be freed up for other opportunities. Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you from exploring – you might even come up with something that you never expected. Burnout isn’t the end of the story – it’s an opportunity to explore, first and foremost, why you got to this point in the first place. Through that process, you can gain understanding, reset when needed and create a plan of attack. Recharging yourself and taking your career in a fresh direction can open up a whole new world of possibilities, so keep pushing forward and don’t be afraid to discover alternative strategies to reignite your passion.
  7. We've all heard it before: divorce is hard on everyone, especially the kids. But when your ex-wife's new husband tells your kids that their mom is a cheater, it can make the situation even more difficult. It can lead to feelings of hurt, betrayal, and confusion among all involved. The truth of the matter is that you haven't been able to control this situation. Your children have had to process and respond to it on their own. It's easy to feel like the helpless parent, but there are still things you can do to help your children through this challenging time. Start by validating their feelings. You don't have to agree with the comments their stepfather has made. But it's important to recognize and be supportive of the emotions that your children are experiencing. Make sure that you're listening to them and giving them time to express themselves without judgement. It's also vital that you maintain an open dialogue with your children. Remind them that this situation isn't their fault. Talk to them about the importance of loving both their parents, regardless of their relationship status. Reassure them that they can still have a relationship with their mother, if that's something they want. It's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed in a situation like this. Consider seeking the advice of a mental health professional, if needed. If your children don't feel comfortable talking to you, they may find it helpful to talk to someone else who has experience dealing with family dynamics. A counselor can provide much-needed guidance on how to process their emotions and react appropriately. Above all else, try to model healthy ways of communicating. Encourage your children to think about their words and their behavior towards their stepfather. Being emotionally mature is one of the best ways to respond to difficult conversations. They should also speak up if their stepfather makes any further comments about their mother. It's hard for everyone when a single parent's partner speaks poorly of their ex. But as a parent, it's your responsibility to help your children through this difficult time. Offer your support and seek other forms of guidance, if needed. It's perfectly okay to struggle, but remember that your children still need you.
  8. Organization is one of the keys to success. It can help you achieve goals, manage your time more wisely, and have better control over your life. The habits of those who are highly organized can serve as a blueprint to help you stay on track and remain productive in your work and personal life. Here are some simple yet powerful habits that you can start adopting today: 1. Prioritize: Prioritizing your time and tasks is a must, as it allows you to organize your day and get the most important tasks done first, thereby eliminating any procrastination. Assign specific times for each task and stick to them. 2. Apply “The 4 D’s”: Use the 4 D’s approach when organizing tasks and activities. This means deciding whether to do, delete, delegate, or defer the task. If a task is not worth doing, deleting it from your list would be best. Likewise, if a task can be delegated and it’s not necessary for you to do it, do so. For tasks you want to defer, decide if and when you need to tackle them down the line. 3. Take Notes: Make use of digital and physical notebooks or choose an app like Evernote or Wunderlist to remind yourself of tasks and notes. Doing this helps to declutter your mind, allowing you to focus on the current task and have everything you need saved safely and easily available. 4. Utilize Due Dates: Not only do setting due dates help you to stay organized, they also help you to have a clear timeline with achievable goals. When making lists, assign each task with a due date and develop a schedule that you can follow. 5. Break Down Tasks: To make sure large tasks don’t overwhelm you, break them down into smaller parts and plan each step, completing one task at a time. Doing this ensures that you complete the project on time and with assured quality results. 6. Declutter: Take time out from your busy schedule, and tidy up your workspace, home and car. Getting rid of the clutter around you will help you focus on the task at hand and feel more organized by avoiding any unnecessary scatter on your desk or workspace. 7. Make Time for Routine Care: Dedicate quality time out of each day to perform daily chores, such as taking a shower, ironing clothes, and washing dishes. When done regularly, these tasks become habit, freeing up your time and allowing you to add other important reminders or tasks to your list. As you go about adding these habits to your routine, take time out each evening to plan for the next day. Doing this will allow you to go to bed knowing what to expect. Highly organized individuals also practice healthy rituals, such as meditation or yoga, as these help them destress and recharge. These steps will help you to achieve your goals and have a better sense of control over your life.
