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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Empathy - A Skill to Nurture Relationships

    When it comes to fostering warm and meaningful connections in life, empathy is the number one desirable skill very few people have. While self-awareness and communication are crucial for relationship building, empathy often gets overlooked. Unfortunately, it seems that many of us are not equipped with the ability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and understand their feelings.

    Empathy is a skill that requires one to be able to feel what others feel without having been in the same situation. It is more than understanding - it is about feeling a special kind of connection. Rather than judging or struggling to provide logical solutions, empathy provides nurturance, support and understanding. It is a valuable asset when dealing with family, friends, partners and colleagues as it enables individuals to connect on a deeper level. Despite its importance, empathy still remains as an undervalued asset.

    Of course, cultivating empathy can be tricky. It needs to be intentional and consistent. One needs to be willing and open to seeing things from different perspectives and take the effort to stay connected with those around them. Practising active listening with no judgment, from the heart rather than from the head, entices the opportunity to develop strong relationships. Having empathy involves being humble, open and vulnerable enough to truly see the person for who they are, free of any assumptions. This kind of connection often fosters acceptance and trust, feeling heard, safe and understood.

    The practice of empathy also offers key benefits when dealing with one’s own emotions. Having genuine affection and tenderness towards oneself ultimately creates an environment to be compassionate to others. Indeed, it can be difficult to recognize the needs of others when we are not connected with our own inner needs. Consequently, a key focus of emphatic approach is self-care. At times along this journey, getting help from mental health professionals could be a helpful way of getting unobstructed feedback and support.

    Creating meaningful connections does not come easy but empowerment can be built through the commitment to developing this skill. In order for individuals to reap the benefits, practice of empathy is essential. So to summarise, empathy stands as the core to any meaningful relationships as it allows us to nurture and accept both ourselves, and those around us.

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