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Everything posted by greendots

  1. Covid must've been really hard on students. Not being able to socialize, interact with others in person and so on. No worries. I'm not a parent, but I remember from when I was young it was nice to be given some sort of direction and structure. Especially at an age where you think you know more than your folks, lol. Just wish my parents had given me a tad more freedom. Anyway... Cool he's showing an interest in editing software! Creating a Youtube channel is certainly a good way to learn new skills. Has he shared with you what he wants his channel to be about?
  2. You're welcome! I missed that, so I've reread that bit. Here's the thing–he's not dismissing acting itself. He's just afraid of being on stage. So, encouraging him as well as help him to overcome his fears is a good thing. And if he doesn't like the structure of acting lessons? Then perhaps inquire as to how he'd like to be taught acting; maybe there's a course suited for him. 🙂
  3. I would suggest you encourage him to give acting another shot. Perhaps ask him why he doesn't want to take any more acting lessons? Is he afraid of something and, if so, what is it? Acting is a great tool for developing social skills and you desire for him to improve on that. Which will be great for him in the long-term. Thus, if he insists that acting isn't for him, how about offering him a suitable alternatives? He gets to choose an extracurricular activity that he does want to participate in where he'll develop his social skills. You are the parent. Thus, by all means he needs to be obedient and comply. This isn't forcing anything upon him. This is you making sure he develops the social skills he needs in life. He's blessed to have you in his life!
  4. Ask her out again then. If accepts, great. If she says no, well, at least you tried. Texting is a bad indication that someone is or isn't into you. And as suggested above, don't become her chat buddy. Just ask her out again, see what happens. 🙂
  5. It's good to know that the son can count on his dad and you can too should she one day actually decide to move states. It seems though (from reading the other posts) that whatever her intentions are, she's staying put. Now, while the child is blessed to have you around, and it's nice that you're helping them out with a roof - what about you? You're living with a drunk that's highly likely not going to stop drinking until she reaches rock bottom. So, what about you? Your well-being matters as well.
  6. The child is 9 years old? Child abandonment, not only puts the child at risk, but is illegal in many countries. Anyhow, the well-being of a 9 year old is at stake here. Social services could meddle, not sure how it works where you live and how that would end. This is scary stuff. Is his father a dependable person? Any trustworthy, reliable, dependable family members you could talk to? Alternatively, are you able to privately seek legal advice or talk to a knowledgeable professional who knows what to do in such a delicate situation? It's nice that you care about him! He's blessed to have you in his life. 🙂
  7. A guy who likes you will not give you mixed signals. Learnt it here on ENA and in life. I hope you find another guy soon who is into you. 🙂
  8. She and her fiance tested positive and now they are going to put the health of their guests at risk. Moreover, she admitted that she could postpone the wedding but won't. What on earth?! What if some of their guests are immunocompromised? Where did common sense go? Agree completely! By the way, so what if your friend isn't happy with your decision of not attending her wedding. You have the right to not go if your health is at risk. What is more important to you - your health or pleasing your friend who's honestly being inconsiderate towards her guests? A good friend will understand that you cannot be there due to them being infected with Covid.
  9. Agree with both 100%. You aren't involved nor dating. Plus, if you were to date another woman how do you think she'd feel about this?
  10. Texting back and forth, even very enthusiastically, doesn't guarantee she's interested in dating you long-term. Having a wonderful attitude before and during the date–who honestly wouldn't want to make a good impression–isn't a guarantee either that she wants to date you again. The one foolproof sign that shows she's interested in dating you is if she accepts to go on another date. Also, remember that whilst maybe indeed something you did put her off, she could've been multi-dating, she could've received a text from a an ex-boyfriend, etc.
  11. There must be decent available women out there in your age range. Do you have any hobbies? Are you interacting with different people on a regular basis? The more active you are socializing with a variety of people the higher your chances of meeting a nice single lady.
  12. She has the right to be mad when things don't go according to her plans. However, if she's already incessantly whinging on date number 2 over you having taken a longer route by accident, imagine how she could potentially behave further down the line when serious difficulties arise. As everyone else suggested, run.
  13. A knucklehead, who spoke badly about you to others and then childishly blocked & unblocked you often, is not worth thinking about. Wishing you all the best! 🙂
  14. You're a veteran? Kudos to you!! Also, awesome you're obtaining a professional certification soon! That with your IT skills and volunteering will certainly open some fabulous doors for you. Feel free to volunteer elsewhere too, which widens your network and means you've got higher chances of getting a paid job. As for the guy who hasn't paid you yet, see if he can recommend you to others. What you're currently achieving is great! You're moving forward. Keep us posted. 🙂
  15. Sure, after one date or two it wouldn't be ghosting. I consider ghosting when someone you are continuously dating suddenly disappears on you without a trace.