  9. Few things can be more disturbing to a parent than hearing that their child may have been playing a game of deception at school. Unfortunately, children are often more comfortable being dishonest with teachers and peers than they are with their own parents, which means that it can be even more difficult to determine the truth behind these games. When your child is playing a very weird game of deception at school, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that they remain safe while still staying informed. The first step to take when your children have been playing a strange game of deception is to take a step back and observe their behavior. Are they seeming embarrassed or defensive about the activity? Are they secretive about details or do they feel comfortable discussing it openly? By seeing how your children express themselves, you can start to build a better understanding of what exactly is going on. The next step is to set up a conversation with your child’s teacher or guidance counselor. You want to make sure that the adults at your child’s school know about the situation so that they can monitor your child and the other students for further developments. Furthermore, the teacher or guidance counselor will be able to provide valuable insight into why your child might be playing this type of game. Understanding the motivation behind the behavior is key to identifying potential solutions. After speaking with the school staff, the next step is to sit down with your child and have a discussion. Explain to them what you have heard, and why you are concerned. It is important that you are supportive during this process, so demonstrate your willingness to listen and hear out your child’s views. Ask open-ended questions and take their answers seriously. If your child is honest, you may discover some fascinating insights into their motivations and the dynamics of the group playing the game. The last step to take is to assess the risks associated with the game. Depending on the nature of the specific game being played, it might contain levels of physical or emotional risk that could be dangerous for your child and their friends. Talk with your child about what kind of danger the game could be exposing them to. Even if the risks turn out to be minimal or nonexistent, it is always worthwhile to check in with your child and make sure that they understand the stakes. When kids are playing a very weird game of deception at school, it's understandable to feel concerned. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that you stay well-informed and protect your child while also respecting their autonomy.
  10. Dating an introvert can be a challenge, especially if you’re a more outgoing person. Most of us are used to the idea that if you’re looking for a relationship, you have to be proactive, outgoing and even extroverted, but that doesn’t have to be the case when it comes to introverts. Here are seven essential dating tips for those who are interested in pursuing an introverted partner. 1. Give them some space. One of the most important things to understand when dating an introvert is that they need their space. They’ll often want to take things slow and take the time to get to know you before jumping into a relationship. Respect their need for space and don’t pressure them. 2. Respect their boundaries. Every individual is different and may have things they are uncomfortable with. Get to know your introvert's boundaries and make sure you respect them. It’s important to keep communication open and discuss any boundaries together. 3. Don’t be overbearing. As an extroverted person, it can be easy to come on too strong for an introvert. Don’t try to fill every silence or take charge of every conversation. Allow your introvert some time to explore their own thoughts. 4. Be patient. It can take an introvert a while to open up and feel comfortable around new people. Be willing to be patient with your introvert and allow them the time to trust you and feel secure. 5. Find ways to connect. Ask your introvert questions about what interests them. Whether it’s books, music, art, or something else entirely, give them an opportunity to share on a deeper level. It will help you both feel more connected and build trust. 6. Get out of your comfort zone. Invite your introvert on an adventure and discover the world together. It might seem like an intimidating prospect, but getting outside of your comfort zones can be really rewarding. 7. Recharge together. Introverts recharge by spending time alone, but that doesn’t mean spending time with your partner isn’t important. Spend time together, whether it’s a quiet night in or a day exploring a museum — find activities that both of you will enjoy. Following these tips can help make your dating experience with an introvert much smoother and more enjoyable. Do your best to keep communication open and respect their need for space. An introvert makes for a great romantic partner if you take the time to get to know them.
  11. Online harassment has become an increasingly common problem, borne in part from the ubiquity of the internet. While it is a given that social media platforms are for expression, this does not give someone the right to use them as a tool of harassment. Those who have to endure its vicious effects can feel overwhelmed and helpless, especially when the cyberstalker manages to remain anonymous. It’s important to understand when intrusive online behaviours cross the boundary into harassment or stalking, and when the situation requires external support to make it stop. When it comes to confronting cyberstalking and online harassment head-on, the first step is to recognise that it is taking place. It is all too easy to ignore the reality of such situations or push it out of your mind due to the feelings of powerlessness or exasperation it can bring up. This can be especially true when the perpetrator is unknown, leaving you to feel even more exposed and confused. If online abuse is taking place, it must be reported and documented as soon as possible. Obtain as much evidence as you can, as this will be invaluable for any potential legal proceedings. As an example, consider keeping a log over time of specific instances of cyberstalking to ascertain the scope and length of the harassment. It may also be helpful to take screenshots of posts, comments, and emails, or even to save messages sent through social media networks. It's also essential to know who to reach out to for help. Look for organisations that provide advice and assistance on protecting yourself from cyberstalking. In some cases, where your safety is threatened directly, you may need to involve law enforcement immediately. Alongside reaching out to external support services, there are other steps that can be taken to protect and empower your online presence further. To reduce your risk of being targeted, use privacy and security settings. With social media accounts, this means turning off any discovery services, geo-tagging and third-party apps. You should also never post anything publically that contains personal information (such as address, contact details or workplace). When it comes to actually dealing with cyberstalkers, keep communication with them to an absolute minimum. Try distancing yourself from the abuser without antagonising them further. Avoid engaging in any ‘tit for tat’ scenarios with them, or responding aggressively online or via text. Above all, if you feel scared or in danger, listen to your instincts and get help immediately. All forms of cyberstalking should be taken seriously, as it is a crime in many regions and countries, with penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment. Although trolling and cyberstalking exist in ever darker venues, there are management and prevention options available. To regain control, reach out to all the necessary sources quickly and take safety measures online. Educate yourself, document evidence, and if the situation escalates, do not hesitate to turn to the proper authorities. With a comprehensive approach, victims of cyberstalking and online harassment can break free from their stalker’s clutches and have a chance to shine through the darkness, beautiful and unharmed.
