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Everything posted by greendots

  1. The key here is to get away from all the toxic people in your life and get your life back on track. In order to do that, are you able to talk to a professional in your university about your situation (including the heavy drinking)? They should be able to tell you if there's any housing / room available for you, they might now about jobs as well -even help you apply to some if there's like a career service available where you study- and they might be able to hook you up with a free / low-cost tutor so you don't fall behind at school. Universities tend to have all sorts of services to help students. Take advantage of that. The previous posters gave you some good suggestions too. It's not too late to turn your life around. You will get through this! One step at a time 🙂. Edited to add: A chaplain at your school might be able to help you out as well. I've found them to be resourceful in the past.
  2. I'd encourage you to reflect on why you want to make things right with a man who treats you badly. A man who treats you poorly is worth zilch. Kick him to the curb. You deserve to be with someone who respects and values you.
  3. Sorry to hear that. I'd add online marital counseling / therapy to the mix, but I'm unsure if he'd be willing to participate. In any case, joining a support group will certainly help you. I hope you find something suitable soon. 🙂
  4. I'm sorry about your dad and everything else you're going through. Has your husband always been like this? How many hours does he work per week? Taking care of the kids is his responsibility too! Being a mother is an unpaid full-time job, but it's full-time. Dealing with four takes up even more responsibility. Does he appreciate the dedication and work you put into being a full-time mother who is raising four children? Would you be able to afford a nanny for two hours a week, so you get to do what Batya suggested? Or how about finding a play-date group in nearby parks? It'd be a great way to meet other mums. My friend does this. Although, I have no idea how feasible it'd be with four children. Also, how about joining an online support group?
  5. Leave her be. Whatever she does is her business. Take some time out to heal and work on yourself. Focus on your therapy.
  6. I would hug you if I could. You're not alone. Please get help immediately. For you and your daughter's sake. You'll find numbers here: https://findahelpline.com/ Feel free to keep writing here if it helps you. We care. ❤️
  7. I wish there was a "hug" or "I care" button. Thank goodness you're able to work from home! 🙂
  8. A guy that doesn't know that you're interested in him is eventually going to move on. So, a direct route, hint that you're single. If he's interested, he'll (find a way to) ask you out. Alternatively, a less direct route, talk to him when he's not working.
  9. It's easy to create stories in our head that are worse than reality. In this case, turns out she wasn't blowing you off. As you mentioned, she was just waiting for your availability. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you worked it out. 🙂
  10. As Rose mentioned, it's best not to assume anything about your friend. Besides, someone who really wants to see you won't need to be persuaded. They will jump with joy at the chance of spending some time with you. I've had 'friendships' fizzle out either unexpectedly or because we just weren't connecting anymore, friends disappear for a while due to life and then pop back out of left field, and so on. Those who genuinely care about being friends with you will find a way back into your life.
  11. Someone actually said that? What the?! {hugs}
  12. Certainly, making an effort by connecting with others through technology is a great tool to nurture long distance relationships. Nonetheless, at the end of the day, whether someone loves to gab nonstop about whatever on the phone or likes everything you post doesn't mean they are a "good friend". And those who could care less about chitchatting via text aren't necessarily "bad friends". What matters is if they are there for you when you are struggling (e.g. allowing you to crash for a day or two on their couch) and if they make time to see you. For example: I have a good friend from overseas who's a busy working mum, so we barely chitchat. But the time I traveled to where she lived, she made the time and effort hang out. Why not give your current friend some space and let her come to you when she's ready and willing? Why not make some new friends and focus on people who want to spend time with you? 🙂
  13. It honestly breaks my heart to hear this. 😕 Ordinary citizens are taking up arms to defend their nation. How can someone not care?
  14. I'd donate it as others have suggested. Surely someone will appreciate that sketchbook.
  15. Yeah, I also heard about those. Takes guts for sure. We'll see how everything unfolds in the next few days.
  16. I didn't know where to write this. The horror that is happening in the world right now. 😢
  17. An interested woman would jump at the chance to see you or provide you with an alternative. Anyhow, since you have mutual friends, why not be upfront with her as to why you're cutting her off. Obviously the honest yet polite version. Leave no room for misunderstandings should she complain to her friend again.
  18. A guy who is really really interested in you will not risk losing you.
  19. Context and intent matters. "Ugh..." VENTING - You're annoyed she did this to you again, so you express your irritation to a friend. GOSSIP - Linda the receptionist is talking about how Anna is annoying and you chime in with that sentence.
  20. I've seen plenty of females being drawn to many men who are attractive, confident and have a pleasant demeanor. Think of how fans behave when a good-looking and charming male celebrity is standing near them. They are throwing themselves at him because he's like the perfect romcom character. They idealize him. Seriously, how many of these women make an effort to actually get to know the attractive guy?
  21. Why are you assuming so much about a guy you haven't even spoken to?! Heaps of girls may be after him, that doesn't mean he gives two hoots about them. He may have flings or ONS but that doesn't mean he wouldn't pursue a relationship with the right one. Honestly, if you want to know more about him, talking to him is your best bet.
  22. Hi Natalie, Provided that you are in good terms as you mentioned, sending a modest flower arrangement is a nice gesture which surely he and his family will appreciate. As for attending the viewing, I'm not sure whether it's appropriate to go or not. It's so personal. Can anyone who knew him attend the viewing or would they prefer that only close family members were present?
  23. Joanna, you're jumping the gun. What's all this talk about what might possibly happen when you haven't even spoken to him? Also, what's with all these assumptions about why he doesn't seem to be dating any of your female peers and whatnot? Best to let go of that. A great way to get to know someone is to actually talk to them. See if he's keen on having a conversation with you. Then, take it from there. 🙂
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