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Everything posted by Kwothe28

  1. Well, you did lash out at him pretty hard over the fact that he liked some girls picture over a social media. Still doesnt justify him being moody and rude to you as he chose to stay with you after that. So, he shouldnt be like that. Honeymoon period is usually over around 6 months time. So now you are starting to see the cracks. And that is OK, you better find out how he is now then later down the line. So, if you want to break up, just do that. Say the cliche "Its not you, its me", say that you realize your insecurities make you not ready for the relationship, or any other reason you can find, and go away. You can also take an honest approach, but as he is from the rude side, dont really think he would appreciate you being very honest.
  2. That means that you will be engaged in less then 6 months lol Anyway, jokes aside, I dont really think men care that much about the ring or not. I particularly think that you shouldnt care what they think if its true that you dont want to change your status. Unless, maybe from some reason you do actually care about men approaching you. As for work, dont worry, they already know your status if they are considering anything.
  3. When people arent really interested they act in that way. She maybe wanted something(hence the invite for the movie) but then changed her mind or somebody else happened(you say that she had a boyfriend afterward) so she brushed you off. Same for later when she said yes for a drinks but was cold after. In general. you shold avoid "hot and cold" people where they act interested and then "sweep the rug" afterward. And not insist that much. If she doesnt want a date just say "Understandable, have a great day", never call again and move on. It will save you a lot of time.
  4. Is she in general like that? Now it is normal that she needs emotional support and that you as a boyfriend are there for her. Her dad is on respirator, very small ammount of cases gets through those, even if they do, they basically learn how to breath again for the next few months. It is a very stressful thing and its normal for her to seek support in close people. And yes, you should offer your full support there. But, there are some people that will just emotionally drain you. The term is "emotional vampires". In general, you should avoid those. And distinguish if they do it for the crisis or just for the drama. Again, this is indeed crisis and its normal. But if its just drama all the time then you should really rethink your involvement there. Especially if she is like that with everyone around her.
  5. Well you did chose online dating. Where girls in general have a lot of matches and where you have to separate yourself from the flock in order to get a chance. In a competative conditions like that, you would have to at least have something that separates you, whether its a looks or just very good communication skills. As you are unexperienced, you probably dont have both. Also dating apps have something I call "the illusion of choice". And where if you even find somebody decent you always wonder if there is something better around the corner. Its not for somebody inexperienced who cant deal with stuff like ghosting, rejection etc. So, as you dont have a good time there, avoid them in general. Better pick some other form of dating. Also, I think "inexperience" part is more of the issue here. You "dated" a "time waster". A girl that wasnt that into you but there was nothing there on the horizon so she persisted because she was boring and there wasnt anybody else or to maybe see if there is something going on. As nothing did, she at the end cut you off. Instead of you maybe seeing that any girl that just see you 3 times in a year just wastes your time and cutting her off. You need to see stuff like that and react. Stay if the girl shows interest and leave if the girl is flacky like that.
  6. If he hasnt contact back to you(meaning that you already arranged the meeting like the place, time and everything when you talk) just assume he is not interested and that the date is not there. No need for contact. I am sorry, but that happens, especially at online dating. As for why, eh, who knows? Your idea wasnt bad, I dont really thing he flacked because of that. Dont even think that looking for the real reason is neccessery. If they are interested they would show that and wont let it feezle out. If they are not, well, this happens. He showed some interest but at the end was flacky. If you are really looking for the reason, I would be more inclined to believe that, as it is online dating, he talks to multiple people. So that somebody else has his attention more. I am sorry, but that is "the curse" of online dating and choices in general. No matter if its going alright, people always think that they will maybe do better elsewhere.
  7. Yeah, welcome to married life bro. Joking, dont take me seriously lol Anyway, you need to consider a few things. After a while passion component in some relationships dies down. That means that you do get physical less frequently. Possible solutions are: a) ignite a passion here and there. You probably wont be all over each other like in the beggining, but with some effort you will maybe get more. Try to be more passionate and intimate, set the mood, try roleplay, whatever suits both of you better. Maybe she or even you are overworked, or having some other troubles, there is a lot to explore there. b) stay there for the sake of it. You are together since you are 16. You got used to each other and you probably cant imagine somebody else there. But that would mean that you would have to deal with the fact that you would probably get less sex. Again, sometimes we lose passion in meantime and we never get it back but have other stuff that connects us with the other person. Or cheat since she wont accept open relationship, but that is a really low solution there and wouldnt be fair to your girl. c) leave. You are together since you are 16. At least one side wants to experince what is more out there. I wouldnt even be surpised that you already have somebody in mind for that open thing since you did suggest it. And in the situations like that, the most sensible thing is exactly this, just leave. So there, pick the path and work on it.
