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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Protecting Your Child While Navigating A Weird Game Of Deception At School

    Few things can be more disturbing to a parent than hearing that their child may have been playing a game of deception at school. Unfortunately, children are often more comfortable being dishonest with teachers and peers than they are with their own parents, which means that it can be even more difficult to determine the truth behind these games. When your child is playing a very weird game of deception at school, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that they remain safe while still staying informed.

    The first step to take when your children have been playing a strange game of deception is to take a step back and observe their behavior. Are they seeming embarrassed or defensive about the activity? Are they secretive about details or do they feel comfortable discussing it openly? By seeing how your children express themselves, you can start to build a better understanding of what exactly is going on.

    The next step is to set up a conversation with your child’s teacher or guidance counselor. You want to make sure that the adults at your child’s school know about the situation so that they can monitor your child and the other students for further developments. Furthermore, the teacher or guidance counselor will be able to provide valuable insight into why your child might be playing this type of game. Understanding the motivation behind the behavior is key to identifying potential solutions.

    After speaking with the school staff, the next step is to sit down with your child and have a discussion. Explain to them what you have heard, and why you are concerned. It is important that you are supportive during this process, so demonstrate your willingness to listen and hear out your child’s views. Ask open-ended questions and take their answers seriously. If your child is honest, you may discover some fascinating insights into their motivations and the dynamics of the group playing the game.

    The last step to take is to assess the risks associated with the game. Depending on the nature of the specific game being played, it might contain levels of physical or emotional risk that could be dangerous for your child and their friends. Talk with your child about what kind of danger the game could be exposing them to. Even if the risks turn out to be minimal or nonexistent, it is always worthwhile to check in with your child and make sure that they understand the stakes.

    When kids are playing a very weird game of deception at school, it's understandable to feel concerned. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that you stay well-informed and protect your child while also respecting their autonomy.

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