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Random Hero

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Everything posted by Random Hero

  1. I used to have the same sort of problems with shyness, or thats quiteness anyway. I only used to say something it I though that it was worth while saying, but I found that it doesn't really matter what you say, providing that you at least say something. That way she will notice you.
  2. I didn't realsise that you went to the same school as her, I though you meant that you met her online. In that case just ask her if she wants to go see a film, like I said before.
  3. Try something like: 'Have you seen (film)?' If she says no then you can ask if she wants to go see it cos it looks quite good. That way it doesn't just look like you are asking her out just cos you like her, but cos you want to see the film too. Then if things go well then it should be easier to ask her out in the future.
  4. I know exactly how you feel. I've gone out with this girl twice now, but shes got a test coming up that she needs to revise for, so I have to wait ages before I can go out with her again. I see her every day at college but don't get much time to talk to her alone cos there are always lots of other people around. If you just keep talking to her fairly often so she doesn't forget about you then things should be ok.
  5. I think she probably does like you. But you should she how she acts around other people, cos she might just act like that around everyone. When you are sure that she likes you then you should just ask her out.
  6. It doesn't really matter what anyone else does or thinks. I went to an all boys school for the last 5 years, imagine how hard it was for me to find a date. Now i'm at college and within the first couple of months i've already found someone.
  7. That is really bad, but you can't have caused him to have a heart attack just by saying it. Try not to blame yourself.
  8. Yeah, that happens to me sometimes, just try not to get too depressed about it, it's never a permenant thing, people just might have important things to do. For a while I really thought that this girl was ignoring me and I got really depressed about it, but then I found out she had this big test to revise for, so it was understandable. You should check that something like that isn't happening before you get too down about it.
  9. I have the same sort of problem, except the I actually see the girl everyday at college and have gone out with a couple of times. But then when we talk on MSN she hardly says a thing, or i'll say hi and talk for ten minutes and then nothing. I think this is just because she doesn't really talk online much in general but in person she's totally different. I'm not sure if meeting her is really aplicable or appropiate yet but, maybe you could just bring up things like 'Have you seen (film) yet?', if she says no then you could always ask if she wants to go see it.
  10. A lot of the time it doesn't really matter what you say, so long as you say something. I never used to say anthing unless I thought it was interesting or relevant, but then it looks like you are not interested. Facial expressions and body language can show more than talking anyway.
  11. My hairs at about shoulder length and girls like it, but then some don't. The sort of girls who do like it are generally the sort I like anyway, with the whole rock music thing going on.
  12. Try to keep eye contact when you are talking to her. At first it was really hard for me to do this for any length of time, but it does get easier.
  13. I went to the cinema with a girl for a first date the other week. We bought a big bucket of pop corn, which was too big to fit in the arm rest, so we sort of put it between the chairs. To hold it in place she had to put her leg against it, as did I, which meant we were closer together. Just an idea for the physical contact thing there. Also if you do want to say something to her (or vice versa) lean in and put your head closer to hers, again brings you closer together.
  14. I find it's quite useful to see how she acts around other people. If she seems like shes flirting with you then it's best to see if she acts likle that around other people first. If she only acts like that around you then it probably means shes interested in you.
  15. That's all quite helpful. I was thinking of leaving it next week sometime, maybe ask her out for next weekend. It's just she seems to be acting different around me at college, guess it might just be cos there are other people around.
  16. I've gone out with this girl twice now, though the second time it wasn't just us. I see her everyday at college and talk to her most days online and at college. I asked her out again for this weekend, but she only said maybe cos shes got a big test coming up, which I can understand. But when should I ask her out again, I don't want to seem to desperate, but at the same time I don't want her to forget about me. When is too soon?
  17. When we went out the other day, even though it wasn't just us two, she made excuses to be with me. Like when we were in pizza hut, she rushed to sit next to me. When I got my phone out to show someone a text she sent me she grabbed my hands to stop me, just as a joke, but we were holding hands for a couple of minutes. When I talk to her she always makes eye contact with me and doesn't look away. But she acts a bit like this with most people, so I'm not really sure.
  18. It all started a while back at a party, I was sitting with her and we were talking and possibly flirting, I can't really remember much as I was very drunk. I have a feeling that I might have kissed her, i'm really not sure. She acted a little weird around me at college after that. Then I noticed that she was flirting with me, so I asked her out. She said yes and we went to the cinema together over the christmas holidays. We seemed to get along quite well. It ended with her asking me out for new years eve. I phoned her to arrange it and talked to her online and we were supposed to meet at the train station. Then when I got there she text me saying that it had been cancelled and asked if I wanted to do something else, so I phoned her and she came back to the station. We went into town instead with a few other friends but I was still with her most of the time and we were flirting a bit. So far so good. But then I asked her out a couple days after and she seemed a bit odd, just saying maybe and then going offline soon after. I really can't tell if she likes me or not, I see her most days at college and we get along well, but I don't know if she wants to go out with me. She does seem to flirt with me, but she acts a bit like that with everyone. What should I do? Someone please help me.
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