  12. Many of us tend to be perfectionists, striving to make all our tasks as flawless as possible. However, this can cause unnecessary stress that affects our productivity and mental health, and limits our potentials. Becoming less of a perfectionist is a skill, and like any other skill, it requires dedication, training and perseverance. That said, this article provides a few techniques and tips on how to train your brain to get over perfectionism and make the most out of your work. The first step to train your brain to avoid perfectionism is to identify when it occurs and why. In order to do this, you must be mindful of your thoughts, feelings and behavior in different situations. Are you losing valuable time worrying about insignificant details? Are you attentive to criticism? Pay attention to occasions when you are unproductive or find it difficult to focus, and ask yourself whether perfectionism could be the trigger. The next step is to set achievable and realistic goals. Put too much pressure on yourself and you will inevitably become overwhelmed. Reduce the tendency to be perfect by breaking down your task into manageable chunks, taking one step at a time, and setting aside plenty of time for each step. Monitor your progress and celebrate every milestone. It’s also essential to practice flexibility and creativity in order to become less of a perfectionist. Try to put more emphasis on the idea and content, rather than on making it “perfect.” Think outside the box and push your creative boundaries. Don’t get stuck in a certain way of thinking, and be open to alternate approaches. Find playfulness in your work and allow yourself to feel satisfied with passing results. Finally, it’s important to practice self-compassion. Understand that everyone makes mistakes, including you. Don’t be so hard on yourself if things don’t turn out as planned. Let go of perfectionism by forgiving yourself, accepting human imperfections and understanding that you don’t always have to be right. Getting over perfectionism requires dedication and perseverance. You must be mindful of the signs of perfectionism and try to break down challenging tasks into achievable goals. Flexibility and creativity are key, as well as having compassion with yourself. These techniques will not only help minimize stress but also help you to unlock your fullest potential.
  13. When it comes to divorce—the "D-word" as some call it—no one is ever prepared for the reality of how it changes every aspect of ones life. From the emotions that come along with the grief and loss, to the legalities and financial concerns, the overwhelming stress can be unbearable. There is no easy answer to the whirlwind of emotions that come during a separation or divorce, but with understanding and self-compassion, those affected can find their way through. The first stage of separation or divorce is usually shock and denial. This is a natural reaction to the anxiety one feels when faced with tremendous upheaval in their life. Though it's difficult to prepare for, this phase is a necessary stepping stone in the ongoing process. The second stage of the divorce process is commonly referred to as anger. In this stage, one may become fixated on pointing out flaws in their partner or former partner, and trying to find blame in the situation. It is crucial to recognize this stage, as it can be easy to stay stuck here instead of finding constructive solutions to move forward. The third stage is bargaining and negotiation. Here, individuals may find themselves bargaining for certain possessions, coming up with various plans, or even reconsidering the entirety of the situation. Though necessary for the process, negotiating can be difficult and might make individuals feel powerless. The fourth stage of separation or divorce is depression. This can be a lasting period of despair that seems to be the ultimate result of all the changes. Loss, guilt, and fear are all common emotions felt in this stage. It can be challenging to move past this period, but with support from friends and family, it is possible to get through and see new paths. The fifth stage is acceptance and hope, when survivors cope with the realities of their lives and try to move forward with a sense of optimism. Finally, one is able to receive closure and have a sense of understanding, allowing them to be ready to enter into a new future. Separations and divorces are always difficult, but with knowledge of the common stages, those going through this experience can face it with more confidence and comfort. Although there isn’t a simple solution to easing the journey, it is possible to heal and regain control of one’s life after the pain. As the old adage goes, time heals all wounds, and with patience and determination, divorcees can find solace and joy once again.