  8. Is your friend maybe self-centered? Its a common thing for self-centered people that their stuff(in this case birthday) is all important while they just dont pay atention to other people stuff. At least today its easy, even if you dont want to remember somebody birthday, you have social networks to do that. And its not really hard to remember since its a week from her birthday. So after 10 years of friendship, you have to assume that she just doesnt want to reciprocitate you efforts and make an effort of her own to at least congratulate. In a situations like that, I agree with others, just do the same she does, no extra effort. It bothers you(as it should) and its not petty to feel under-appreciated when you do extra stuff for her birthday. So just stop doing it. Doubt it would change anything from her perspective, but at least you wouldnt waste your efforts on somebody who doesnt appreciate that.
  9. There is a nice alegory for breaking up, either a relationship or friendship, and getting back together. Its like you throwing a feather pillow through window. You will maybe put the pillow together but it will never be the same as some feathers would inadvertently be missing. That is how it is in your case. Some relationships ecan never be the same again. So, if you need to work together, then work together. But anything else outside, dont count on him if he proved to be like that. In time he maybe cools off. But again, dont think it can be the same.
  10. One more red flag. Again, the guy is a circus. Not saying that its easy, you spent almost year and a half together. But it will get better. You are still in "denial" stage, thinking that he will get together again. I am sorry but that probably wont happen as he did block you everywhere. Even if he did would you take him back after what he did? Work toward acceptance of that its over. In time, you will continue. Manage to laugh about it, even to find somebody better. And work toward not repeating the same mistakes. That means not ignoring the red flags. And to be mentally stable and knowing when to call it quits.
  11. Will answer here, but read also the other thread. Wow, so many red flags. Guy with the kid, out of divorce, long distance. Not ready for anything serious, seeing his "friends" who he "loves" and is open about it. Even when he was married he was like that. Separate Instagram accounts. Gaslighting you about it and about other stuff. Racists remarks about skin color of you and other girl. Guy is not a clown, he is an entire circus. I do also think that you did kinda "suffocate" him. Having your doubts is fine. Having a literal mental breakdown because of stuff like separate Instagram is not. If you have your doubts you talk it through or leave. Not have a mental breakdown and then ask if you are fine and if he still loves you. Its something you need to work. Its sympthomatic that people, who were for example cheated in the past, sometimes even be paranoid about it. But you need to control that and not overwhelm somebody about how he is cheating. There are much better ways of dealing with it even if he does. Not saying about this one, this one is done, he doesnt love you and is everywhere but with you. But for some future relationship. Again, I think your insticts were good here. Guy is a sleeze. Just that as he has his issues, you need to work on yours. For your own sake.
  12. So was Activision Blizzard. One of the largest ones in fact. Still didnt stop one poor girl to kill herself over such case or for a bunch of them to have something called "Cosby suite". Take a wild guess what they did there. Anyway, you are being far too naive about something that happens more or less at probably every company. And you should be way more careful about stuff like that.
  13. "Lesson learned" my ass, if you trully did learn your lesson you would never deal with her inconsistent attitude ever again and told her from the start that you dont want anything to do with her now. Not even sex. The other guy dumped her ass so she wanted back. But didnt wanted to look "cheap" so made you sweat a bit. After you told her you want just sex she told you she doesnt want you back also. But then tried to make you jealous with Tinder thing to take her back. After you didnt bite, she blocked you. There. Well, either that or she just wanted some attention, who knows. Again, this could all be avoided by you not dealing with her ever again instead of allowing her back in your life.
  14. With ignoring you, excessive partying and drinking and now mean comments, no, you shouldnt brush it off. He doesnt respect you. He found a new way of life and now behaves in that manner. And I am not saying that you should command some respect, but he needs to respect you if he wants relationship with you. He cant just tell you how your clothes is ugly. And for you to forgive him because ADHD. He maybe cant read your emotions properly. But he certanly can understand that what he says is not alright or at least to learn that through communication. You dont have to walk through eggshells for him and allow him to insult you like that.
  15. I would say that he saw a young women in lower position at work. And that he wants to get into her panties. He really doesnt care if you are interested or not(or for your dogs when we are on that matter), he will push until you either give in or blow him off. As one hated politician would say "many such cases". I am sorry OP, but that is a company work dynamic you need to learn exists and that you can avoid it. Bosses want sexual favors, you get "special benefits", other people(especially women) hate you for it. It doesnt even matter nothing is going on between you, they will still notice such stuff and think it does. Sorry that you got caught into something like that. And I think the best thing for you is to get a way out, meaning to find a different position at other company as you planned. Because giving in to somebody like that wouldnt be good for you. And blowing him off(telling him that it wont happen) would probably get you, well, fired or just replaced with somebody else.
