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Everything posted by TiredMan

  1. Whatever works for you lol. My personal view is it is not my responsibility to take care of the woman unless of course she is someone I really care about and not all sex is that way. I have been taking more of an "independent stand" against this for years. Thank god.
  2. Oh it helps lol. When I started messing around with girls, I was just an ehhh kisser but with many different times and people (with feedback) I learned so much that I know I'm real good at it now. Same with other things leading up to intercourse. Mre feedback, the more I learned. It doesn't match the "connection" as in a special relationship but sometimes you won't get truthful feedback when the heart is so involved.
  3. I personally think women have it way better. Much less fluid involved on giving a guy oral (especially if they don't take the ejaculation in mouth) while the guy is all up in the fluids every single time.
  4. Completely shaved off and nothing else.
  5. I'd live without the sex and just masterbate all the time lol.
  6. Exactly. It's only doing half the job, as you said. And half isn't quite what most women want. It's like when you get oral from a woman and she doesn't use a lot of it. It's very subpar.
  7. I hope he isn't like me. I'm a total boob man. There is no other place in the world I would rather be. I could spend a day there lol.
  8. ] LOL nice one. I actually have known people who were bi and they all say the same. You can give oral to a guy without getting too much fluid (especially if you don't stay at the end as some do). But on a woman, you are all in the fluids. It's just all there. I might think the closest comparison (tho there is no fluid) would be going down on the backside of a man/woman.
  9. I can see both sides in your situation, having went bacm and reread your original post. From her POV, going as much as you say you do (business, parties I'm ok with, all the times on your own, I think is a bit much) is a problem when with someone. From your POV, the ultimatum thing is just silly and to me is a relationship breaker. No one should give you ultimatums like "you do this and I'm done" within reason. You also say that she thinks you should never masterbate because you have HER. That is just plain sillyness and shows me she is too insecure to be in a relationship at all. What's next? Cover your eyes if you guys are walking and am attractive woman is nearby? There has to be a compromise where you cut back but do go when it's for an "occasion". Or you need to someone else.
  10. That is exactly what I was going to say. Unless a woman is downright atrocious, she is going to live her life having men approach her, hit on her, make passes on her, try to be overfriendly, want to get with her etc... A guy's life just doesn't work that way. You get it sometimes but it's not like a common thing because so many women don't want to approach guy. So when you DO get a full court press from a woman, it's such an ego boost. Heck, a couple of weeks ago at the gym, some woman who I have chatted with (about working out) at the gym from time to time found a way to give me her phone number. I took it and went home and tossed it. It was a HUGGGGGGGGGGGGE ego boost of course. Now if the situation was different like lets say a different place, it would have been much tougher to not see where it was headed. I remember one time, after I saw this girl very briefly in a bar, I went accross the street to wait on line for the restroom at this pizza place. Same girl I saw was on line behind me and she was on me like glue. Before I reached the bathroom, we were kinda messing around and she went in with me into the bathroom lol. Well, some stuff happened in there. That kind of thing just doesn't happen often so if it were to happen now again, that I am with my g/f, that would be VERY hard to turn down, though I think my conscience would step up.
  11. Rodeo_rider, nice attack post. And if your husband GAVE you an ultimatum, he was wrong to do that. He met you as a stripper so he really can't complain. You chose to leave and you can do that. But if you hadn't chosen to leave what you wanted to do (even though you said it wasn't going to be a profession you were gonna stay in), then you had that right.
  12. If she is going because of the "occasion", do you really equate that to someone who wants to go for themselves? I've gone to a concert of music I despise because it was someone' birthday. I would and never have gone again on my own because it's not my thing. But I went FOR the person because of the occasion. Seems to me if you are that worried about your partners finding other people attractive, then the problem is you, not them. Deciding what the person is doing on Saturday nights is dependent on the relationship I have with them.
  13. My point was that you can't compare oral on a guy to oral on a woman. It's just not even close. And for those that "don't" as you said, they are not even in the same ballpark.
  14. Yes and I am against the idea of engagement rings as others will attest to. But you are not against it because of the tradition thing, just don't like them personally. If I am with someone I care about, I am secure and trust them. I pick and choose the person very carefully so I know they wouldn't be the type to cheat. If my g/f was invited to a strip club for a specific reason, I wouldn't tell her no. Now if she chose to start going on her own every Saturday night, it's a different story. But I don't do that either. And you can't call it "lustily watching" unless the person chooses to do so. When you let your insecurities get to the point of forcing someone else to do something or not do something, the relationship is on it's last legs. Resentment builds. If you are under the impression, your SO all of a sudden thinks every person of the opposite sex is disgusting, then you are living in fantasy land.
  15. They don't. But it's one of those "traditions" to them. I didn't invent it. Doesn't mean the person getting married has to cheat. It's usually at a strip bar or someone's apartment where there is strippers. My feeling is if the other person is so insecure that they can't handle it, then this WILL be a problem later on with the person being insecure, worrying about who the person associates with, and in the end, over possessive.
  16. It's not the wedding but it's up there. It's not just another night. People travel many many miles for these things. It's like a bridal shower, baby shower, etc.. Not just your usual thing.
  17. I think when you miss something important, it's courtesy to give your reason. You aren't missing a hangout to watch a movie. It's a bachelor/bachlorette party. Might as well miss a wedding too and not give a reason.
  18. I've been through quite a few different types and brands. I didn't like any of them, to be honest.
  19. Ahhhh but there are many women who will not swallow that. You get some pre-semen but it's not the same as the end result. On a female, there is no way to avoid it lol.
  20. You lied to your friend by not telling them why. If you are so strong in your decision to avoid a friend's special occasion, why not just tell them? You think they are debaucheries. How many have you gone to? Don't think you are generalizing a bit there?
  21. What I said is I give them one chance, meaning I'll forgive almost anything once. But I also said that in regards to A FRIEND I dropped, not a relationship. Look back. Twisting words around doesn't help your argument sorry.
  22. So you basically lied to your friend. Not telling them the reason is lying in my book. Not much of a friend if you ask me. It was a special occasion.
  23. Then I am not much of a friend and they should just not be mine. If I won't go to my friend's bachelor party because it bothers the person I am with, I have serious issues. Now if it was at a whorehouse, that is something else. I would probably go to that TOO without obviously having sex.
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