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Rose Mosse

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Everything posted by Rose Mosse

  1. Most men know not to open their mouths like this as it comes across as deeply insecure. They may regard a woman's dress as a very personal choice and leave it at that. That he feels the need to ask you about whether you get cat called or harassed is curiosity going in the wrong direction. He's inquiring because he wants you to feel self-conscious about what your choice of dress is and then change the way you dress so that you don't feel that you're doing anything wrong. He may not be jealous but he is insecure. He may have been conditioned with the mindset that women are only allowed to behave a certain way from young. Be very careful that you don't get caught up with a man or his family who doesn't accept you on such a deeply personal level or attempt to change you or make you feel self-conscious about such basic personal choices. Regarding his comment about creepy men staring at you unfortunately that's his opinion and he's entitled to being uncomfortable regardless. If he doesn't feel comfortable around you you're incompatible.
  2. Stay out of it and mind your own relationship with your girlfriend. What makes you think she doesn’t know? Are you happy with your girlfriend?
  3. There’s hope that it can improve which is a good thing. How frustrating for him to be going through this and heartbreaking for your family. Very frustrating. I can’t imagine what you’re going though. Hugs. ❤️
  4. You’re dating to see whether you get along so be observant. He sounds immature or may not be very confident sexually. Oversharing details like this is inappropriate. How long have you been dating and how old are both of you? Tell him those details are not necessary. If he dismisses you or is arrogant/obtuse in any way, rethink your relationship.
  5. Do you know what her reasons are for keeping you at such a distance? Three years is an extraordinarily long time not to have sex. What brought you together in the first place? You seem too angry and bitter to carry on the way things are. It's hard to break up and most of us bumble our way through it in puddles of tears and that's ok.
  6. What was the argument about? Did you overreact? Maybe you're jealous that he gets to go and you can't make it. Do you expect him to pay for you or are you just venting?
  7. I think this issue is only as irritating and frustrating as you'll let it be. Unfortunately if the person you're reconciling with has once hurt you or broken some trust in the relationship, both of you will be putting pieces of a glass vase back together. It's painstaking and patience is required. Is he worth reconciling with? Do you know what you're getting yourself into? Everything will seem raw and an issue to you if your previous resentments and problems in the relationship were never resolved.
  8. I hope you enjoy the wedding/reception and celebrations. It sounds like you've been looking forward to it. Don't let this bring you down.
  9. Allergies have started and I said yes to drugs.
  10. Focus on meeting someone you’re compatible with and give it time to develop. You mentioned “all the efforts” you made in your past relationship/s. Instead practice more patience and watch that the person you’re dating reciprocates similar care for you. In other words, don’t keep bombarding someone who isn’t worthy of your time and effort. You expect the same back. You weren’t confident enough to walk away the moment you felt with certainty something wasn’t right in the past and it still bothers you. Work on your boundaries and respect your own boundaries when dealing with others. The main issue is you distrust yourself and the way you’ve handled people in your past. There’s room for change and improvement.
  11. No, it’s not weird. As others mentioned you are not close with the bride. There is no obligation to invite you to the bridal shower.
  12. You’ll have to be prepared to “get nothing” anyway. That’s your issue building this up thinking you’re going to get laid with someone who suggests to get high in a park. This seems like a hang out and not a date as far as it sounds. Keep your expectations low and be realistic. There is nothing to lose here but your patience and ego. I wouldn’t bet on losing your virginity however.
  13. It was extremely inappropriate to tell her more than once that this was “on her”. You knew she made you uncomfortable from the start and dressed up the chats as you “helping her” and being a “good person”. A good person doesn’t put the blame on a person 18 years their junior knowing that she is vulnerable and has feelings for you. From Day 1 you didn’t like the idea of dating her, you changed and then when she met someone else you got upset and dismissed her current relationship, almost mocking it. My advice is to leave her alone and treat her like a younger, junior person at work who is far less experienced and be more respectful of your coworkers. Address them by name, not “hey girl” and keep your private life out of work. Date women your age and meet others outside the workplace.
  14. He may be meeting someone there, as in someone else. Or using it to sell off his stuff on Facebook marketplace. JK. Seriously, who knows. We do not know. You should ask him and make small talk. It’s not a big deal.
  15. I think it’s strange he still lives with his parents. I come from an ultra conservative background and it’s expected for children to live with parents well into adulthood but 30+ is pushing it. If he’s got a good reason that’s one thing or in transition and it is temporary. It’s understandable depending on circumstances. Even so, it begs the question why you don’t know more about his background and why he’s so vague or wishy washy. The situation as a whole is one that seems disrespectful to you or he lacks the general awareness or emotional engagement/intelligence to connect with you on a deeper level. While you could give it more time, OP, this doesn’t sound enjoyable already and you’re here on a forum anonymously asking strangers to help you determine the intentions of some guy who hasn’t had the courtesy to be brutally upfront with you. That speaks volumes.
  16. It is all bootay. Treat this like a fwb. If you have feelings or can’t do it stop seeing him. He’s not good for anything else and I agree with a previous comment you’re mismatched.
  17. Good of you to put back what doesn’t belong to you. Everything else donate or put in the trash. Don’t hang on to any items of the past. Move forwards.
  18. To answer your original question, no, I didn't think she was "fishing". What does that even mean? Looking for a sidepiece or someone to have a fling with? That didn't sound the case to me at all. She sounds hurt and confused, likely exceedingly vulnerable and wanted someone to confide in but it didn't sound like she was interested in having sex with you or being in a relationship with you. Since you are not the kind of guy to "come between a marriage" none of this matters. Limit your time with her anyway and refer her to therapy or professional guidance or marriage counselling whenever she brings up her personal issues or marriage at work. Keep your conversations about work only and change the subject if she talks about herself or personal life.
  19. The Possession (2012) The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018) The Exorcist (1973) Hm there seems to be a pattern. I used to be so terrified and I can't seem to be terrified.
  20. I don't have anything useful to add to the discussion that hasn't already been said. I'm glad you're speaking with a lawyer. Some of us have been in your position and found a way out or divorced as well. Just know that you are not alone. Here to add support and let you know it's ok to feel afraid. Speak with a therapist. It's a much safer space than unloading on friends or family. Start engaging in healthier behaviours. If you're codependent break that cycle. Find other hobbies and interests that engage you. And lastly, I want to tell you that there's life AFTER divorce. It may feel like the end of the world at the moment but it is not. There's more after that, a much brighter future if you want it. Best of luck and love to you and your daughter.
  21. Wait? No. I would be absolutely livid, too annoyed to speak to this person. He's too mixed up to be dating at the moment. Having divorced someone a few years ago, I know what it's like severing those legal ties. There were certainly no false claims or court battle. You're dealing with a huge mess. All the red flags are flying high on this one. You don't need to talk about anything, wait or have any further discussion. Walk.
  22. I don’t think there’s anything else to know. And I also don’t know why you’re so worried about offending him. He’s clearly taking Viagra for sex. What else would he use it for? To view himself in the mirror occasionally, personal visual purposes? And sex with someone else if not with you. Added to the poor communication and lack of connection I’d explore whether the marriage is out of convenience. It seems like a sham. You both aren’t able to be open with one another.
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