  16. After what you did to second one(if she is the same woman from previous thread) I am surprised she even talks to you at all, let alone something else. Leave second one alone, she deserves way better. Stick to the first one, you both seem cut out from the same tree.
  17. It depends if you want that kind of adventure or not. She is clearly at least grateful for what you have done for her and is putting it out there hard that she is interested because I dont really think that she would offer her place to sleep if she wants simple thanks. For that she could have just said she owe you a drink or something. But she clearly wants you out there. Now its up to you if you want to accept that call. I mean it could be just a case that she is, really, really nice and just wants to thank you in person but she is going way out of her way to do it.
  18. One of my best friends lives far apart. We did go in the same high school and hang out but he lives in a different city and far away to see each other more then once in a few months. But, we still did hang out during faculty days and even after and kept contact. Even though life has kinda gone in different directions for both of us. He has a family and kids, is very, very rich(I am more middle class) and sometimes we couldnt be any different regarding life situations. But we both cherished our friendship and keep it going through years. We were both there for each other during tough times and we hear from each other almost every other day if not just to see how the other one is doing. Anyway, I am saying this because I think both of you maybe kinda forgot that. Its OK it happens (happened to me with my female best friend), just saying that you both let it grew apart. You think its because of your situation and how he is maybe jealous, he maybe thinks you werent there for him when his situation happened etc. So you moved away from each other. There is really no need for drastic actions like blocking. If you grew apart and you think its time to end the friendship just leave it be. However, I also, like Capricorn, dont think its the worst idea in the world to still talk to him and see if he wants to be the best man. Dont think your future wives cousin is remotely good idea for best man as much as somebody who you know for years. Even though you did grew apart. But that is still your decision only. I mean you want to block him so that means you maybe dont want him at the wedding at all.
  19. Man, Ive told you that SIMPs dont get girls. Its just like that. There is a guy that paid 10k dollars just to meet his favorite OnlyFans girl. She used that money to go on a trip around the world with her boyfriend. Its just like that, you shower her with attention and cash while some ***boi gets to take her home. Partly because, you dont have a spine. Otherwise you wouldnt beg her to get Fed in the ass just so she could make money on that. Other part is because "user-usee" thing going on. You are there to be used by her and nothing else. As soon as you realise that, you will maybe get out of that cycle and try to find somebody that appreciates you instead of still hoping for somebody that only wants to use you. Anyway, its not the problem that you dont have a strong opinion on certain things. I am a centrist, I dont have strong opinions on both extreme left and extreme right stuff and even find some of them idiotic for example. But you dont have "a opinion" and just "leech" on someone elses in hopes they like you. For example why not have an opinion on Chappelle thing? Watch the special, see if jokes are funny or offensive and form an opinion on that? Could lead to an interesting conversation with somebody even though you may not agree on that issue.
  20. Cold heart fact of life is that you wont get much care from other people. Other people are busy with their own lives, or just selfish in general. Meaning that you would get care from them only if you provide something. Only your family, parents, boyfriend, husband, future kids will love you and care unconditionally. Because they are kinda required. Sometimes even them wont care. Human in average has 2, maybe 3, close friends. Meaning people who would care, ask about you, keep contact. Rest is mostly transitional friends. People who are there and you hang out but tomorrow who knows if they would be. So stop "chasing" those people. Extend yourself only how much they extend themselves. Dont look at them as somebody that important because they arent. Because again, most of them are transitional kind.
  21. She was curious about your experience, she was not suggesting a gangbang lol Relax and dont give too much thoughts on to that.
  22. I would say that you pretty much thick all the boxes Its concerning that you are still on and off with that guy and not literally getting a restraining order.
  23. I think he was just chill. If he cares he wouldnt block her everywhere or just straight up told her that she is "physical" thing for him. That is a very, very rude thing to just say straight to somebody face. It implies that at the end she was only good for one thing. "Be safe" is obligatory. He might as well told her "OK, good for you, dont care lol". He didnt take the bait and was chill about it. Because at the end, he just doesnt care enough to say anything else.
  24. What a Legend lol OP, do you see now how little he cares and are you ready to finally move on?
  25. Urgh. I changed my mind, that one indeed just wants to have fun and will discard you first chance somebody better comes along. Otherwise she at least wouldnt hide you when you go out and from the roomates. Worst of all she will find replacement while you are there lol Some would maybe said that its OK since you are not exclusive and not defined. No. Its straight up disrespectful. Dont let her "pull you through your nose", if she wants to meet guys, dump her and let her do it on her own. Like this, you are just being used until next one comes along. Also this is straight up manipulation. "You arent like my ex and jealous on my friends, arent you? You need to buy me gifts if you want something. Will you keep me warm at night, wink wink?" OK, last one is more flirting but it goes along with first two.
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