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Rose Mosse

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Everything posted by Rose Mosse

  1. It's probably best to leave this alone. What on earth do you see in him? In your entire report all I got from this was another employee inquiring about you.
  2. I agree. I saw this too.. truly disturbing and a heartbreaking story.
  3. Don't worry. You will. Keeping a closed heart doesn't help but with time and some effort on your part, you will meet new people. I think you know it's over and this is a dead end. I get the sense that you appreciate what you found (in the moment) with this person for a few weeks but also understand that it's limited. Give yourself more time for this to settle and move on. It doesn't just blow over in a day. You're meeting a lot of people in your twenties and it's only just begun for you. I felt exactly the same way when I was that age and thought it was the end of the world when I broke up with my first boyfriend. You'll meet new people and life goes on.
  4. Is this a rant? Who cares? Do whatever you want. Although it is ironic that you're coming across as self-righteous too. Hilarious.
  5. You are better off trusting your instincts here and if you haven't met him before, this person is a stranger.
  6. I did an online test and I don't know how reliable it was which said I do have a secure attachment style. I doubt the reliability of these tests in general unless you're speaking to a professional. Do you love yourself? Your first priority is to yourself and take care of what you need before you start attaching and caring for others. Rest assured that things will fall into place after that and associate with company similar to you who give as much as they take. Everything in moderation and with reciprocity.
  7. He was probably an ok fling after your break up but not relationship material at all. This got serious and it didn't need to be. His friends are not your friends even though they appear to be. They're likely being nice to you because you both are dating. If you fell off the face of the earth it's unlikely any of them would wonder about you. They're too involved in their party lifestyle. Why run an uphill battle associating with people who have a completely different lifestyle from you? If you struggle with acceptance, it'll always be there. You'll have to learn to accept yourself and be comfortable being single on your own, without the need to have people around you constantly especially those involved with drugs or excessive drinking and partying. They don't match who you are and maybe you've lost yourself in all this.
  8. She's looking for a type of man that you're not, unfortunately. Someone who "protects" her while traveling and acts a bit more jealous when she talks about other men. The only issue is that you didn't have time to develop any real feelings for her because she's way over the top and moving too fast, coming on way too strong. If this was a man there'd be red flags waving around this guy and everyone would be all over that. Move on already because this isn't working out. You are not the person she wants or is looking for and she's trying to play it cool around you. She fails horribly because she's not the woman you're looking for either. It would be a serious turn off hearing someone talk the way she talks and I wouldn't stick around for it. Romance takes time to build, same with trust and rapport. More flirting and less desperation and neediness oozing out the sides as if she's fishing for a compliment and affirmation at every conversation.
  9. He already got what he wanted and he got tired of you. I'm sorry to say that. He's with someone else so you were just a distraction. It may have felt like something more to you because your marriage was ending and you were moving on, feeling vulnerable or lonely. This wasn't anything more than an affair and something on the side for him. He may also sense that you are clingy or want more out of him. It's not something he's willing to give or wants to deal with.
  10. If you haven't totally freaked him out by now I'd be surprised. Don't keep spamming or calling like that. It looks like you are the crazy one. Stay busy with summer school. If you see him around say hi.
  11. She didn’t give it a go when you suggested it earlier which doesn’t sound good. You both have been together for six years so there’s familiarity and history, a lot of sadness and letting go. She’s been doing everything possible to put some distance between the two of you as LDR doesn’t work for her. She showed you that already when she broke up with you the first time. Covid or no Covid it’s constantly back and forth out of a suitcase maintaining a relationship that is not local. Seeing her a few times more per year isn’t going to make a huge difference. It seems that it’s supposed to, for you? It’s neverending this travel and not seeing one another regularly for the foreseeable future. I doubt you’ll get an answer later this week as the answer you want depends on whether she’ll get a job close to where you are. And that will not be later this week. It will be much later. The likelihood she breaks up with you once back in the US is high regardless of what she says this week. Nothing has really changed. Take care of yourself. Your daughter deserves a dad too who is feeling good about himself.