  14. Are you in the mood for something a little different? Do you and your partner regularly go on double date with another couple, but need some fresh ideas for things to do? Look no further! Here are some off-the-beaten-path double date ideas that you can try out in order to switch things up. If you're feeling adventurous, why not go parasailing together? Parasailing is an excellent way to get out of your comfort zone, have fun and see the world from a new perspective. Plus, the views of the ocean are sure to make for gorgeous photos that you'll be able to post and remember fondly for years to come. Pack your picnic basket and take your double date to a secluded beach. Get out of the city and explore nature with your significant other and their partner. Bring a Frisbee or a bocce ball set if you want an added game element. Bonus points if there's something interesting to explore in the area, such as a lighthouse, natural rock formations, etc. Enjoy the safety of being with a group, while still having plenty of time with just the two of you. How about trying out a unique paint night? Invite your friends and each couple will be able to create a piece of art that they can hang proudly when it's done! Plus, you can even bring along drinks and snacks to make it an even more enjoyable experience. If you're looking for a good laugh and some bonding time, why not try stand-up comedy? Most cities have some comedy clubs that you can visit for an evening of laughter. Many places also have an open mic night where you can watch local talent, so keep your eyes peeled for those. Just don't get too competitive trying to make one another laugh! For a romantic evening, book a sunset cruise or a hot air balloon ride. Watch the sun sink slowly into the horizon and get cozy with your partner while your friends are nearby. Once again, this activity will also provide you with beautiful photos to remember the moment. Finally, if you're looking for something that can be done indoors, why not play a game of escape room together? This option is great if the weather is gloomy or you just don't feel like going out. Form teams or work together as one in order to attempt to escape within the allotted time frame. It's fun and challenging, plus it puts your problem solving skills to the test! No matter what activities you choose, spending quality time with another couple can be the perfect way to switch up your routine. Whether it's a crazy adventure, a romantic evening, or a more comforting indoor activity, the possibilities are truly endless. Launch into the abyss of fun double date ideas and make memories that will last you a lifetime!
  15. Maths anxiety is very real. It's estimated as many as half of all students in the United States struggle with some degree of math difficulty. This statistic increases to 80 percent by the time students reach fifth grade and all the way to 90 percent by high school! These numbers highlight the real problem facing many children of this generation. But while it’s common knowledge that math anxiety exists, it can be hard to help your child who is experiencing it. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to assist them in overcoming their math fears and fostering a healthier academic relationship with the subject. First and foremost, provide reassurance. Kids often feel like failure when it comes to math, which can cause anxiety levels to skyrocket. A good way to counteract this feeling is by making sure your child knows they are capable of learning. Teach them that it takes time and effort but that math is also a wonderful tool they can use to understand and solve problems in the future. Second, work on math strategies. Practicing number facts and other basic skills is an effective strategy for helping children feel more comfortable. Create fun ways they can practice, such as playing a game or searching for counting items around the house. Additionally, discussing concepts and showing them how it connects to real-world uses can help children become more enthusiastic and motivated about tackling problems. Third, take a break. Although practice and understanding is important, it’s equally important to let your child take a breather from challenging topics. If a child is feeling overwhelmed, it may be beneficial to allow them a break before diving back into studying. Activities like drawing, writing about the topic, or simply talking about it can help ease anxiety levels and make the topic easier to comprehend. Finally, seek outside assistance. Sometimes just having another person help guide your child in the material can make all the difference. Consider investing in a math tutor or looking into enrichment classes. Many schools offer extra help programs as well, so ask your school counselor if they have any options available. Maths anxiety is very much a real problem and one that can be difficult to manage. However, with the right approach, it is possible to help your child achieve a more positive outlook.
  16. Astrology can tell us a great deal about who we are, how we interact with the world and even how we love. We may not think of astrology as a guide to the romantic arts. But the signs can teach us when we want to be successful in love, we should look no further than the stars. Aries If you want to seduce an Aries, take a direct approach. Don’t beat around the bush. Aries values honesty and directness more than anything else. Make sure to challenge them intellectually, as an Aries loves being challenged. Sweet-talk to capture their heart—Aries loves being complimented—but make sure to keep it real. Taurus To seduce a Taurus, focus on creating a comfortable atmosphere for them. Show your steadiness and loyalty—Taurus likes to know their partner is reliable. They also love physical contact so don’t be afraid to show your tactile side. Meeting up over the best local cuisine will also win you points with a Taurus. Gemini If your object of affection is a Gemini, then you’re in luck! You don’t need a long-term plan to win them over—just keep them intrigued. A flirty conversation with plenty of witty banter should do the trick! Geminis also love spontaneity, so surprise them with something out of the ordinary. Cancer Cancers love to be swept up in romance. Sensitive and loyal, they’ll appreciate the thoughtfulness of flowers, heartfelt cards or other romantic gestures. Cancers won’t respond kindly to games—so sincerity is key. Take your time and savor the moment. Let them know your feelings from the start. Leo To seduce a Leo, arm yourself with plenty of compliments. They love attention and adulation; just don’t get carried away. Concentrate on the things that make them unique rather than buttering them up with insensitive compliments. Pampering them won’t hurt either—Leos love indulgence. Virgo Virgos like to be pampered too, but they often fear intimacy. Talking openly about your feelings can ease any worries they have. They also love small surprises so plan ahead and try something new that they’ve never tried before. Above all, be patient and understanding. Libra Seducing a Libra means surrendering to their charm and good looks. Showing off a little won’t hurt either. Gift-giving is also a plus: Libras value physical tokens of appreciation more than anything else. Make sure to show them respect and to be sincere—Libras detest drama. Scorpio Scorpios can be notoriously hard to please. To seduce one, focus on building trust and closeness. Be emotionally available—Scorpios respond to true connection more than anything else. This includes sexual connection too, so showing you are able to keep up with them will only make you more desirable. Sagittarius To seduce a Sagittarius, show off your intelligence. Be as honest as possible and give them the freedom they rely on—they don’t respond well to control or manipulation. Taking them on an adventure or planning a trip together will also give your relationship the spark it needs. Capricorn Capricorns key into security, status and responsibility. They responded best to those with ambition, patience and a sense of humor. Business dinners and serious conversations works best for them—as does taking it slow and making sure their feelings are taken into account. Aquarius Aquarians can be easily distracted, so don’t count on them following through with your single-minded seduction plans. Instead, focus on creative ideas, explore different cultures and schedule spontaneous dates. Aquarians also value irreverence and wit, so use these qualities to your advantage. Pisces If you’re trying to woo a Pisces, be prepared to offer them a fantasy. Poetic language, dreamy conversations and understanding their sensitive nature goes a long way. They also need physical closeness, so hold their hand and don’t be afraid to express yourselves in a loving and intimate manner.
