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  1. im sure the last thing she wants to do is make you feel that way! so many people care about you im sure and if something ever did happen to you they would just die inside! you need to find out whats causing all this distress hun~ you obviously have resentment towards your mother. my dad used to beat me when i was like 12 and 13 and we get along fine now. im 17~ parents really dont understand how to deal with their children a good portion of the time, thats not their fault. they come from a different time. and as for your boyfriend, why dont you tell him how you feel? tell him that you miss him talking to you like a normal person. but relationships take sacrafices, i know i wouldnt be able to cope with my bf hurting himself so maybe you should consider his feelings too. he must be worried sick! he probably just doenst know how to deal with something this life threatening ya know? thats not his fault im sure hes just confused
  2. online relationships suck...theres nothing worse than loving someone so much and just wanting to hold them but you cant. ive experienced it before obviously and that guy sounds like a jerk~ you really dont talk to someone for 8 hours a day if you dont like them. but there are other guys out there for ya that have great personalities, even though now it hurts youll be fine. he'll eventually come crawling back, they always do haha~ he obviously wasnt that great of a guy ig he couldnt see how great you were, so screw him the prick!! you can do better hun good luck
  3. the only reason why theyve changed is because the care about you. you really shouldnt be doing that to yourself hun~ if i had a boyfriend that cared that much id feel fortunate. but you cant change someone who doesnt wanna change....cant help someone who doesnt wanna be helped....sorry youre having problems but im sure everything will turn out ok.
  4. well im not pressing anything on you but once a cheater always a cheater. i would know because i am a cheater and if you get away with it once you think you can do it again. but good luck with that i hope everything works out for ya.
  5. yha we're both 17 so its not like im talking about love, but everyone knows sex is a big part of relationships, well at least for him. we always talk about our love lives but we both get jealous when we do, i guess its just to spite one another haha~ im really territorial and hes not at all so i dont think he would mind an "online" relationship or whatever, but the thought of him with another girl would kill me. youre totally right though, i might as well tell him how i feel and see what happens, after all you never get what you dont ask for. blah it probably wouldnt work anyways but it sucks because im really picky when it comes to guys. i mean i like him more than any guy ive actually met, sucks. i hate not having control over who i fall for, my heart is so damn stubborn =\
  6. Please reply to this if your gonna read it, anything would help, seriously~
  7. That sounds like a really unhealthy relationship to me hun~ i mean you should be happy with the person that your with whether you intend on being with him your whole life or not. he has to understand that birth control puts hormones into girls and makes them go psycho at times. if you guys are nearly as unhappy as your making it seem, maybe its time to move on No guy is worth your tears and the one who is wont make you cry~
  8. Alright not to sound concieted or anything but most people who play video games and such are nerdy and not the best looking people in the world ya know? but im one of those really pretty popular girls but i love halo2~ well i met this guy and we traded pics and whatnot and hes so freakin adorable and charming (im a sucker for charming guys) and i have the hugest crush on his which is odd because i dont really know him, well i mean we talk all the time, he has my number and i know his personality really well but he lives so far away ya know. i think id feel really stupid telling him because its kind of embarrassing, i mean i live in California and he lives in Texas it sucks!! i mean, can you really fall for someone you dont even know?plus im not even sure hed be interested, yha we flirt all the time but still, an internet relationship? how much fun could that possibly be?? i have no idea what kind of advice im asking for but any kind of guidance would definetly help, thanks!
  9. ok im 17 years old and ive had sex enough times and ive never had an orgasm. guys have gone down on me and nothing has happened. i mean ive masturbated before and ive gotten all tingly and about to explode but then all the sudden it goes away. is there something wrong with me? now a days a relationship is based on sex and my boyfriend gets angry when i dont have one because he thinks its his fault and that makes me feel bad. is it because im too self conscious?? i dont know how focus when im in bed im always thinking im doing something wrong..maybe im just too young =\ blah i need help
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