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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Recovering Professional Respect After an Awkward Text

    It has happened to us all. You accidentally send a text to your boss – thoughts meant for a friend, a small detail you meant to save for later - that draws unexpected attention to you and leaves you feeling mortified. The worst part is coming to terms with the fact that you may have made a lasting impression on your professional reputation, one that can be tough to undo.

    At moments like this it can feel as if you are in an untenable position, but there is a way to restore your professional image and regain respect in the workplace. how you approach rectifying the mistake will depend on the specific incident and how your boss responded, but here are some essential steps to recovering your professional standing.

    The first step is to recognize the error and acknowledge it. If you sent an offensive message, apologize without getting defensive or making excuses. No one likes to make a mistake, but admitting to one conveys humility and maturity as a worker. Take responsibility by communicating that you understand why your message was inappropriate and pledge not to repeat it. It can also help to be honest about what you were trying to convey and share what positive outcome you did intend with your comments.

    Once you have owned up to your mistake, ensure that it does not become a recurring event. Whether the issue was due to inattention, miscommunication, or any other factor, find ways to prevent a recurrence in the future. Be proactive, such as setting up alerts for yourself to check emails and messages twice before sending. Communicate openly and often with your team so that issues can be quickly addressed when they arise.

    Then work to rebuild the trust. How you carry yourself in the workplace will go far in demonstrating your character, values and worth to colleagues. Take the initiative in offering solutions to problems, take ownership of tasks and come through when needed. Consistently demonstrate your reliability and conscientiousness both in the workplace and outside of it.

    Finally, branch out and make connections. Whether it is participating in projects or taking classes in your field, look for opportunities to expand your existing skill set and reach new heights in your professional development. Investing in yourself and your relationships can prove quite valuable and you may surprise yourself in the process.

    Accidentally sending the wrong message at work can be a stressful experience, and even after taking these steps it may be difficult to repair the image you had of yourself as a professional and reliable team member. However, by facing the situation head-on and taking action, it is possible to vault any mistakes and continue to progress in the workplace.

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