  17. Depression is a disease that affects millions of people around the world. It has long been understood that depression is complicated, with many factors coming into play, such as genetics, environment, stress, and lifestyle. Despite the effort and resources dedicated to treating depression, it can still be difficult to find a successful treatment. In order to understand why this is, we must examine the possible causes behind why depression treatments sometimes fail. Depression has been understood for some time as being driven by an imbalance in the neurotransmitter serotonin, leading to the development of SSRI-based antidepressant medications which act to increase levels of this neurotransmitter in the brain. However, recent research has shown that the serotonin theory of depression may be too simplistic to account for the complexities surrounding this disorder. Rather, Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) should be viewed as having multiple causes, and effective treatments should be tailored to the individual person’s unique etiology. One likely cause of unsuccessful depression treatment is neuroinflammation, which has been linked to MDD in several studies. Neuroinflammation is caused by an excessive amount of inflammatory cytokines being produced in response to psychological stress. These cytokines can modify pathways related to memory, emotion processing, and can disrupt the neural circuitry that regulates mood. Thus, if inflammation is present in the brain, then the current standard treatments, which only focus on increasing serotonin levels, may not be enough to provide relief and depth of clinical response necessary for symptom remission in some cases. Another potential cause of unsuccessful depression treatment is poor adherence to treatment regimens. Even with the best treatments available, outcomes are often limited when individuals do not follow instructions or complete the course of treatment. This can be due to a variety of reasons, from the stigma associated with mental health disorders, to fear of side effects from the medications, to simply forgetting to take needed (or prescribed) medications. Finally, there may also be biological explanations for why depression treatments don’t work for some people. DNA sequencing studies have heightened our understanding of the genetic architecture of depression, and recent studies support the notion that certain genetic factors, such as the serotonin transporter gene, may impede the effectiveness of antidepressant treatments. Additionally, the major depressive disorder of certain individuals may be a result of epigenetic influences, meaning that their environment interacts with a person's genes and is impacting the way his/her body functions in regards to depression. Depression is a complex, multi-factorial disorder, and the explanations for why depression treatments fail are similarly varied. The serotonin theory of depression should no longer be accepted as the sole etiology of MDD, and treatments should be customized to address different factors such as neuroinflammation, non-adherence, genetic and epigenetics. To reach this goal, further research needs to be conducted to uncover additional underlying causes for why depression treatments don’t work for some people.
  18. When people consider the vastness of the universe, filled with stars and galaxies and more, it can be difficult to fathom what place humans have in this insignificant corner of space. It seems counterintuitive that meaning or purpose could exist in an environment that is so expansive and indifferent. Yet, from a scientific point of view, the universe consists of matter and energy, without inherent meaning. Despite this, meaning and purpose emerges when life evolves on this planet. When organisms evolved on this planet, even the most rudimentary goals such as survival and reproduction were filled with importance and clarity. These primitive organisms were aware of their environment and had the capacity to form internal representations of the things which were significant to them. Without anything else to guide them, survival and reproduction become imbued with purpose and drove them to further improve on their situation. As they interacted with one another, relationships formed and a need for companionship and understanding emerged, replacing the simpler want of mere survival. Humans seek to give meaning to their lives in all aspects, from personal relationships to career, developing a heightened sense of morality, ethics, of what is right and wrong. We seek to create culture and art, and allow ourselves to spend sleepless nights ruminating over our purpose, pondering the self and its role in the greater scheme of things. We set our hearts at ease though the comfort of faith and religion, trusting in a shared belief of the fundamental nature of the universe. When our attention is turned to ourselves and our surroundings, we come to understand the importance of our role in the grand theatre of life. It is we who must recognize our true potential and strive to create meaning out of what appears to be an empty void on an otherwise meaningless stage. In spite of the indifference of the universe, we are capable of understanding, feeling, and creating a deeper sense of connection. We form connections with each other and come to understand the significance of our actions, actions which resonate with others and leave a lasting impact. When we look past the apparent randomness of the universe, and instead focus outward towards the people and world around us, we find that there is indeed a universe of purpose and meaning beyond the one we can observe. Our interactions, our relationships, our culture, and overall meaningful connections become the foundation for creating our own unique purpose, giving our lives and the stark darkness of the universe, a sense of understanding and familiarity. With this realization we can choose to shape nature in our own image, creating our own narrative, allowing us to make the most of what we have been given and bring meaning to an otherwise meaningless universe.
