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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    A Reflection on Uncomfortable Interactions With My Daughter

    As any parent knows – strangers interacting with our children makes us deeply uncomfortable by default. It's natural to protect our children and to be wary of any unfamiliar figure entering their lives. It's simply part of being a parent. When my daughter recently had an unexpected interaction with a stranger, I found my protective instincts thrown into overdrive.

    The incident happened one night when my daughter was playing in the park with a group of friends. Out of nowhere, a man came up to her, fixed his gaze upon her and said some very strange things. It appeared that he had been watching her from a distance for some time. His words were a disorganized stream of thoughts about her soul, potential destiny, and his intentions for her. She later informed me that it felt very creepy and uncomfortable. Thankfully, he didn't touch her and left relatively quickly. After hearing what occurred, I immediately went into parenting-over-protector mode.

    The entire incident reminded me to never become complacent as a parent. We cannot be naïve in believing that our children are safe at all times. There are people out there whose intentions we cannot predict – and while violence against children is not common, we must nonetheless remain diligent in assuming that something or someone could come along and harm them. Of course, that is why I work hard to provide them with a safe environment and to teach them to recognize unexpected behavior and to never enter into risky situations without full information.

    On a deeper level, the incident made me think about how I can support my daughter and process hard to empathize with her experience. Although she brushed off the encounter, I know that it scared her and impacted her significantly. I acknowledged her fear and then helped her to recognize it, name it, and even discuss how she wanted to respond to situations like this in the future. This provided her with a sense of security, knowledge and control. I also brainstormed with her ways in which she could further protect herself in similar circumstances. For example, this incident was a reminder of the importance of boundaries, who to trust and why it’s important to always have her friends close by.

    This regrettable incident provided an invaluable learning opportunity for both of us. Recognizing the discomfort of an unsettling situation while considering effective strategies to cope is a valuable life lesson. Having these conversations also helps to strengthen our bond and trust. And, it also serves as a reminder to me to stay conscious and alert when it comes to the safety of my daughter.

    Above all else, it highlighted the paramount importance of being a hands-on parent. Despite how uncomfortable this incident was, I'm grateful to have been able to help my daughter through it, fostering a bond as well as a shared understanding. It's moments like these that truly bring us closer together.

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