  16. I've noticed that the opinion of others makes you question the validity of your own very often. Yes, A, B or C (and myself included) have an opinion—so what? It's your life. You are the one living it. What A, B or C or I think is, ultimately, just a POV which you do not have to share. Pursue what you feel is best, that which moves you forward in life, and brings you joy.
  17. Were you guys officially exclusive? 'Dating' means different things for different folk. Some will multi-date or whatever until exclusivity has been reached. So you can't blame her if you guys weren't. Having said that, well—she knew the condition you established ("You're only looking for a serious relationship"), yet she ignored it anyway and kept dating you. Shows you that straightforwardness isn't her cup of tea and that her values differ vastly from yours. Let's look at all the ghosters who avoid crucial conversations by relying on their silence as an apparent sign of disinterest. Their attitude reveals a lot about them. If someone can't muster the courage to politely tell another human being that they're not interested in them—shooting a quick text isn't that hard—then, imagine having to work with them as a team when rubbish hits the fan. All in all, as Cherylyn succinctly said: You're now able to move forward and find a nice lady who has similar values.
  18. Hi TheSpoon2Big, This is a friendly community so feel free to write here any time. How did it go with that potential job in the end? Would you be interested in volunteering? It's a great way to help the community and meet other people / socialize without having to spend money. I honestly think you'd benefit from it. Plus, it's a good way to network, learn new skills, add work experience on your CV and find jobs through your newfound contacts. FYI - you're courageous for writing in so much depth about how you're feeling and what you're going through. Like you, there are others currently struggling and I hope your post encourages them to come out and share their stories with us. They are not alone. Neither are you. Be abundantly blessed! 🙂
  19. Depends. Should that time sensitive news be something that could impact your sister's life negatively then I'd exhaust all other viable options before texting her. Is there anyone in the family she connects with? Does she use e-mail? Otherwise, I'd just shoot her a text. No need to work yourself up over it, especially when she doesn't seem to care.
  20. This. Sure, for the sake of your children you want to fix this marriage. Here's the thing, she's not going to respect you if you're ready to help her whenever she messes up. She chose to cheat on you, so let her fight her own battles. Move out if you need to, find a way to co-parent and consult a lawyer asap. Once she has earned your respect back, you can assess if you want to save your marriage. Kudos for losing weight and improving your life! 🙂
  21. Have you seen her medical diagnosis? How do you know her health is very bad? I'm just wondering because someone who's already dishonest to you about hooking up with an ex could be dishonest to you about many things. Plus, the fact that you needed to look into her phone already shows how much you distrust her. You deserve to be with an honest person who respects you and who you do not feel the need to spy on. Also, a one time trip isn't sufficient to know someone. Have you met her family or friends? Does she work? Where is she from?
  22. Disclaimer: Not wanting to start a debate. The diamond industry is certainly concerning. Nonetheless, if we're going to be critical of those who buy a diamond, then what about those who purchase mobile phones? Children (!) mine some of the resources that are used in smartphone batteries, the improper work practices (sweatshops) are beyond appalling and then there's the greenwashing of electronics that are non-biodegradable. Let's be less critical of others and more critical of what brands we support. Love you all! 🙂
  23. Occam's razor: The simplest answer is often the correct one. I agree with mylolita. After reading what you wrote I feel that your friend's wife is simply not that welcoming towards you whatever the reason/s. I'd suggest you remain polite to your friend and his wife. Shows that you're a classy lady. You're also leaving the door open but have no expectations in regards to this friendship for the time being. Let the dust settle. See how things turn out later.
  24. You're right!! 😅 Hehe, maaan was my brain tired when I wrote this, lol. Yeah, I was thinking more of Green Jade, Rose Quartz... those sort of stones. They look very nice in jewellery. For example, a simple drop earring with Green Jade. Are you thinking of getting a lady something? 🙂 I think as others have pointed out, every woman has a different preferences. Big stones aren't necessary to show someone how much you care about them. To be honest, opulence isn't for me. Some stones have more resale value than others if you're thinking of long term investments. I generally don't wear rings, but if I were to get engaged I'd like a simple and elegant white gold ring. I love to wear silver items and white gold doesn't require as much polishing / cleaning.
  25. Same. I don't care for diamonds. I prefer jewellery with gemstones anyway. 🙂
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