  19. When two people separate, the way they part can be just as important as why they chose to part. When emotions are high and a break-up seems inevitable, it is common for one person to experience 'the ick', an internal rejection of the other person. While getting 'the ick' may seem like the last nail in the coffin of a relationship, this isn't necessarily true. You can recover a relationship after getting 'the ick'. Facing the reality of your relationship when you feel that 'the ick' is present can be daunting. It's normal to want to ignore the issue, yet sweeping it under the rug will not make it go away. By examining yourself and your relationship more closely, however, you can understand what has created 'the ick' and take steps to rectify this. Begin by looking at where your feelings have come from. Ask yourself if something changed about your partner or the relationship, or if this is an issue that has been around for a while but only recently became too intense. In some cases, 'the ick' is a result of the relationship being in a slump and needing a new spark, while in others, it can stem from a deeper problem that has yet to be discussed. Once you are aware of the reasons behind your negative feelings, it's time to start making changes. Developing trust and communication with your partner is essential. It's important to talk to them openly and honestly about your feelings so that both of you can understand better what you need from the relationship. Another key factor in trying to rescue a relationship post-'the ick' is self-care. You can't give away what you don't have - ensure that you are okay before attempting to make repairs to your relationship. Acknowledge your needs and put them first. Whether it's taking a break from your relationship for a couple of days, getting plenty of sleep, or setting healthy boundaries, look after yourself and your needs before worrying about anyone else. Attracting a positive change in your relationship is going to be much easier if you cultivate a mutual respect for one another. This means being more accepting and aware of your partner's needs, rather than automatically assuming that your needs matter more than theirs. Respecting each other will encourage a healthier dynamic in the relationship overall. Finally, make sure you aren't waiting around for the other person to solve the problem. Instead, focus on the things you can do yourself to make the situation better. Apologize if you need to and take responsibility for your part in it. This gives you both the opportunity to address the underlying issues and begin rebuilding the relationship. Even if you feel like there's no hope left, remember that all relationships are worth saving. Take the necessary steps to objectively evaluate your feelings and then use them to make meaningful changes. When you take ownership and love yourself and your partner unconditionally, anything is possible.
  20. Our actions are determined by the thoughts and beliefs that our brains have adopted from our behavior. This means that if one is able to control their mindset and the patterns of their thoughts, they can manifest the desired outcomes in their life. One of the most effective strategies to do this is through habit stacking – a form of conscious reprogramming of one's behavior that helps to train the mind and promote lasting change. Habit stacking involves choosing specific behaviors that you want to replace with constructive ones, following consistent consolidation over time to create good habits and make them last. It works by using an established routine and systematically adding on behavior that supports it. For instance, if you are trying to adopt a regular exercise regime, you could start with a simple commitment such as walking around the block each day for 15 minutes. Once this has been integrated into your daily life, you may then increase the intensity or duration of your walk as a way of ‘stacking’ new behavior onto the routine. Through repeated reinforcement, eventually your habits and beliefs will get reshaped. Habit stacking not only trains the brain to make good habits last, but also helps to break down the overwhelming feeling of change. By breaking up your desired goal into manageable chunks, short term goals can be quickly achieved. This in turn can motivate you to stay focused on the task at hand, leading to improved self-discipline, confidence and focus. Research has suggested that habit stacking can help to create positive neural pathways, tuning the brain to seek out desired outcomes and ignoring unwanted urges or triggers. An example of this relates to cravings. If you’re trying to quit a bad habit such as smoking, your initial thought when faced with a craving might be to give in and have a cigarette. However, with consistent practice, you can retrain your brain to see this type of situation as an opportunity for growth, allowing for a healthier and more meaningful approach to changing your lifestyle. Most importantly, habit stacking encourages a long term vision. Instead of seeing the small steps that you are taking as mere tasks to complete, try to adopt an attitude of growth. Visualize how this behavior will benefit you and shape your life in the future. Such an approach will keep you motivated and engaged in the process, while helping to ensure accountability and discipline. Thanks to recent discoveries in neuroscience, we now understand that our minds are incredibly adaptable. Through conscious effort and commitment, we are able to rewire our brains and make good habits last. Needless to say, the process isn’t always easy. But by adopting the right strategy – like habit stacking – we can make change possible and start creating a healthy and fulfilling life.
