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Everything posted by TiredMan

  1. Tell that to Oprah, or the many women on the View for starters. I guess they are "hotties?"
  2. Nothing wrong with being laid back like that. Now if you are talking about someone is wearing clothing that is very revealing yet they don't have the body to pull it off, now that is something disturbing lol.
  3. Not in my eyes. If a woman is wearing something that shows a lot, I will not look at them in any fashin other than what I said. I don't mean I'm a whistler or howlers like some but if I meet someone dressed that way, it's not someone I take seriously. Like Dave Chappelle said in one of his routines about this exact subject, if he were to go out dressed like a cop, he can't be surprised if someone were to think he was one. He did this sarcastic bit about "just because I'm dressed this way, doesn't mean I"m a (insert phrase)". His response was "you may not be one, but you are wearing a (phrase again)'s uniform." Hilarious stuff!!
  4. Plenty or women DO or they fantasize about it. The other thing in the "videos" that you left out is that the men have to be rich and powerful to get in those situations.
  5. These people clearly took the time to dress up. Not just throw on workout clothes. Not to mention, they are BARELY working out. Just chatting with people the whole time, mostly of opposite sex. I look at them with such disgust lol.
  6. I just got home from my workout tonight and something really started bugging me. I've noticed it for years but never really paid much attention to it until tonight. Why do some people dress up like they are going out when they go to work out? I know the obvious answer is that they want to meet guys or meet girls (although I haven't seen any guys TOO dressed up but tight shirts I have). But, the point is, what kind of person are they hoping to meet there? If I meet someone at the gym and am attracted to them from what I see there, my thinking is that I would never want to date them, they should just be good for a (not gonna say the 4 letter word). I'm assuming most people aren't there to be looked at for that reason (they want to meet people but not thought of in that way or they would go to bars/clubs for that) so why do it? The worst part is that they are barely working out and it really affects me only when I want to get on a machine, and there is one of them just sitting there taking their time. Tonight, one woman was actually at the triceps machine. She did like 4 reps and then made a phone call while she saw I was waiting there. Unbelievable. I had to be rude for her to get up and she acted like I should have waited until she finished talking. Unreal lol. OK rant over heh.
  7. There is much more than body sprays being marketed. There are ED pills, pilss that are "supposed" to increase penis size, hair loss pills, steroids or supplements to get the guy bigger muscles, and so many more. My personal opinion is that it is easier for a woman to "look the part" of what we see in Hollywood as they just need to be thin to be considered "hot". A "hot" guy is not only thin but muscular and anyone who has worked out very hard knows, it's very hard to build muscle and then having to go througha cutting cycle to burn the fat that came with the muscle. There may be a difference in the time that this has been here, I agree. But there is also a difference in that it's much harder for the man to achieve that look.
  8. Ugh, why do people blame society yet neglect how "men" are supposed to look to be considered attractive as well? For most, to be in good shape, all it takes is willpower and willingness to put in the work. But I think some people just don't wish to do that and want it to come easy, hence all the plastic surgery, people paying for all these pills and fads, and worst those who actually bought that electronic belt thing that was supposed to melt away pounds while you watch TV lol.
  9. I am proud of this guy that he felt comfortable enough and close enough with her to share that he enjoys this with her in detail. And for his trouble, I feel he got burned. Shame!
  10. I think the difference is the guy basically finishes on his own. Like when he doesn't, the responsibility doesn't fall on the woman the way it is the other way around. How many people complain about premature ejaculation or "minute men" compared to people who complain about women who take WAYYYYYY too long or can't from intercourse. Seems the responsibility always falls on the guy no matter what. If he is too fast, he is supposed to do other things and maybe even ejaculate hours before. When the woman takes forever, do you see people asking her to masterbate before and get herself really really close?
  11. He is not your ex-husband. thereforeeee he may have different interests. I do find it disturbing that you say you put the "brakes on the relationship" when he actually shared this liking of his WITH you.
  12. Unless you really love this girl, it's not worth dealing with her insecurities because no matter how much you compliment her, it will never change anyway unless she does something on her own about it.
  13. I agree. Same thing when the woman just lies there and doesn't do much because she is "shy". I would want to perform CPR on her to see if she is alive lol. Then again, if the man is quick then he is quick. There are many women out there who take forever too.
  14. Well, in the case you described, I'd be concerned with getting myself off with her rather than relying on her to do it for me. I'd go at a rhythm that would get me off too if that was the case. If it takes me an hour, I don't expect her to have to hold out for me. I would probably just deal with it myself. And this situation HAS happened where she finished and/or got sore and we stopped and I hadn't. And I never made it seem like they did something wrong. I'm all for giving and receiving. But when one person takes significantly longer than the other, to sit there and blame the other person, to me, is ridiculous.
  15. My opinion on this matter is that it's not the guy's responbility. I think as a society, guys tend to care too much (not all of the time of course) about what the woman wants. You know, make sure you spend enough on dates, gifts, cost of the engagement ring, sex stuff etc.
  16. Not in any sort of equal world. No one comes first!
  17. Don't know if this is reply to me but there are plenty of guys who like different things and some who absolutely despise the taste.
  18. It isn't his responsibility either though. If a guy is too fast or too slow, that is how he is. Not he has much of a choice. There are things he can do to slow himself down but it's not gonna be like he is gonna go from 2 minutes to 20 minutes. At the same time, if the woman is too slow, shouldn't she do things to speed herself up to catch up with her guy? Rather than always the other way around.
  19. Might be but you can't go down on a woman without getting all the juices in your face. On a guy, there can be minimal fluid involved. Women are luckier lol. I haven't had coffee in 10 years and I dont eat fish. I do eat fruit so I guess I must be quiality taste lol.
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