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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Gratitude as a Natural Stress-Reliever

    Are you dreading each morning, feeling overwhelmed by work and family pressures, and lacking motivation in general? You are not alone. Stress can rob you of your energy and divert your attention away from the beauty in life. Yet, while our struggles may be unique, so too are the resources available to overcome them.

    Throughout the ages, gratitude has been praised as a powerful antidote to stress and a way to boost happiness. When practiced regularly, it can help us to appreciate small joys in life that may otherwise pass unnoticed and ease the burden of potential disappointments. Here we will look at five techniques to reduce worry and increase contentment through conscious acts of being thankful.

    The first practice is to write a daily journal focused on gratitude. It only takes a few minutes of your time each day, but the benefits can be lasting. Instead of ruminating on grievances or personal problems, focus on moments of joy and fulfillment. Take time to reflect on three to five things that make you happy, whether they are memories, experiences, people, or other blessings. Taking stock of the happy moments of your day can bring feelings of relief and peace that can counter the anxieties built up in times of trouble.

    Another practice is to transform negative thoughts into positive ones by purposely noticing the gifts in life. It can be easy to get caught in the repetitive cycle of negative thinking. Consciously listen for it when it strikes and replace it with an act of thankfulness. Acknowledge the goodness in the small yet profound moments of life, like a cup of coffee in your hand, a friendly smile from a stranger, the smell of a rain shower, and other beautiful acts of existence.

    A third form of gratitude is to express it outwardly and verbally. Doing so will benefit not only yourself, but also the person hearing it, even if it is simply a kind word or gesture. Speak freely with genuine appreciation to those close to you, like your friends, family, meighbors or colleagues. Unconditional care and positive acknowledgment of another human being’s contributions in life can elevate feelings of self-worth, hope, and joy.

    The fourth practice is to challenge yourself to be present, slowing down to enjoy the little things often taken for granted. Gratitude can open up new perspectives of life if approached with openness. For example, instead of focusing on a laborious task, reflect on the importance of accomplishing it and the satisfaction you will gain from it afterwards. Remind yourself that everyday moments and activities provide opportunities for learning and growth.

    The fifth and final way to partake in gratitude is to offer acts of kindness and service to those around you without expecting anything in return. Become a part of creating a better and brighter world for those in need by contributing whatever resources you can, such as food pantries, animal shelters, homeless aid organizations, or something entirely personal. Holding doors open for strangers and smiling at someone who looks upset can help create an atmosphere of goodwill.

    These five ways of practicing gratitude can lead to a remarkable improvement in our overall lives. By opening ourselves up to the positivity of thankfulness, we can fend off feelings of stress and despair and cultivate more feelings of contentment, joy, and peace.

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