  21. Growing up, Sarah had grown close to her cousin Becky during family reunions, weekend dinners and summer vacations. She was the same age as Sarah, which meant that they felt like two peas in a pod when it came to understanding the world around them. So when Becky announced the birth of her baby brother Brian, Sarah was one of the first to offer up congratulations. But things started to change when Sarah met Brian for the first time. Instead of being filled with joy and pride at the sight of him, she felt like she had been replaced—that having a little brother had made her life obsolete. She had thought that Becky and her would be able to do all the things they had done together as kids again, but now she felt like there was no room for her. Sarah’s feelings of exclusion only grew whenever she visited her cousin’s house. She felt like the third wheel, never included in any conversations, always left out of the loop. While Becky took her little brother on walks around the neighborhood, telling stories about their adventures Sarah stayed far away - too far for Brian even to notice her existence. At home, Sarah withdrew from her family and friends. She refused to talk about Brian or his visits to the house. When her parents asked her why she wasn't interested in seeing her newly born cousin, she replied that he simply did not exist to her. Even when pictures of Brian were shown, Sarah refused to acknowledge them as anything more than random snapshots of an insignificant person. The fact of the matter is, Sarah was scared. She was scared that she had lost her spot in the family and the bond she had with her cousin. She was scared of being forgotten or overshadowed by the looming presence of Brian, of not having anyone to turn to when she was feeling down - someone who really understood her. Deep down all she wanted was to have the same connection with Brian that she had with Becky, but given that she hadn't spoken to him or interacted with him, she felt like this was impossible. The refusal to acknowledge another family member's existence may be a sign of teen insecurity, of perceived abandonment and a need for reassurance that their place in the family still matters. In this case, the best way to help Sarah come to terms with the new family dynamic is to simply assure her that she's still loved and important and remind her that any new additions to the family should not take away from her relationship with her cousin. Additionally, providing her with opportunities to engage with Brian in activities that she enjoys could help. It's important to recognize and be sensitive to how changes in family dynamics can affect teens. By showing compassion and understanding, it is possible to ensure that no one is forgotten or left behind.
  22. Memories are one of the most powerful tools that make us who we are. But did you ever experience that a single song could bring back a flood of memories? Music has the uncanny ability to evoke deeply nostalgic emotions and invoke forgotten memories. That’s why music plays an incredibly fundamental role in our lives, as it helps us to remember moments of the past and carry them with us into the future. Recalling past memories can help us recall important life lessons that we had forgotten. Music provides us with the thing we need most - a refresh button. It helps us to unearth what we thought was lost forever - memories which have been deeply ingrained in our consciousness. Changes in lifestyle, geography, environment, mood and daily experiences can also affect how memories are encountered and recalled. While there isn’t a definitive answer at this point, researchers believe that music typically helps form autobiographical memories. An autobiographical memory is a detailed recall of an event or experience. The association between music and an intense emotional experience allow people to easily establish connections between them. This can occur when the intensity of the emotion aids in furthering encoding processes of the events surrounding the musical experience. Music also helps in attaching a concept and memory together, as music appears to be stronger than non-musical stimuli for stimulating memories. Listening to a certain song can spark memories of the people, places, and events that are intertwined with the music. Different types of music can cause different types of memories to surface, like a love song may trigger memories of a beloved partner or an upbeat jam may bring up memories of a family cruise or beach vacation. Our level of participation while listening to music can also affect what memories we have. For example, actively singing or participating in a song will have a greater impact than simply listening to it. The physical space that music is heard in can also affect the type of memories that are summoned. Context is instrumental in establishing an individual’s memory associations with music. The setting of a specific event can lead to stronger memory recall such as going to a concert, playing in a band, or merely coming across a previously unknown tune over the radio. The calming, soothing melodies of music help to relax people, influence thoughts and trigger reactions, so even years after the fact, just hearing a snippet of a familiar melody can bring back vivid memories from our past. Directly or indirectly, music has an effect on our physical, mental, and emotional health. But more significantly, music is capable of unlocking memories that we thought were forgotten, connecting us to special people and rekindling a specific moment in time.
  23. Adolescence is a period of rapid physical and psychological development, and life skills play an integral part in teen’s preparation for the challenging adult world. While education and extra-curricular activities are essential for their future careers, it’s equally important for parents or guardians to help adolescents on the path towards developing practical skills for everyday life. Self-Directed Learning Initiatives The most prominent life skill for teens is learning how to be independent. This can be difficult for kids who have been overly dependent at home and need guidance on how to manage different aspects of their life. To help them gradually take charge of their own lives, encourage self-directed initiatives such as designing a project or tackling a challenging task. These activities could be anything from personal budgeting to writing down ideas for their future career. Time Management Time management may seem like a daunting concept, however its importance cannot be understated. Teens often struggle to fit study, work, socializing and downtime into the same day, so help them make the best use of their time with helpful scheduling tools such as calendars and reminders. Discourage overworking and constantly being on the go – instilling a sense of balance and moderation is critical. Open Communication Establishing open communication between teens and adults is key, particularly during times of distress. Effective listening and understanding should form the core of communication in order for both parties to respect each other’s boundaries and express their needs. Encourage teens to feel comfortable sharing their emotions and thoughts without fear. Problem-Solving This essential life skill teaches teens how to think logically and analyze the root causes of a problem. With this skill, teens can take greater control of their situation and find solutions that are realistic and relevant. There are certain strategies and techniques that teens can use to help them think through a problem and pick the best possible course of action for themselves. Learning From Failure Often failure is seen as a bad thing, something to be avoided at all costs. But teens can actually benefit from making mistakes and learning from them. Teach teens to recognize that failure is a necessary step in the learning process and that it can be used as a tool to become more resilient, creative and successful.