  12. It’s an awful lot of pressure to place on someone when you yourself aren’t free or mobile to leave or move to another country due to having your daughter in Europe. There is utterly nothing to do. Both of you would be better off being kinder to one another not meeting up for teary dinners like this as it’s hardly doing any good. She does not do well with long distance and broke up with you once. Don’t keep making the same mistakes over and over. The texts are also making things worse. This person doesn’t seem to have a clue about the effect she has on you and does whatever she wants, absurdly childish. One moment it’s a break up, next it’s a dinner and then kissy faces. Distance yourself from her and if she happens to be in the same area or if you both are more flexible then reconsider. At this point there’s nothing to do but be more mindful and respectful of one another. I suggest you move on with your lives and tell her not to send you texts like that.
  13. He needs to speak with his gf. Encourage him to be open with her and find out the answers that way.
  14. She’s very open which may not be something you’re used to if you’ve picked evasive women in the past who have played you. I think she was wanting for you to mention exclusivity when she asked about your online dating.
  15. I’m sorry. I edited my post to her mother before you replied. If she is bipolar, smoking weed, worried about her mother or family, you are already setting yourself up for a huge headache. I understand you have feelings for her but dating someone shouldn’t be so difficult. She’s keeping you at armslength and seems to be pulled in different directions and stressed. Being her friend isn’t an option if you keep wanting to date her or want something more out of what this is. It seems very limited and frustrating for you.
  16. It’s ok to feel upset and put this behind you. He wanted you to get worked up and feel bad for him. You can install cameras on your property if it makes you feel safer. And inform your friends and family or trusted close friends of what has happened and report it to the police if he tries to trespass on your property or do anything illegal. Block and delete him from everything so that he can’t reach you or find you. Remove your contact details or adjust your privacy settings on all social media. I’d donate the gift and find no reason to keep it at all. You offered to return it and he said no. You can also take it to a depot of the carrier and tell them it was missent to the wrong address and let them deal with sending it back to where it came from. If they won’t take it donate it to a local church or charity.
  17. She can start by reading the contract. I’d let her talk but distance yourself or involve yourself less in her decisions. I’m sure she realizes she has bills to pay. She’s just venting and fantasizing outloud.
  18. It’s an extended party for his brother. He seems relatively frog in the well or untraveled, as is his family. It’s odd that his brother would think this is the only opportunity to travel with someone who speaks the language. I’m referring to your first post. Has he never thought of learning conversational language aside from his mothertongue? Or hiring a guide? There may be cultural issues and general ignorance. Sorry you’re dealing with this. Let it blow over for now and think about whether you’re both too different or incompatible. It doesn’t seem he understands much.
  19. Bf and brother sound ridiculously immature, just the sort of thing people do to take advantage of a situation. Say whatever you need to say to get your point across and I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. Is this LDR going anywhere? What’s the long term plan?
  20. It sounds like he sees you more as a friend. He’s not interested in hanging out with you which means he’s looking at you as a classmate. Don’t read into his social media likes. That is the lowest effort a person makes. Also avoid making excuses for him or his anxiety. If he was interested you’d know but he is actively avoiding you and avoiding your texts and invitation. If you see him in class in Sept or on campus be friendly but move on. This issue with his ex and him not being over her is also in the way. Why get hung up over a guy who isn’t even emotionally all there?
  21. Yeah. I learned the hard way too. I’m with you on this. Onwards.
  22. She doesn’t want to continue being friends after your divorce. You didn’t do anything wrong. As they’re people he works with I’d leave it alone. She’s not obligated to continue the friendship with you and you know her through your ex. They don’t seem like true friends to me (this network prior). They sound like they were just people participating in any events or outings for the sake of your ex-h. Shallow friends. In the fallout after a divorce, you’ll find out pretty quickly who your real friends are. Do not take it personally even though it feels personal. You don’t know what other people are going through either and I found (interestingly) that my divorce or finding courage to break free exposed issues in marriages of others. My thoughts are you don’t know the reasons why but all you need to do is respect her choice. I’d respect her wishes and leave her alone. You don’t need people like that in your life who don’t want you in it. It was gracious of you to extend an invitation but don’t waste your time lingering over someone who can’t be bothered to stay in touch.
  23. This was Saturday. Today is Monday. I hope you dumped him over the weekend.
  24. Just keep blocking and remove any emails visible or made public on social media accounts or elsewhere. He’s not Merlin penetrating privacy settings. Something’s not working in your settings or it wasn’t set right. If you have another email address he’s emailing you at block him there too.
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