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Everything posted by Jibralta

  1. This song is such a guilty pleasure. I first heard it when I was 14 or 15, on the local heavy metal station, WSOU. Somehow, this little band got Orson Welles to speak the intro. And what an intro. What a voice. It's just so epic.
  2. Perfect response! Personally, I like to be quiet and am often the quietest person in a given group of friends. Someone's got to be quiet, by god. How else will the noisy people get to speak?
  3. I think you should choose quality over quantity. Pick just one or two places, maybe three, and give yourself time to be immersed.
  4. Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of me contacting my birth mother. So much has happened in this year!
  5. I think Cherylyn makes a good point. I've experienced this too, and it sucks. To get through it, I had to diligently remind myself of what my goals were and stay focused on them. Even when people were being absolutely rotten to me, I paid attention. I watched them make mistakes that I could have helped them avoid. I put that validation in the bank for a later date. Each time I've changed jobs, I've come away stronger and wiser. I think back a lot to those times, and I try to understand the motivation of those people. I think it's as Cherylyn says: they're vying for position. But there's a good way to do that and a bad way. Working with stupidly competitive people has been a blessing in disguise. I realized that bridges burn both ways, and I have a choice, too. As I get deeper into my career, I now know which people are good to work with, and which people are useless.
  6. Maybe I missed something, but I don't recall anyone telling you that he would apologize and promise never to do it again. I think just about everyone advised you to kick him to the curb.
  7. I don't have a problem with face tattoos either way. But if it's an American (or a member of another culture that doesn't typically wear face tattoos), I would be mildly curious about what compelled them to do that. Although... if the face tattoo makes them look more beautiful, I'd probably have my answer. I'd probably also be impressed with their taste.
  8. I'm just saying, don't ask him for an explanation--you already know what's going on. Expressing yourself is a whole different thing--go ahead and express yourself! You can do that without his explanation. As for the girl--let it go. Yes, it's a low-class move on her part. But he's the one who's supposed to be loyal. She's no one to you. Don't make her into someone.
  9. It seems like there is an increase of AI posts on this forum lately. They are so bland.
  10. I'm not in this girl's head, and I don't know the reason she ghosted. But I'd like to point out that you wanted open and clear communication, as well. You didn't like it when she ghosted you rather than tell you she was done. So, perhaps you can relate to her feeling the same way about you, after you unpaused your profile and expected her to ask you about it instead of just telling her.
  11. You should ask you teacher how to handle it. Something like this will certainly come up again in the future. Maybe not a homeless person, per se, but you are sure to experience many different levels and standards of personal hygiene as a massage therapist.
  12. I vote for you to break up. There's really no need to ask--it's plain to see what's going on. There's no value in playing the fool here.
  13. It seems like you both volley vindictiveness and spitefulness back and forth. You with the comments, him with the stonewalling. You each do it because you're hurt. That doesn't make it ok. You just end up hurting each other more. And then you don't listen to each other. You're each arguing about a different thing. It's like you live on separate islands.
  14. I had an abscess about 8 years ago. It was treated with antibiotics only (amoxicillin) and it never came back. I think you will be ok. If the pain comes back, talk to the doctor. Don't invite unnecessary surgery on yourself.
  15. It's good that you recognize this. Yes, you are right--your judgment is clouded by your wish to avoid pain. It's a very natural response, but you should resist it and take appropriate action. The pain is intense now, but it will fade to nothing in time. If you don't take action, the pain may not feel as intense but it will never end. Plus, your kids will start to become aware of what your husband is doing--I know this from my own childhood experience.
  16. He may be dying to know what it is, but that doesn't mean he will appreciate or respect what you have to say.
  17. I understand that the matches are few and far between, but every time you jump at the chance to date an unemployed couch potato you forgo your chance of meeting an active woman with a job. Say "no." Don't just settle on these people because they're a match.
  18. That is very interesting. You guys are talking past each other, not even arguing about the same thing.
  19. I never knew her full name! I just saw the last name scrawled.... now I have someone to google! Thank god I don't know what this is! Sounds exactly like thought policing. Ugh.
  20. She knows that she misinterpreted your comment, yet she is still holding it over your head. Seems a bit petty and manipulative to me. You should weigh these traits against the things that you like about her. Don't discount them just because you fancy her.
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