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Rose Mosse

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Everything posted by Rose Mosse

  1. I’m sorry to hear this. I agree he would know if you’re the person for him or whether he’d be ready for anything more. I’ve never wanted that kind of commitment that much myself but when I thought I might be open to marriage it happened way too easily and with the wrong person unfortunately (we are now divorced). I don’t relate to wanting to live with anyone or being married. But I do think he would have known by now if you’re for him. I understand it must be very painful. Yes, leave him alone and move forwards. When you’re ready to date again meet new people with an open heart. Don’t hold yourself back with this man.
  2. Two years is a short period of time. How old are your kids? Did you both talk about marriage at all in the two years? Him not wanting to remarry or marry someone doesn’t make him a bad person and two years is far too short a period to want to do something like that for a good number of people. He did the right thing letting you go. Don’t stay in contact even if for the kids. Cut off contact and move on with your life.
  3. It is supposed to rise up this weekend to the 30s. Please do not disappoint, Vancouver. 😎 Coming from the equator originally, the temperatures here never get hot enough however the heat is slightly different. We are islanders through and through so ocean breezes and very humid heat are for me. Glad to be on the coast at least. I just wish it got hotter for longer! 🐠🌞🐬🏝
  4. I have adopted a baby turtle. It was a rescue needing a home and missing some toes. 🐢 So little and eats like a piggy. I am so relieved. You should see me flustering around this little creature. All it does is swim and eat. My heart be still. 😍🥰
  5. Yes. Please stop talking to her as much and hang out with other young ladies. Calling you her best friend sounds creepy. You do not sound creepy. In fact it sounds like you’re easily influenced by her creep factor. You’re a lot younger so fears about not enough friends, not feeling accepted, being alone are prevalent. I am concerned though that her response could bring you to tears. Is there a possibility you may be anxious and depressed? Why not have a chat with your GP or doctor? Don’t keep isolated. Also make an effort to join local interest groups. I think some people thrive being solitary and others not so much. Most of all I think you’re desperately afraid no one wants to be with you (low self-esteem). Do things that motivate and boost your confidence. You’ll never find that in another person. That’s a you job.
  6. It’s hard to tell. You say he’s naturally flirty but he doesn’t ask you out. He’s also mentioned he used to like you in the past tense. When I was younger and more dumb, I flirted with young men I thought weren’t ever going to be a threat to my singledom (yes, it happened). It was just for fun, people I’d never date. You’re both only 22 and he may be just having some fun with you. Be friendly with him and see if you both have time to do something one on one. If you’re not willing to do that it’s fine. Him not asking you out means he’s not that interested.
  7. Firstly, is this a long distance rl? You mention bringing it up at a family brunch and then afterwards say that you met this guy you’re with. Second, be more discerning about what you bring up at a family gathering. Your father’s reaction is disrespectful and uncalled for. You know how they are and they’re not going to change. These people are old enough to have produced you, given birth and raised you. Stop looking for their approval. This part please address. The moment you cease needing their approval is when you don’t feel the need to overshare anything about your personal life. How long have you been dating this guy? No, do not introduce him to your parents. It sounds too soon. Learn to fly under the radar and don’t advertise what’s going on in your life. Enjoy the family brunches and keep your private life out of it.
  8. When you hang around poor company and disrespectful people in general you may find yourself pulled into their crap. It seems it’s not just your “boyfriend” but your friend who can’t hold their tongue. Why are you around these people?
  9. If you choose to keep living together, in future, don't ask to eat that food. Now you know that THIS particular dish doesn't taste good a day later so older/wiser here. For all other dishes like this dish, assume that it will NOT taste good the next day. If you have any doubts, assume that you will NOT like it the next day also. Try not to make this the hill to die on, the argument that lingers through the week, or the event that you both remember in the course of a break up. It's unnecessary that it's come to this point but it could be a learning experience for the both of you. If you even so much as THINK you may not like it the next day, practice being selfless and kind to your partner and offer it to her.
  10. You both need to move out. I think she finds you irritating and you probably value different things differently. It's just food for you but it's not the case for some people. It is certainly NO reason to name call and fly off the handle. All this is only indicative that you're not compatible. I don't know why you'd want to be around someone like that or why she'd even want to date you.
  11. Agree. Especially on throwing food away. Definitely disrespectful and frowned upon in my house.
  12. No, you do not have to be more “thick skinned”. She’s very rude and abusive to you despite you acting a bit spoiled in that one instance. If you know someone would want to eat something and usually keeps their word while you have more of a habit of not eating it the next day or even a chance of doing so, why on earth wouldn’t you let her have it? Don’t be so selfish next time.