  24. As any parent knows – strangers interacting with our children makes us deeply uncomfortable by default. It's natural to protect our children and to be wary of any unfamiliar figure entering their lives. It's simply part of being a parent. When my daughter recently had an unexpected interaction with a stranger, I found my protective instincts thrown into overdrive. The incident happened one night when my daughter was playing in the park with a group of friends. Out of nowhere, a man came up to her, fixed his gaze upon her and said some very strange things. It appeared that he had been watching her from a distance for some time. His words were a disorganized stream of thoughts about her soul, potential destiny, and his intentions for her. She later informed me that it felt very creepy and uncomfortable. Thankfully, he didn't touch her and left relatively quickly. After hearing what occurred, I immediately went into parenting-over-protector mode. The entire incident reminded me to never become complacent as a parent. We cannot be naïve in believing that our children are safe at all times. There are people out there whose intentions we cannot predict – and while violence against children is not common, we must nonetheless remain diligent in assuming that something or someone could come along and harm them. Of course, that is why I work hard to provide them with a safe environment and to teach them to recognize unexpected behavior and to never enter into risky situations without full information. On a deeper level, the incident made me think about how I can support my daughter and process hard to empathize with her experience. Although she brushed off the encounter, I know that it scared her and impacted her significantly. I acknowledged her fear and then helped her to recognize it, name it, and even discuss how she wanted to respond to situations like this in the future. This provided her with a sense of security, knowledge and control. I also brainstormed with her ways in which she could further protect herself in similar circumstances. For example, this incident was a reminder of the importance of boundaries, who to trust and why it’s important to always have her friends close by. This regrettable incident provided an invaluable learning opportunity for both of us. Recognizing the discomfort of an unsettling situation while considering effective strategies to cope is a valuable life lesson. Having these conversations also helps to strengthen our bond and trust. And, it also serves as a reminder to me to stay conscious and alert when it comes to the safety of my daughter. Above all else, it highlighted the paramount importance of being a hands-on parent. Despite how uncomfortable this incident was, I'm grateful to have been able to help my daughter through it, fostering a bond as well as a shared understanding. It's moments like these that truly bring us closer together.
  25. It can be difficult to tell your mom that you would rather have cash than clothes when it comes to gifts. After all, moms are often eager to express their love and affection through gift-giving, and they might not understand why you would prefer cold hard cash over a more tangible – and personal – gesture of love. But if money is tight or simply more beneficial to you, telling your mom how you feel can help to ensure that everyone’s needs are taken care of. As adults, we rely heavily on communication in our relationships; this is especially important in the relationship between a mother and her adult children. Whether it’s a college student in need of some help to cover living expenses or an adult who prefers cash for more big-ticket items, being honest with mom is key. Before broaching the subject with Mom, it’s worth taking some time to consider what form of help would best benefit you and also be acceptable to your mom. This can mean having a conversation over a cup of coffee or in the car if you’re running errands together. Start by being honest about your current financial situation, including any struggles you may be experiencing. Don’t make excuses or blame anyone else, but simply share the facts in a respectful manner. If you’re gunning for cash instead of clothes because of a financial burden you’re currently bearing, sharing your specific needs and the ways in which her cash offerings could help will really help her understand your position. Explain your reasoning clearly and calmly, and earnestly express your appreciation for her generosity and willingness to help however she can. Show understanding for how difficult it can be for a mother to let go of her expectations of giving clothing as a gift. It’s also important to explain how much it would mean to you to receive cash instead of clothing – think of how much easier it would make managing your finances. It’s always worth assuring your mom that you understand the significance of the gesture, and the relationship, even if the gift won’t come in material form. If there’s something mom is particularly love shopping for, such as shoes, or a certain type of clothing, it may be worth breaking the news to her as soon as possible so that she knows not to plan any trips to the mall. It’s also important to assure your mom that there are plenty of alternate ways youtwo can show your affection and love for one another. And that, if anything changes and you no longer need a cash gift, she’ll be the first to know! No matter what the outcome, try to be respectful and kind. Coming from a place of understanding may help you to better reach a mutual conclusion. Even if your mom isn’t totally understanding of your wishes, remember that she’s doing so out of love.
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