  13. I'm seeing this as more of a confidence issue than availability or willingness to see her. As much as it'd be great to suggest a date and refrain from anything sexual, it's inevitable that the truth will eventually spill out if you're both caught in the moment. I'm more of the mindset that if you don't feel comfortable at all about yourself or have that confidence, just focus on yourself until you do feel ready. While you're agonizing about whether or not to ask her out she may not be interested in dating you at all or perhaps you're somewhat correctly deducing that she's not that interested in you and just in it for the make out sessions and sex. The bottomline is you know very little about her so either sh*t or get off the pot, so to speak. Try not to invest a great deal into this just yet and remember that you are a nice human being who deserves to be with someone of your choice whenever you real ready. There is no pressure to be with her or anyone else if you're not feeling it right now.
  14. He complains so much in that song.. I can't stand it. 😊 I agree with the others. As soon as his things are out of your place you'll feel much lighter. You're still mourning and it's okay to feel sad sometimes.
  15. Is there someone else you have your eye on or would rather be with? Your sexuality is a different topic and can remain private if you’re still working things out. What you should decide on is whether this man you’re seeing is the right person for you and whether you’re compatible. I wouldn’t overcomplicate issues talking about sexuality. You’ve only been dating for 30+ days.
  16. See how it goes and don’t rush it. Why do you need to hear someone else say you’re pretty? Of course you are. I’d give it a chance and if you are not feeling it or don’t feel attracted to him or whatever he’s got, move on. Don’t stay stuck there or wishing someone is different.
  17. I don’t think you need to say anything but I don’t know how old you both are. If I enjoyed some time with someone and nothing came of it, it would be a bit obvious to me that something isn’t ok with that person’s personal circumstances if the chemistry was on fire. She may already know you’re not able to date and as a result won’t be having any expectations at all. She may not even want to date you or see you that way. If you want to express yourself, go ahead but it wouldn’t be necessary imho. How can you be sure your personal circumstances will improve in a couple of months? What if it’s a couple of years instead?
  18. A marriage is usually over once a couple separates. It’s dishonest to move or separate using another excuse like work when there are other reasons to separate. She needs to know exactly how you feel about the marriage and everything you’ve written from the emotional affair you’ve had to the reservations you feel. You’ll also be faced with the person you have become instead of avoiding the fact that the marriage has not worked for a long time. There are no more excuses between the both of you and she can be the judge as well of whether she wants to be in the marriage or live with you knowing who/what you are or what this relationship has become. “Cooked up a mess” is an understatement of the year. But at least you will be facing it instead of telling yourself you don’t want to hurt her because going on as you have is nothing but hurtful to the other person. None of this is solely your solution. That you’ve decided to take this on as your decision only is testament that the marriage is a sham and she’s not part of the equation. I strongly suggest you be more honest in your interactions and get a lawyer for yourself in private.
  19. Have you had a conversation with her at all? How long have you been seeing her? Why not tell her since she cares about you? You accommodate one another if you truly see your life with someone. A good number of people are a combination of different things and have varied sex lives. It’s not always one flavour. If she says no and truly is uncomfortable exploring anything else than what she knows, then you’ll have to be respectful and go your separate ways because you’re not sexually compatible… or even flexible enough to connect with one another in a mutually satisfying way. That lack of flexibility could affect your intimacy and relationship down the line where you break up anyway so why not try and at least be open about it?
  20. Why don’t you date another “10”? Your bf and you sound mismatched. To someone on the outside, it looks very simple… you date less attractive partners to take advantage and manipulate a situation to your liking. It’s using someone else’s insecurities against them. You perceive them as less advantaged and may find them more endearing. Very creepy. I think your boyfriend should dump you ASAP. It should have happened a long time ago. As for Jeff, he’s a run of the mill ordinary low life guy who disrespects you and your relationship. There’s not much here that’s about friendship at all. He would never look at you like that if he respected you.
  21. Your wife does deserve to know you’re not interested in her and there’s someone else. It’ll give her a chance to also make the decision to leave you because you’re not faithful to the marriage. This isn’t solely your decision to make and I think it’s appalling if you believe all of this is up to you. You’re toying with a number of lives including your wife’s being swept up by a romance that you say wouldn’t work out either way. Isn’t it pointless then? What good was that romance other than to throw you into another round of depression? If I were in your shoes I’d see a fleet of doctors immediately to reassess moods and these feelings of confusion and despair in general. I feel sorry for your wife most of all as she’s not part of this conversation while you may be thinking you get to make all the decisions such as whether to end your marriage. She deserves to know and either put you both out of your misery or make the decision you can’t seem to make.
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